Food and drink TechHUB

What is it?

HIE’s Food and Drink TechHUB supports food and drink producers and supply chain businesses in the Highland Council area to increase their productivity and reduce carbon emissions.

The programme enables businesses to access tailored support and funding to become more productive, competitive and greener.

How we can help

The programme of support offered through the TechHUB includes access to expert advice, funding, events and networking opportunities. Packages of support can be tailored to your business needs.

Eligibility criteria apply, please see our individual pages for more information below. 

Food and drink TechHUB support

Check out all the complementary support offerings available from the Food and drink TechHUB

Food and Drink TechHUB capital grant

Our TechHUB Capital grant supports food and drink producers, and those in the supply chain, based in the Highland Council area introduce new technology and data innovation to the workplace.

Food and Drink TechHUB training grant

The Food and Drink TechHUB training grant offers organisations up to £3,000 towards upskilling your workforce in the use of new technologies and data driven innovation.

Food and Drink TechHUB network

The Food and Drink TechHUB network supports organisations develop new products and markets, improve productivity and create efficiencies within the business.

Food and Drink TechHUB technology advice

The Food and Drink TechHUB offers specialist advice to food and drink organisations who are looking to implement new technology to improve their productivity and/or reduce their carbon emissions.

Upcoming events

Find out about Food and Drink TechHUB events coming up.

Webinars and podcasts

Catch up on all the latest TechHUB news, events, webinars and podcasts.


Business Bytes podcast series

Food & Drink Business Bytes, our podcast series, brings you everything you need to know about upcoming events, resources, and any funding and support available to food & drink businesses in the Highlands.

Food and Drink Business Bytes
Techhub Banner

Workshops and webinars

Don't worry if you missed our recent workshop and webinar, you can watch them back here. Recent episodes include a focus on packaging and investment and crowdfunding. 

Workshops and webinars

About the Northern Innovation Hub

The Food and Drink TechHUB (formally the Highland Food and Drink Innovation Network) is delivered through the Northern Innovation Hub, a funding programme designed to build on and accelerate business innovation.

The Northern Innovation Hub was awarded £11m from the UK Government as part of the Inverness and Highland City-Region Deal. The deal is a joint initiative supported by £315m investment from the UK and Scottish governments, Highland Council, HIE and the University of the Highlands and Islands. This programme also receives financial support through the European Regional Development Fund Scotland Programme.

Explore all business support delivered through the Northern Innovation Hub.


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