
Skye Air Services Study 2016

In September 2015, Highlands and Islands Enterprise (HIE) commissioned ekosgen, with Reference Economic Consultants, to assess the potential economic, social and community benefits of re introducing the air service between Glasgow and Ashaig (Broadford) in Skye.

Workshop presentation - January 2016

The presentation summarises what is one of a number of reports informing the case for investment in the air service.

Full report - published March 2016

This report presents the findings from the Highlands and Islands Enterprise (HIE) commissioned study into the economic and social benefits of proposed air services at Skye Airport.

The review was undertaken between September 2015 and January 2016, and has drawn on the views of 179 businesses and organisations in response to an online survey, alongside 20 detailed business interviews and 15 consultations with stakeholders and
community groups. Case studies comparators have also been reviewed.

The review builds on the 2013 Skye Air Services Feasibility Study1 which assessed the demand and economic benefits of re-introducing an air service, and concluded that doing so would benefit the island and adjacent region. It also recommended further work was
undertaken to more fully inform the business case for a service and to enable investment decisions to be made.

This review is part of this ‘further work’, alongside other reports relating to technical aspects and infrastructure and facility requirements. It focuses on identifying the benefits to businesses and the wider community that an air service could bring, beyond the standard journey time savings and tourism indicators quantified in the 2013 study. The air service last operated between 1972 and 1988.

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