
Highlands and Islands Enterprise (HIE) and Comhairle nan Eilean Siar (CnES) have organised the drop-in session with Care and Learning Alliance (CALA) and Business Gateway.
The family friendly events will take place at the following locations:
Uist: Friday 13 September in Carinish Hall, North Uist – 10am-12:30pm
Barra: Saturday 14 September in Castlebay Hall, Barra – 12:30pm-3pm
The events will provide the opportunity to share views on the impact of limited childcare and to provide advice and support for anyone looking for a career in childcare. Anyone is welcome to come along to discuss any challenges relating to childcare in their communities.
The Uist and Barra events are being held following a similar event in Skye last April to help tackle childcare shortages on the island and plan to build on a successful start with further activities.
Nicola Macdonald, development manager at HIE, said: “This is an important event in terms of gathering insight into local childcare issues. There is a shortage of childcare provision in Uist and Barra and if this can be addressed, it will support economic growth across many local businesses and help create new jobs and attract new talent into the islands.
“We’re really keen to see this event take place and we hope that anyone interested in a career in early learning or childcare will come along to find out more about what’s available.”
Jaci Douglas, Chief executive of CALA said "we are really excited to be working with local organisations, providing the Pop Up Play in the two communities. We will also be hoping to hear from families about the challenges a lack of childcare brings in rural and island communities and provide information to anyone interested about a range of career opportunities across the childcare sector. "
Anyone coming along will be able to speak to representatives in the industry who can answer questions and offer advice.
In all early learning, nursery and school enrolment in the western Isles, CnES operates a Gaelic First Policy. This means that the default language stream for enrolment will be Gaelic Medium unless the choice is made during the enrolment process to opt for English Medium. More information about this and how it relates to the progression pathway into childcare employment will be available at the event.
Tachartas mu choinneamh dhreuchdan deatamach cùram-chloinne ann an Uibhist is Barraigh
Thèid tachartasan a chumail an ath-sheachdain ann an Uibhist agus Barraigh gus dèiligeadh ri gainnead cùram-chloinne ann an Uibhist is Barraigh.
Tha Iomairt na Gàidhealtachd ’s nan Eilean (HIE) agus Comhairle nan Eilean Siar (CnES) air na seiseanan tadhail a chur air dòigh còmhla ri Caidreachas Cùraim is Ionnsachaidh (CALA) agus Business Gateway.
Thèid na tachartasan teaghlaich seo a chur air adhart anns na h-àiteachan a leanas:
Uibhist: Dihaoine 13 Sultain ann an Talla Chàirinis, Uibhist a Tuath – 10m-12:30f
Barraigh: Disathairne 14 Sultain ann an Talla Bhàgh a’ Chaisteil, Barraigh – 12:30f-3f
Bheir na tachartasan cothrom air beachdan a roinn mun bhuaidh aig dìth chùram-chloinne, còmhla ri comhairle is taic do neach sam bith a tha a’ sireadh dreuchd ann an cùram-chloinne. Bidh fàilte ro na h-uile tadhal agus deasbad air dùbhlain sam bith co-cheangailte ri cùram-chloinne nan coimhearsnachdan.
Tha tachartasan Uibhist is Bharraigh gan cumail a’ leantainn air a leithid eile de thachartas san Eilean Sgitheanach sa Ghiblean a chaidh seachad gus cuideachadh le dèiligeadh ri gainnead cùram-chloinne air an Eilean, agus planadh air togail air toiseach tòiseachaidh soirbheachail le gnìomhachdan eile.
Thuirt Nicola NicDhòmhnaill, manaidsear leasachaidh aig HIE: “Is e tachartas cudromach a tha seo a thaobh tional fiosrachaidh mu chùisean co-cheangailte ri cùram-chloinne. Tha gainnead ann an solair cùram-chloinne ann an Uibhist is Barraigh, agus ma ghabhas seo dèiligeadh ris, cuiridh e taic ri fàs eaconamach tarsainn mòran ghnothachasan ionadail a thuilleadh air cuideachadh le obraichean ùra a chruthachadh agus tàlant ùr a tharraing do na h-eileanan.
“Tha sinn gu mòr airson an tachartais seo fhaicinn a’ gabhail àite agus tha sinn an dòchas gun tig neach sam bith aig a bheil ùidh ann an dreuchd-beatha ann an tràth-ionnsachadh no cùram-chloinne, chun an tachartais a dh’fhaighinn a-mach barrachd mu dheidhinn na tha ri fhaotainn.”
Thuirt Jaci Douglas, Àrd-Oifigear CALA: "Tha sinn air ar dòigh a bhith ag obair le buidhnean ionadail, a’ solarachadh am Pop Up Play san dà choimhearsnachd. Bidh sinn an dòchas cuideachd cluinntinn bho theaghlaichean mu na dùbhlain a tha dìth cùram-chloinne a’ toirt mun cuairt ann an coimhearsnachdan dùthchail is eileanach, agus fiosrachadh a thoirt do neach sam bith aig a bheil ùidh mu raon de chothroman dreuchdail tarsainn roinn cùram-chloinne."
Bidh cothroman aig neach sam bith a thadhaileas air còmhradh ri riochdairean bhon ghnìomhachas as urrainn ceistean a fhreagairt agus comhairle a thoirt seachad.
Ann an tràth-ionnsachadh, sgoil-àraich agus clàradh sgoile uile sna h-Eileanan an Iar, tha CnES a’ cur an gnìomh Poileasaidh Gàidhlig an Toiseach. Tha seo a’ ciallachadh gur e Foghlam tro Mheadhan na Gàidhlig a’ bhun-roghainn cànain aig àm clàraidh, mura tèid Foghlam tro Mheadhan na Beurla a ròghnachadh sa phròiseas clàraidh. Bidh tuilleadh fiosrachaidh mun seo agus mar a tha e co-cheangailte ris an t-slighe air adhart gu cosnadh ann an cùram-chloinne, ri fhaotainn aig an tachartas.
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