
HIE Business Panel report - December 2016 

The Highlands and Islands Enterprise (HIE) Business Panel was established in 2008 to measure and monitor the economic health of the region through the experiences and opinions of businesses and social enterprises, and to explore topical issues at a regional, sub-regional or sectoral level.

Following two waves of panel surveys in 2014 and 2015, HIE commissioned Ipsos MORI to carry out a further five, quarterly business panel surveys with 1,000 businesses and social enterprises, representative of the Highlands and Islands business base in terms of geographic area, organisation size and sector.

This report, published in December 2016, presents findings from the most recent wave of the survey (the second in the series of five and fourth overall) carried out in October and November 2016. The survey covered topics of general interest to businesses in the region, including economic optimism and business performance, prospects and risks. It also included questions on experiences of recruiting staff in the past 12 months and the potential impacts on recruitment of the UK vote to leave the European Union (EU).

You can view a summary and the full report of our findings below. 

See the latest business panel findings, or sign up here

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