Chaidh Maoin Dùbhlain Dhidseatach Gàidhlig stèidheachadh le iomairt na Gàidhealtachd ’s nan Eilean (HIE) gus dòighean cruthachail a leasachadh a bheir fìor seanchas na Gàidhlig beò air àrd-ùrlaran didseatach.
Tha an iomairt seo ag amas brosnachadh chruthaichearan susbaint fo aois 35, le seòladh sa Ghàidhealtachd ’s na h-eileanan, rannsachadh dòighean ùra dhaibhsan innealan didseatach luchd-èisteachd leudachadh, com-pàirteachasan coimearsalta fhàs agus cothroman ùra a chruthachadh airson dualchas saidhbhir na Gàidhlig a chomharrachadh.
Bidh tagraidhean fosgailte bho 18 Gearran agus dùinidh iad air 10 Màrt, ge-tà, faodaidh daoine an ùidh a chlàradh an dràsta aig Maoin Dùbhlain Dhidseatach Gàidhlig | HIE.
Tha a’ mhaoin dùbhlain cuideachd ag amas air an t-iarratas airson susbaint Ghàidhlig a tha a’ sìor-fhàs a choileanadh, ga lìbhrigeadh ann an dòighean a tha a’ co-thaobhadh leis a’ chruth-tìre dhidseatach a tha a’ fàs mean air mhean agus le dòchasan luchd-cleachdaidh ùr aig ìre roinneil, nàiseanta agus eadar-nàiseanta.
Thuirt Iain Hamilton, ceannard nan gnìomhachasan cruthachail aig HIE: “Tha a’ mhaoin a’ fosgladh cothroman iongantach dha luchd-labhairt òga na Gàidhlig an dualchas cultarach beairteach aca a thoirt beò ann an dòighean ùr-ghnàthaichte. Tha a’ mhaoin seo a’ tabhann nan goireasan agus an taic airson an lèirsinn a chur air bhog.
“Le bhith a’ cleachdadh àrd-ùrlaran didseatach, is urrainn dhuinn luchd-èisteachd ùr a ruighinn agus dèanamh cinnteach gun lean aithris sgeulachdan na Gàidhlig a’ soirbheachadh ann an saoghail an latha an diugh. Chan e a-mhàin gu bheil an iomairt seo a’ toirt taic do bheachdan cruthachail ach tha e cuideachd a’ brosnachadh chom-pàirteachasan malairteach agus slighean ùra airson seanchais a thoirt seachad air feadh na cruinne.
“Tron an dòigh seo, faodaidh luchd-cruthachaidh òga susbaint na Gàidhlig dearbhadh an susbaint chultarail aca a chumail aig an aon àm sa tha conaltradh leis an luchd-èisteachd. Tha àite deatamach aig luchd-cruthachaidh òga ann a bhith a’ gleidheadh ar dualchas cultarach agus bheir iad beatha ùr a-steach nar traidiseanan, a’ dèanamh cinnteach gum bi iad a’ freagairt air na ginealaichean san t-àm ri teachd.”
Thuirt an Leas-Phrìomh Mhinistear agus Rùnaire na Gàidhlig Ceit Fhoirbeis:
“Tha sinn ag obair le Iomairt na Gàidhealtachd agus nan Eilean gus na sgilean is tàlantan aig luchd-cruthachaidh Gàidhlig òga a bhrosnachadh.
“Leis an iomairt ùr seo bidh e comasach do luchd-labhairt na Gàidhlig luchd-amhairc ùr a ruighinn, a’ cur taic ri fàs a’ chànain is a’ glacadh ùidh eadar-nàiseanta.
“Gus a bhith a’ fàs a’ chànain, tha sinn air £5.7m a bharrachd a thoirt don Ghàidhlig anns an dreachd Bhuidseit airson 2025-26. Tha sinn cuideachd a’ toirt air adhart Bile nan Cànan Albannach gus foghlam Gàidhlig a neartachadh.”
Tha am prògram a’ gabhail a-steach sreath ghoirid de sheiseanan oideachaidh air-loidhne gus taic a thoirt do thagraichean le am beachdan a ghleusadh agus comas nan àrd-ùrlaran didseatach a rannsachadh.
Dimàirt 18 Gearran: Mastering Digital Storytelling and Audience Engagement with Tricia O’Malley
Diardaoin 27 Gearran: Creating Visually Compelling Documentaries and Managing Commercial Partnerships
Bidh na seiseanan oideachaidh air-loidhne ann am Beurla agus fosgailte don h-uile duine. Tha com-pàirt sna seiseanan ga h-àrd-mholadh dhan a h-uile duine a tha a’ tagradh, no a’ planadh air tagradh, oir bidh iad cuideachd a’ tabhann stiùireadh cudromach agus co-theacsa mu thimcheall nan amasan don mhaoin.
Gaelic Digital Challenge Fund – exciting opportunity for storytellers
Young Gaelic speakers with a passion for digital storytelling are invited to register their interest for the chance of receiving one of five grants of £5,000, designed to bring their innovative ideas to life.
The Gaelic Digital Challenge Fund is being launched by Highlands and Islands Enterprise (HIE) to develop creative approaches that bring authentic Gaelic stories to life on digital platforms.
It aims to encourage Gaelic speaking content creators under the age of 35, with a Highlands and Islands address, to explore how digital tools can amplify audience engagement, promote commercial partnership and create fresh opportunities to share and celebrate rich Gaelic heritage.
Applications open on 18 February and close on 10 March, however, people interested are urged to register their interest now at Gaelic Digital Challenge Fund | HIE.
The challenge fund also aims to meet the growing demand for Gaelic content, delivering it in ways that align with the evolving digital landscape and new consumer expectations at regional, national and international levels.
Iain Hamilton, head of creative industries at HIE, said: “The Gaelic Digital Challenge Fund opens incredible opportunities for young Gaelic speakers to bring their rich cultural heritage to life in innovative ways. It offers the resources and support to bring a vision to life.
“By using digital platforms, we can reach new audiences and ensure that Gaelic storytelling continues to thrive in the modern world. This initiative not only supports creative expressions but also encourages commercial partnerships and new avenues for sharing unique stories globally.”
“Through a ‘direct to consumer’ model, young Gaelic content creators can maintain the authenticity of their cultural expressions while allowing them to have direct engagement with the audience. Young Gaelic content creators play a crucial role in preserving our cultural heritage and will breathe new life into our traditions, ensuring they resonate for future generations.”
Deputy First Minister and Gaelic Secretary Kate Forbes said:
“We are working with Highlands and Islands Enterprise to foster the skills and talents of aspiring young Gaelic content creators.
“This initiative will enable Gaelic speakers to reach new audiences, supporting the language’s growth and attracting international interest.
“To grow the language, we have allocated an extra £5.7m for Gaelic in the draft Budget for 2025-26. We are also progressing the Scottish Languages Bill to strengthen the provision of Gaelic education.”
The programme includes a short series of free webinars to support applicants in refining their ideas and exploring the potential of digital platforms.
Tuesday 18 February: Mastering Digital Storytelling and Audience Engagement with Tricia O’Malley
Thursday 27 February: Creating Visually Compelling Documentaries and Managing Commercial Partnerships
These webinars will be in English and are open to everyone. Participation in highly recommended for those applying or planning to apply to the Gaelic Digital Challenge Fund, as they will also offer important guidance and context around the ambitions for the fund.
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