
Scottish Land Fund

The Scottish Land Fund supports community land ownership in rural and urban Scotland.

What is it?

The Scottish Land Fund is a programme which supports community organisations across Scotland to own land, buildings and other assets.

Delivered in partnership between HIE and the National Lottery Community Fund, we have a team of advisers to help you develop your project.

The Fund will support projects that involve land and property ownership, that are community-led, community controlled and will deliver socio-economic impacts.

Voluntary or community organisations and public sector organisations across Scotland are eligible to apply for funding from £5,000 to £1m.

Who's it for? 

The Scottish Land Fund is open to organisations in both urban and rural Scotland which are community-led, community-controlled and defined by a geographic area.  Applicants must be non-profit distributing.

What does it cost? 

There is no cost to apply.

How do I apply? 

You can contact the National Lottery Community Fund Scotland to discuss your idea by emailing advicescotland@tnlcommunityfund.org.uk or call them on 0300 123 7110.

If your project is eligible you will be assigned a Scottish Land Fund Adviser from Highlands and Islands Enterprise, who will help you develop your idea and get ready to submit your application.

You can also visit the website to find out more.

National Lottery Community Fund website

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