People gathered at the slipway at Glenelg has been repaired allowing the last sea-going, manually operated, turntable ferry in the world to continue to operate.

Routes to ownership

Your guide to having a greater say in local assets.

We have the experience and knowledge you need 

Greater community management and ownership of land and assets is central focus of Scotland's community empowerment and land reform agenda. As an organisation, we're recognised as experts in helping communities develop land and assets. Within the public sector, we're your first port of call if you need help developing community projects.

There are various ways for communities to get involved with asset ownership. In partnership with the Community Ownership Support Service (COSS) and the Scottish Government, we've created route maps to guide you through your community ownership journey.

You can also find out about the Community Empowerment Act (Scotland) 2015 and the Land Reform (Scotland) Acts of 2003 and 2016. These make it easier for communities to have more say and to take ownership of assets. 

As well as the expertise we can share, we are also working in partnership with the National Lottery Community Fund to deliver the Scottish Land Fund.

People's hands holding a tree


The Community Empowerment (Scotland) Act 2015 helps to empower community bodies through the ownership or control of land and buildings, and by strengthening community voices in decisions about public services.

Community Empowerment Act

Shieldaig Village


Have a look at our map showing community owned land throughout the Highlands and Islands going back to 1908.

Community owned land map


We've assisted multiple communities to purchase and manage assets. Have a look at our map to see who has benefited from working with us.

Assisted community owned assets map


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