Baselining Inventory for Greenhouse Gas Emissions in the Highlands and Islands

In 2023, HIE commissioned research to establish a greenhouse gas (GHG) inventory for the Highlands and Islands, providing a baseline on which progress against climate change targets can be measured.


In 2023, HIE commissioned research to establish a greenhouse gas (GHG) inventory for the Highlands and Islands, providing a baseline on which progress against climate change targets can be measured. The study also assessed regional capacity in terms of renewable energy opportunities and explored carbon sequestration potential. It was undertaken by ekosgen, in partnership with Practically Green and Reference Economics.

The research provides greater visibility of how GHG emissions arise across the Highlands and Islands, and where targeted intervention may be required to accelerate transition to net zero. The findings will inform mitigation and adaptation policies and support the development of both regional and more localised implementation plans for addressing the climate emergency and ensuring a just transition to net zero. This is core to HIE’s Strategy 2023-2028 and also underpins the draft Regional Economic Strategy for the Highlands and Islands Regional Economic Partnership (HIREP).

The executive summary and full report are available to download below.


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