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Digital Economy Business Survey 2021

In 2021, the Scottish Government, in partnership with HIE, Scottish Enterprise (SE), South of Scotland Enterprise (SOSE) and Skills Development Scotland (SDS), commissioned the Digital Economy Business Survey (DEBS). This aimed to build upon the findings of surveys undertaken in 2014 and 2017, to provide an understanding of the level of digitisation of Scotland’s businesses, allowing for benchmarking and progress to be measured over time.

The survey offers insight into the areas where businesses may require extra support to improve their adoption and exploitation of digital technology, exploring themes such as adoption and use of digital technologies and how they support productivity and innovation, internationalisation and e-commerce, cyber resilience and digital skills.

Fieldwork was conducted between 22 February and 23 April 2021. A total of 3,346 businesses in Scotland participated in the survey, including 1,150 located within the Highlands and Islands.

HIE undertook analysis of the DEBS findings for businesses located in the Highlands and Islands region. The full report and summary findings can be downloaded below. Links to the Scotland wide report and findings for businesses in SOSE region are also available below.

Digital Economy Business Survey 2021 – Highlands and Islands – Full report
Digital Economy Business Survey 2021 – Highlands and Islands – Summary Findings
Digital Economy Business Survey 2021 – Scotland wide report
Digital Economy Business Survey 2021 – SOSE Publication

Previous reports: Digital Economy Business Survey 2017

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