
What is it?

Our Innovation Argyll and Bute fund offers businesses and social enterprises grants of up to £10,000 towards innovation and R&D projects.  

The fund will prioritise projects that contribute towards productivity and lowering carbon emissions e.g. production of low carbon goods, developing environmental services and climate resilience.  


Funding can be allocated towards, for example: 

  • prototype development 
  • research and development costs e.g. with suppliers and/or customer base 
  • compliance testing 
  • equipment and material costs
  • consultancy and specialists e.g. technical experts 
  • costs relating to intellectual property matters 
  • development of your business model 
  • collaboration costs
  • legal or other fees associates with contracts to protect and exploit IP, Know-How etc.  

Businesses and social enterprises can apply for 100% grants of up to £5,000 or 50% grants of up to £10,000. This is for activity such as productivity improvements, prototype research and development, compliance testing, equipment and material costs, consultants and specialists, and costs relating to intellectual property matters. 


Applicants can apply for 100% funding towards projects up to £5,000.  

Applicants can apply for 50% of costs for projects up to £10,000.  


  • Small or medium sized enterprises (as defined in Companies Act 2006 section 382 and Companies Act 2006 section 465) and social enterprises are eligible to apply.  
  • Applicants must be based in the Argyll and Bute area.  
  • Applicants must comply with HIE’s fair work conditionality for grant support. For more information, please visit our Fair Work web page. If you want to speak to someone about the fair work requirement or need more information, please email enquiries@hient.co.uk


  • Large enterprises according to the Companies Act 2006, as defined above, are not eligible to apply.  
  • Businesses or social enterprises located out with the Argyll and Bute area are not eligible to apply.  


Please complete our online enquiry form for further information. 

All allocated funding must be fully spent by March 2025.


  • All HIE grant assistance is discretionary.  
  • Grant awards are subject to due diligence and budget availability. Due diligence includes: making an assessment on the need for public funding; the viability of the business going forward; the ability of the applicant to deliver the project; the impact of the development on the economy, and the strength of the business case presented to HIE.  
  • Making an application to the fund does not guarantee that your application will be successful. If you are not successful in your application or you are only partially successful e.g. you receive funding of a lesser amount than you applied for, we will arrange a call with you to let you know why you have been unsuccessful and point you in the direction of other possible sources of funding.  
  • There is no appeals process. We are unable to consider a complaint purely relating to dissatisfaction as to the outcome of a funding decision. However, if you have identified a specific process failure relating to your application, then you may wish to make a formal complaint. See our formal complaints process for more information.  

UK Shared Prosperity Fund

This project is funded by the UK government through the UK Shared Prosperity Fund.

The UK Shared Prosperity Fund is a central pillar of the UK government’s Levelling Up agenda and provides £2.6 billion of funding for local investment by March 2025. The Fund aims to improve pride in place and increase life chances across the UK investing in communities and place, supporting local business, and people and skills.

The UK Shared Prosperity Fund


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We support businesses, communities and social enterprises through a range of support services, including advice, funding, events and property. Find out how we can help you.

Community Assets Knowledge Exchange

Grants of up to £2,000 are available through the Community Assets Knowledge Exchange programme to support training and learning experiences related to owning land or buildings.


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