Community-owned centre in Drumnadrochit boosts cycling facilities
A community-owned visitor centre in Drumnadrochit is enhancing cycling facilities for visitors.
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Local construction firm MacInnes Bros Ltd has been appointed after Highlands and Islands Enterprise (HIE) confirmed the final £2.1m grant award as part of the funding package for phase two of Cnoc Soilleir.
This follows grants of £5 million by Scottish Government, as well as an earlier award from Scottish Government Regeneration Capital Grant Fund. Work is due to be completed by Spring 2026.
Cnoc Soilleir is a joint venture between Ceòlas Uibhist and UHI North, West and Hebrides. The centre promotes and celebrates Gaelic language and culture and supports learning and research activity in South Uist.
Mairi Buchanan, senior development manager at HIE, said: “Cnoc Soilleir is an iconic hub for Gaelic art, culture, heritage and community in South Uist. Phase two aims to create a premier venue for Gaelic education, culture and the arts while supporting organisations such as Ceòlas Uibhist Ltd and UHI, North, West and Hebrides. This modern facility will be a centre for community-led Gaelic learning, music and dance in the heart of the South Uist community.
“This is a great example of the Gaelic language’s unlimited potential in generating both economic and social benefits to Scotland. We’re very pleased to award this funding to expand such an important project, which has already proved hugely popular among residents and visitors.”
Deputy First Minister and Cabinet Secretary for Economy and Gaelic, Kate Forbes, said: “Keeping Gaelic alive in traditional communities like South Uist is crucial to safeguarding the language.
“Phase one of Cnoc Soilleir has become a focal point for Gaelic music and learning which attracts visitors from across Scotland. To build on the success of the project, we have invested £5 million in its second phase.
“This will support the continued use of the language through events, courses and other activities. It will also drive growth in the local economy by adding to the tourism and cultural offering in the Outer Hebrides.”
Phase two will be led by Ceòlas Uibhist. Alex O’Henley, Ceòlas Uibhist and Cnoc Soilleir board director, said: “This is excellent news for Ceòlas, the island of South Uist as well as the wider Uist community and economy. As Ceòlas has grown there has been an identifiable need for a bespoke performance and auditorium facility to give young Gaelic musicians and dancers a platform to showcase their talent to the world, as well as providing a much-needed resource for the local community. It’s been a long and sometimes painstaking journey to get to this point, but thanks to the generous support of our partners, we have taken a giant step towards making that long cherished dream come true.”
Cnoc Soilleir opened in September 2022 with phase one including teaching spaces, offices, and recording studio and facilities. As part of working towards a new net zero Scotland the new extension will be built to the meet the same stringent Passivhaus low energy standards as the existing building. It will be kitted out with state of the art performance and production equipment and technologies, suitable for teaching as well as showcasing local and wider talents.
Cnoc Soilleir has benefited from significant support and funding contributions from key partners including the Scottish Government, HIE, Comhairle Nan Eilean Siar, and Bord na Gaidhlig – all of which recognise the transformational impact that a completed Cnoc Soilleir facility will bring to Uist, its economy, communities and visitors, and as a catalyst for the regeneration of South Uist, and the preservation and promotion of the Gaelic language and culture as a key contributor to the National Gaelic Plan.
Michael Foxley, Chair of the Cnoc Soilleir Board, said: “I would like to thank the team at Cnoc Soilleir, past and present, and our partners for their hard work and support, along with HIE and the Scottish Government. This is an important milestone for Cnoc Soilleir, which has the potential to become a beacon for Gaelic language and culture as well as learning in South Uist, the Highlands and Islands, Scotland, and beyond.”
Lydia Rohmer, Principal and Chief Executive of UHI North, West and Hebrides, said: “We are delighted to see funding secured for phase two of Cnoc Soilleir and look forward to working with Ceòlas to develop our joint vision of Cnoc Soilleir, as a centre for excellence in education, Gaelic language and culture. This project supports our commitment across UHI to preserving, enhancing and promoting Gaelic language and culture across our local communities and beyond.”
Tabhartas HIE £2.1m air ainmeachadh airson Cnoc Soilleir
Thèid talla 200-suidheachan, dealbhaichte a dh’aona-ghnothaich airson ceòl agus taisbeanadh, a thogail ann Uibhist a Deas.
