Cruise Ship In Stornoway Reduced

Stornoway event to highlight cruise market opportunities

Published: 25/02/2025

Businesses in Lewis and Harris are invited to a free event next week to explore new opportunities arising from the growing cruise tourism market.

Cruise ship in Stornoway. Credit Sandiphotos/SPA

Highlands and Islands Enterprise (HIE) has teamed up with Comhairle nan Eilean Siar, Stornoway Port Authority (SPA) and Outer Hebrides Tourism to host the ‘Cruise market insights and networking’ event at Lews Castle in Stornoway. 
The event will take place from 3-5pm on Thursday 6 March.   
This event builds on a similar one held last year, which was attended by businesses and organisations in anticipation of the first cruise ship berthing at the new deep-water quay in Stornoway. The port is the only one in the northwest of Scotland where large ships can berth alongside the quay. 
Now, a year later, this event offers businesses the chance to review the successes and first-hand experiences from the past year and to learn about he plans for the next 12-24 months aimed at maximising benefits for everyone.  
With 60,000 visitors expected to visit Stornoway in the coming season, attendees will have the chance to hear about business opportunities and network with others who can help their business thrive.  
Donald Murray, senior development manager at HIE, said: “The introduction of the deep-water berth has been a game-changer for our region, especially in its inaugural year of accommodating cruise ships. This development has enhanced the capacity to welcome larger vessels and boost local tourism, having a positive impact on local businesses as well as increased visibility of our islands to international visitors. With a busy season ahead, we want businesses and community enterprises in Lewis and Harris to make the most of commercial opportunities that are available.” 
To reserve a spot at the event, please visit Cruise market insights and networking event Tickets, Thu 6 Mar 2025 at 15:00 | Eventbrite 

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