Carbon sequestration Argyll and Bute research
Indepth research on the opportunities from carbon sequestration for community wealth buildng.
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We commissioned ekosgen to undertake a short and focused analysis of available data and information to assess the impact of the steep rise in fuel and energy costs on businesses in the Highlands and Islands that are being driven by a number of macro-economic and geopolitical factors. It is based on available data at the time of writing.
This research focuses on energy use by enterprises in the Highland and Islands rather than domestic consumption, private transport costs, and fuel poverty.
Discover more reports
Indepth research on the opportunities from carbon sequestration for community wealth buildng.
Read the results of our Ipsos MORI survey of 3,000 households across the region and find out what's important to local people in our communities.
Our 2022 business panel survey, presenting findings from the HIE Business Panel,
W-Power was a North Periphery and Arctic programme which aimed for equal growth and increase in the contribution of women to the regional economy.