
Entrepreneurship Support Programme 2013-16 evaluation

The Entrepreneurship Support Programme (ESP) is a flagship, high profile programme of entrepreneurial support delivered by Highlands and Islands Enterprise (HIE) and Scottish Enterprise (SE). It is designed to support high growth Scottish companies and those with growth potential, and to stimulate the development of a culture of entrepreneurship in Scotland, in order to realise significant and accelerated growth in global markets.

The objective of the Programme is to create more high-impact entrepreneurs, by supporting existing entrepreneurs, helping to create new entrepreneurial businesses, and transforming the entrepreneurial ability of existing businesses.

The current ESP programme for 2013-16 provides pan-Scotland support, and draws on HIE’s strategic relationship with the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT).

ekosgen was commissioned to evaluate the ESP 2013-16 in October 2015. The summary and full report presents the findings, focussing on the benefits and economic impacts achieved to date and those forecast for the future.

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