HIE support

Find out how we can help you

Find the support you need

We support businesses, communities and social enterprises of all sizes and within all sectors across the Highlands and Islands.

Browse all support services

We support businesses, communities and social enterprises through a range of support services, including advice, funding, events and property. Find out how we can help you.

Net zero

We have a range of support available to help business, social enterprises and communities in the Highlands and Islands transition to net zero.

Fair work

Get support to become a fair work employer.

Developing products and services

It's important to continually develop your products and services to keep up with changing markets and customer demand. Find out how we can help.

Community development

Our support for communities is flexible. Find out how we can help including funding, asset and land development, specialist advice and more.

Who we work with and how

Find out more about who we work with and how. If you can't find what you're looking for, please get in touch to see how we can help.

How we work

We work with businesses and communities of all sizes to help them develop and grow.

Knowledge Library

Browse our knowledge library to see our latest case studies and playback training webinars and podcasts.

About us

We're the community and economic development agency for the Highlands and Islands of Scotland. Find out what we do, how we work and how we can help you.


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