Aqua Nor 2023 post-event report
Scottish pavilion at Aqua Nor 2023 hailed a resounding success. Find out more in the post-event report.
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As a young industry growing rapidly in many countries around the world, technological innovation in aquaculture is commonplace.
Recirculation Aquaculture Systems (RAS) have been in use in the northern hemisphere for many years in the freshwater rearing phase of Atlantic salmon farming during which time the scale, level of water reuse, complexity and the overall number of such installations have all increased. In contrast, the development of RAS operations producing table ready fish in freshwater or sea water has been minimal with a number of developments proving to be financially unsustainable. To our knowledge, commercially viable RAS production of Atlantic salmon for the table has yet to be clearly demonstrated.
In the midst of a phase of widespread profitability among salmon farming operators, renewed interest in RAS production of Atlantic salmon is clearly evident but there is a dearth of accessible independently collated information on the technologies employed in RAS and the prospects of their commercial viability. HIE therefore commissioned an independent expert review of RAS technologies with particular focus on the commercial prospects for these systems and the implications for the HIE area of commercially viable RAS technologies.
Download the report below.
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Discover more reports
Scottish pavilion at Aqua Nor 2023 hailed a resounding success. Find out more in the post-event report.
Developing a strategic understanding of the blue economy for the Highlands and Islands and Scotland.
Indepth research on the opportunities from carbon sequestration for community wealth buildng.
In little more than 40 years, salmon farming has developed from pioneering research in the West highlands into Scotland’s most valuable food export.
Skills Review for the Aquaculture Sector in Scotland
Wild seaweed harvesting can potentially present a unique opportunity for fishermen to diversity.
In December 2014, ekosgen was commissioned by Highlands and Islands Enterprise to undertake the first stage of a baselining study for the Sustainable tourism and Food and drink sectors.
This review was commissioned to assess: the effects on companies of locating within Scotland’s Enterprise Areas (EAs); the benefits to agency stakeholders of having designated EAs to promote to businesses; and the impact of EA incentives in influencing company investment decisions.
Reliable and up to date information about Shetland’s pelagic and whitefish processing sector and to inform and guide the agency's thinking, should any suitable projects come forward in future.
The unemployment digests provide the most up-to-date information on unemployment in the Highlands and Islands area.