
A Minimum Income Standard for Remote Rural Scotland 2016

The Minimum Income Standard for Remote Rural Scotland report calculates how much it costs for people to live at a minimum acceptable standard in remote rural Scotland. It builds on research elsewhere in the UK on the Minimum Income Standard (MIS), which is based on the minimum budgets required by various types of household.

The research considered living costs in remote rural Scotland in the context of the fragility and sustainability of local communities, and the desirability of pensioners, working-age adults and families with children, on a range of incomes, to be able to live satisfactory lives there. The study investigated what people in these communities consider to be an acceptable living standard, in terms of meeting material needs as well as being able to participate in society.

The 2016 policy update report shows the gap between rural and urban areas has reduced slightly, from between 10% and 40%, since the previous report in 2013.

The 2013 reports are available here for reference.

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