’S e an companaidh-togail MacInnes Bros Ltd a bha air ainmeachadh gus an obair-togail a thoirt air adhart, an dèidh do dh’Iomairt na Gàidhealtachd agus nan Eilean (HIE) a’ chuibhreann mu dheireadh dhen phasgan maoineachaidh airson Ìre 2 a dhearbhadh aig Cnoc Soilleir.
Tha seo a’ leantail tabhartais luach £5m le Riaghaltas na h-Alba, agus duais na bu thràithe bho Mhaoin Tabhartas Calpa Ath-nuadhachaidh Riaghaltas na h-Alba. Tha dùil gun crìochnaich an obair ron Earrach 2026.
’S e iomairt cho-roinnte a th’ ann an Cnoc Soilleir eadar Ceòlas Uibhist agus UHI a Tuath, an Iar is Innse Gall.
Tha an t-ionad a’ brosnachadh agus ag adhartachadh cànan agus cultar na Gàidhlig agus a’ cumail taic ri ionnsachadh agus rannsachadh ann an Uibhist a Deas.
Thuirt Màiri Bochanan, àrd mhanaidsear leasachaidh aig HIE:
“Tha Cnoc Soilleir cudromach a thaobh ealain, cultar, dualchas agus coimhearsnachd na Gàidhlig ann an Uibhist a Deas. Tha an dàrna ìre ag amas air prìomh àite a chruthachadh airson foghlam Gàidhlig, cultar agus na h-ealain fhad ‘s a thathar a’ toirt taic do bhuidhnean leithid Ceòlas Uibhist agus UHI a Tuath, an Iar is Innse Gall. ‘S e ionad ùr-nodha a bhios anns a’ ghoireas seo airson ionnsachadh Gàidhlig, ceòl agus dannsa fo stiùir na coimhearsnachd ann an cridhe coimhearsnachd Uibhist a Deas.
“S e deagh eisimpleir a tha seo den chomas a th’ aig a’ Ghàidhlig ann a bhith a’ toirt buannachdan eaconamach is sòisealta do dh’ Alba. Tha sinn gu math toilichte am maoineachadh seo a thoirt dhaibh airson a’ phròiseact cudromach a leudachadh a tha mar-thà air a bhith measail aig sluaigh na sgìre is luchd-turais.
Thuirt an Leas-Phrìomh Mhinistear Ceit Fhoirbeis: “Gus a’ Ghàidhlig a dhèanamh tèarainte ’s e rud riatanach a th’ ann gum mair i ann an coimhearsnachdan traidiseanta leithid Uibhist a Deas.
“Tha a’ chiad ìre de Chnoc Soilleir air fàs gus a bhith na bun-stèidh son ceòl is ionnsachadh na Gàidhlig a tha a’ tàladh luchd-tadhail bho air feadh Alba. Gus togail air soirbheachas a’ phròiseict tha sinn a’ cur tasgadh airgid luach £5 millean san dara ìre aige.
“Cuiridh seo taic ri cleachdadh leantainneach a’ chànain tro thachartasan, cùrsaichean is cur-seachadan eile. Bheir e cuideachd spionnadh air fàs na h-eaconamaidh ionadail tro bhith a’ cur ris na tha Na h-Eileanan an Iar a’ tabhann a thaobh cèol agus cultar.”
Bidh Ìre 2 fo stiùir Ceòlas Uibhist. Thuirt Ailig O’ Henley, stiùiriche Ceòlas Uibhist agus Cnoc Soilleir:
“’S e naidheachd mhath dha-rìreabh a tha seo do Cheòlas, do dh’Uibhist a Deas, agus don choimhearsnachd agus an eaconamaidh nas fharsaing ann an Uibhist. Mar a tha Ceòlas air fàs, bha feum soilleir ann airson ionad taisbeanaidh a bheir àrd-ùrlar do cheòladairean agus dannsairean òga Gàidhealach an cuid thàlantan a shealltainn dhan t-saoghal mhòr, cho math ri goireasan a bhios nan tacsa riatanach don choimhearsnachd ionadail. Tha an t-slighe dhan cheann-uidhe seo air a bhith fada agus air uaireannan dùbhlanach, ach le taing don taic fhialaidh a chùm ar compàirtichean rinn, tha sinn a’ gabhail ceum mòr a dh’ionnsaigh coileanadh an amais mhiannaichte fhad-mhaireannaich seo.”
