HIE support

Digital tourism support programme

What is it?

Integrating ready-made digital tools into your tourism business can unlock new markets, improve your services, and open doors to advanced business models, all while connecting you to the wider digital tourism ecosystem.

By adopting existing digital solutions, your organisation can become more efficient and productive, giving you the freedom to focus on big-picture strategies. 

Despite the clear benefits, many tourism SMEs are falling behind in their digital transformation, with many organisations unsure of where to start or how to fully leverage digital technology. 

That’s why the Northern Innovation Hub is offering tourism SMEs up to three days of free, personalised, one-to-one digital advice from industry experts across a range of disciplines to guide you in selecting and implementing digital solutions designed to support your organisation’s growth. 

At the end of the programme, you’ll receive a detailed and fully-costed bespoke Technology Adoption Plan. Once your plan is complete you may be eligible to apply for a grant towards the costs of implementing the digital tools recommended in this.

Your Technology Adoption Plan will help with a range of digital areas, such as:

  • Streamlining business processes, such as finances or hotel pricing/demand analysis.
  • Applications of AI (Artificial Intelligence) in customer service, e.g. through WhatsApp or chatbots.
  • Robotics and automation, e.g. cleaning, concierge services, and baggage handling.
  • Mobile technology, front and back-office systems, cloud computing and more.

Am I eligible?

This programme is designed to help tourism SMEs take their next step towards advanced digitalisation, for immediate impact and sustainable growth.

To apply, your organisation should be:

  • Based in the Highland Council area
  • Operating in the tourism sector
  • An SME (as defined in Companies Act 2006 section 382 and Companies Act 2006 section 465) or social enterprise

Please note that this service is aimed at supporting advanced levels of digitalisation and does not provide support in areas such as marketing, website development or social media. Organisations must already have:

  • a good working knowledge of basic digital tools and platforms;
  • active social media profiles with an ongoing social media strategy;
  • use of booking platforms; and/or
  • software to manage customer interactions with some level of automation.

How much does it cost?

This is a free service with advice delivered virtually by phone or video call. 

The key outcome of support is a tailored Technology Adoption Plan which will form the basis of any grant applications. Grants will cover up to 50% of the cost of implementing the digital tools recommended within this. 

Assistance is subject to UK Subsidy conditions.

How do I find out more and apply?

To make an enquiry about this service, please complete the short enquiry form and one of our team will get back to you.



Any organisation applying for grant funding from HIE must comply with our fair work conditions for financial support. This includes: 

  • Paying all employees, aged 16 years and above (including apprentices), the Real Living Wage (currently £12.60* per hour) as a minimum.
    If you cannot meet this criterion, please contact us before you apply for funding, email enquiries@hient.co.uk
  • Having a flexible working policy.
  • The ability to demonstrate how you support workforce development and foster employee engagement.

* The Real Living Wage increased from £12 per hour to £12.60 per hour on 23 October 2024. Employers have 6 months, until 01 May 2025, to implement the increase.

If you would like to speak to someone about our fair work requirement for funding or need more information, please email enquiries@hient.co.uk.


About the Northern Innovation Hub

This programme is delivered through the Northern Innovation Hub, a funding programme designed to build on and accelerate business innovation.

The Northern Innovation Hub was awarded £11m from the UK Government as part of the Inverness and Highland City-Region Deal. The deal is a joint initiative supported by £315m investment from the UK and Scottish governments, Highland Council, HIE and the University of the Highlands and Islands. This programme also receives financial support through the European Regional Development Fund Scotland Programme.

Explore all business support delivered through the Northern Innovation Hub.

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