Lewis and Harris - the current picture
Sixty-four cruise ships called at Stornoway Port in 2022, carrying a total of c.22,000 passengers. Restrictions on ship size at the port, pre the completion of the Deep Water Terminal, mean that most of these existing arrivals are smaller ‘expedition’ type cruise ships.
Due to the size limitations on the current piers larger vessels berth outside of the harbour and tender their passengers ashore, reducing the number of willing/ able passengers coming ashore. Despite the restrictions on berthing options larger vessels are showing an increasing interest calling into Stornoway, in 2022 three ships with c.2000 passengers called into Stornoway.
Future developments
A £49 million development at Stornoway Port, scheduled to be operational by 2024, will see the port expand into and establish Stornoway as the only port in the north-west of Scotland where large ships can get alongside.
The new facilities will provide a berth for vessels up to 360m, with a water depth of up to 10.5 metres, revolutionising the port’s capacities and opening the door to the majority of the world’s cruise ship fleet.
The business opportunity
In welcoming a potentially large number of cruise ships, passengers and crew from 2024, we have a superb opportunity to showcase Lewis and Harris attractions to high earning, high spending visitors from across the world.
The rewards are potentially huge, but we need to be prepared. Our challenge will be to collectively and individually deliver a world-class cruise port with the distinctive and exceptional range of shore excursions and services required by today’s highly competitive cruise market.