Dh’fhosgail Cnoc Soilleir san t-Sultain 2022 le Ìre 1 anns an robh seòmraichean teagaisg, oifisean, agus stiùidio is goireasan clàraidh. Le bhith ag obair a dh’ionnsaigh Alba charbon-neodraich, bidh an leudachadh air a thogail a rèir nan aon tomhasan teann Passivhaus ris an togalach làithreach. Na chois bidh uidheamachd ùr-nodha agus teicneolas riochdachaidh barraichte, freagarrach airson teagasg agus taisbeanadh thàlantan ionadail, nàiseanta, agus eadar-nàiseanta.
Bha Cnoc Soilleir fortanach buannachd fhaighinn bho thaic agus tabhartasan maoineachaidh bho phrìomh chompàirtichean, a’ gabhail a-steach Riaghaltas na h-Alba, Iomairt na Gàidhealtachd ’s nan Eilean, Comhairle nan Eilean Siar, agus Bòrd na Gàidhlig – agus iad uile ag aithneachadh na buaidh chruth-atharrachail a bheir goireasan ùra Cnoc Soilleir air Uibhist, a cuid eaconamaidh, choimhearsnachdan agus luchd-tadhail, agus mar mheadhan air ath-nuadhachadh Uibhist a Deas, agus gleidheadh agus brosnachadh cànan is cultar na Gàidhlig mar phrìomh ionad a chuireas gu mòr ris a’ Phlana Ghàidhlig Nàiseanta.
Thuirt Mìcheal Foxley, Cathraiche Bòrd Cnoc Soilleir: “Bu mhath leam taing a thoirt do sgioba Cnoc Soilleir, san àm a dh’fhalbh agus san latha an-diugh, agus ar compàirtichean airson an cuid obrach chruaidh agus an cuid taice, còmhla ri Iomairt na Gàidhealtachd ’s nan Eilean agus Riaghaltas na h-Alba. ’S e clach-mhìle chudromach a tha seo do Chnoc Soilleir, a dh’fhaodas a bhith na lòchran airson cànan is cultar na Gàidhlig a bharrachd air ionnsachadh ann an Uibhist a Deas, anns a’ Ghàidhealtachd is na h-Eileanan, ann an Alba, agus nas fhaide air falbh.”
Thuirt Lydia Rohmer, Prionnsapal agus Ceannard UHI a Tuath, an Iar agus Innse Gall: “Tha sinn air leth toilichte maoineachadh fhaighinn airson na dàrna ìre de Chnoc Soilleir agus tha sinn a’ coimhead air adhart ri bhith ag obair còmhla ri Ceòlas gus ar n-amas coitcheann airson Cnoc Soilleir mar ionad airson sàr-mhathas ann am foghlam, cànan is cultar na Gàidhlig a thoirt gu buil. Tha am pròiseact seo a’ cur ris an dealas againn air feadh an Oilthighe airson cànan is cultar na Gàidhlig a ghleidheadh, a neartachadh, agus adhartachadh anns na coimhearsnachdan ionadail, agus nas fhaide air falbh.”
A community-owned visitor centre in Drumnadrochit is enhancing cycling facilities for visitors.
A parish church and hall in Arran, an inn in Dunoon and a campsite in Balmacara are among assets being purchased by community groups in the latest round of the Scottish Land Fund (SLF) approvals.
Land in Drumnadrochit, a memorial hall in Fort Augustus and property in Orkney are among assets being purchased by community groups in the latest round of awards totalling £829,692 across Scotland.
HIE has appointed Benbecula company D Macdonald (Building Contractors) Ltd to create seven new units at Eabhal. Business Park
A boating club in Unst, a kirk in Whalsay and a community hall in Fetlar are among projects supported by HIE to generate income, provide vital services and create jobs in Shetland’s outer isles.
People interested in developing and applying their ideas on the use of technology to start or grow a business can attend in person or online.
Three community housing projects in Orkney and the Hebrides have received funding from the Scottish Land Fund (SLF).
Isle of Lewis based Macaulay College is to expand following confirmation of funding from HIE and other organisations.
Figures compiled by HIE show that businesses and communities supported by the agency in Orkney during the last financial year are set to create 80 jobs.
As a result of HIE support, businesses in the area will see total turnover rise by £14.5m and international sales by £1.9m.
A group of islands in Orkney has received £530,136 for two community purchase projects in the latest round of grants from the Scottish Land Fund (SLF).