

The Highlands and Islands have the potential to be a world-class cycling destination. With cycling tourism valued at an estimated £37bn to the European economy, there is a significant opportunity for the region to benefit from this growing market.

Investments in cycling infrastructure and new cycling initiatives are being made across the Highlands and Islands. By capitalising on this opportunity, businesses and communities can tap into the growing demand for cycling experiences from both domestic and international visitors. This not only benefits the economy, but also promotes active and sustainable tourism, contributing to the overall wellbeing of communities across the region.

What is it?

The Cycling Tourism Facilities Fund is a great opportunity for tourism businesses, communities, and social enterprises in the Highlands and Islands Enterprise region to apply for funding of up to £25,000 to develop and enhance the cycling tourism facilities in your area. Quality cycling facilities can attract cycling visitors who are looking to enjoy the scenic landscapes and unique offerings of the region by using sustainable active travel.

What can the funding be used for?

The funding can be used towards capital projects investing in fixtures, fittings, construction, adaptation or upgrades to improve cycling tourism facilities.

Examples of eligible projects include: 

  • new secure covered cycle storage 
  • new open cycle parking, sheltered cycle parking  
  • enhancement to existing cycle parking/storage to increase capacity and/or security 
  • lockers and storage
  • drying facilities
  • bike maintenance equipment e.g. repair stations.

This list is not exhaustive; all grant assistance from HIE is discretionary.

Funding will be prioritised for projects that demonstrate market growth potential and alignment with national and regional cycling strategies and plans and/or existing/planned cycle routes. 

Please note: this fund covers capital investment projects only. Facilities being developed with support from this fund must be for, and to benefit, visitors.   

What can the funding NOT be used for?

The funding cannot be used to:

  • support projects that are already underway at the time of enquiry
  • purchase bike maintenance consumables (e.g. spare parts, oil, tubes)
  • cover ongoing maintenance and running costs of existing facilities
  • create overnight accommodation facilities 
  • support cycle path development and associated infrastructure 
  • purchase bikes, including e-Bikes 

How much can I apply for?

The minimum grant is £5,000 up to a maximum of £25,000 which will cover up to 50% of total eligible project costs. The amount awarded will be dependent on factors such as the size or your organisation, where you are based, and the project being proposed. 

Who is eligible to apply?

  • Enterprises (businesses, social enterprises and community organisations) that can demonstrate that they operate in the tourism market and are based in the Highlands and Islands are eligible for this fund.
  • Enterprises will normally have been trading for six months or more.
  • Applicants must comply with HIE’s fair work conditionality for grant support. For more information, please visit our Fair Work web page. If you want to speak to someone about the fair work requirement or need more information, please email enquiries@hient.co.uk 

Duration, time and commitment​​​​​​​

The application process has 2 stages: 

  • Stage 1 is completing the online enquiry form (available on this page). 
  • If your application meets the basic criteria once reviewed, you'll be allocated a development manager who will advise you on what you need to provide to make a stage 2 application. 

If your application is unsuccessful, we will explain why and will highlight other support options where possible.

How do I apply?

Please complete the enquiry form to enquire about the Cycling Tourism Facilities Fund. 

The grant will be open until 31 August 2025 or until budget is fully committed, whichever is earlier. 

The small print – this is important

  • All HIE grant assistance is discretionary. 
  • Grant awards are subject to due diligence and budget availability. Due diligence includes: making an assessment on the need for public funding; the viability of the business going forward; the ability of the applicant to deliver the project; the impact of the development on the economy, and the strength of the business case presented to HIE. 
  • Making an application to the fund does not guarantee that your application will be successful. If you are not successful in your application or you are only partially successful e.g. you receive funding of a lesser amount than you applied for, we will arrange a call with you to let you know why you have been unsuccessful and point you in the direction of other possible sources of funding. 
  • There is no appeals process. We are unable to consider a complaint purely relating to dissatisfaction as to the outcome of a funding decision. However, if you have identified a specific process failure relating to your application, then you may wish to make a formal complaint. See our formal complaints process for more information. 

Need to speak to us?

If you would like to talk to someone about your enquiry, please email enquiries@hient.co.uk and we will get back to you. 


Cycling tourism opportunities and cycling facilities

Find out more about cycling tourism opportunities and cycling facilities development support. 


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