The Blue Economy in the Highlands and Islands

Developing a strategic understanding of the blue economy for the Highlands and Islands and Scotland.

Seaweed with three small pots of pharmaceuticals


The Blue Economy, and sectors within it, make an important contribution to the economic and social health of the Highlands and Islands. HIE recognises the strengths of these sectors and the opportunities for sustainable inclusive growth for the region, but also its strategic contribution to Scotland as a whole.

HIE commissioned ekosgen to undertake a study to develop its strategic understanding of the blue economy and its constituent sub-sectors. Based on this, the work focused on identifying the opportunities for growth and development that has the potential to be transformative for the Highlands and Islands and Scotland, the priorities within this, and the role that HIE might play in catalysing and supporting this growth.

The research will inform the development of a Regional Delivery Plan for the Blue Economy to help target resource where it can have the greatest impact.

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