Skye salt firm expands production
evaporation pond that will produce an additional 1,000 kg of salt a year
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Work is underway to create seven new business units at Eabhal Business Park in Benbecula, Outer Hebrides.
Benbecula company, D Macdonald (Building Contractors) Ltd was appointed by Highlands and Islands Enterprise (HIE) to develop the units, following a competitive tendering process.
Designed by Benbecula firm, Fraser Architecture, to meet modern building standards that reflect well on the environment, the units, will be around 30-60m² each in size and will suit the commercial, office or industrial sectors.
Recycled material will be used to provide the building with increased insulation. It is expected that the development will be completed by the end of the year (2025).
The project forms part of wider investment by HIE to create flexible workspaces in locations around the region.
The first phase of the Benbecula business units was completed in 2020, which included five small units developed at the business park, which have been fully occupied since July 2021.
HIE’s marketing agents Graham and Sibbald, have already received enquiries about the new units.
Kathleen Stewart, area team leader for HIE’s Innse Gall team, said:
“We’re pleased to have awarded this £2m contract to a local business. Many small firms want to expand, remain in the local area and employ more people and this depends on the availability of suitable premises. Such availability is also vital in attracting new businesses into the islands.
“There is considerable interest from small businesses in new flexible premises in Benbecula and this project helps to addresses that demand. The development is also designed to meet modern standards of insulation and energy performance, embracing our wider net zero aspirations for the region.
“Anyone who would like more information should contact our marketing agents to note their interest and to be advised of any closing dates. We look forward to seeing the project develop over the next few months.”
More information is available from HIE’s marketing agents Graham and Sibbald: or
More information about the business units:
Commericial Units, Eabhal Business Park, Isle Of Benbecula - Graham + Sibbald (
Obair a’ tòiseachadh air aonadan gnothachais ùr ann am Beinn na Faoghla
Tha obair ga ghabhail os làimh airson seachd aonadan gnothachais ùr a chruthachadh ann am Pàirce Gnothachais Eabhal ann am Beinn na Faoghla, Innse Gall.
Chaidh a’ chompanaidh à Beinn na Faoghla, D Macdonald (Cunnradairean Togail) Earranta fhastadh le Iomairt na Gàidhealtachd ’s nan Eilean (HIE) airson nan aonadan a leasachadh, a’ leantainn air pròiseas tairgsinn fharpaiseach.
Air an dealbhadh le companaidh à Beinn na Faoghla, Fraser Architecture, gus ìrean togail an latha an-diugh a choileanadh a tha làn mhothachail don àrainneachd, bidh na h-aonadan timcheall air 30-60m² gach fear ann am meud agus freagarrach do na roinnean coimearsalta, oifis no gnìomhachasail.
Cleachdar stuth ath-chuairtichte gus barrachd stuth-bacaidh a chleachdadh san togalach. Thathar a’ sùileachadh gum bi an leasachadh seo crìochnaichte ro dheireadh na bliadhna (2025).
Tha am pròiseact a’ dèanamh suas pàirt de dh’inbheisteadh nas fharsainge le HIE gus àiteachan-obrach sùbailte a chruthachadh air làraichean mun cuairt na sgìre.
Chaidh a’ chiad cheum de dh’aonadan gnothachais Bheinn na Faoghla a chrìochnachadh ann an 2020, a bha a’ gabhail a-steach còig aonadan beaga air an leasachadh sa phàirc gnothachais agus a tha air a bhith air an làn obrachadh on Iuchar 2021.
Tha àidseantan margaideach HIE, Graham is Sibbald, air ceistean fhaighinn mar-thà mu na h-aonadan ùra.
Thuirt Kathleen Stiùbhart, stiùiriche na sgioba sgìreil ann an sgioba Innse Gall aig HIE:
“Tha sinn toilichte an cunnradh £2m seo a bhuileachadh air gnothachas ionadail. Tha mòran chompanaidhean beaga airson leudachadh, fuireach san sgìre ionadail agus barrachd dhaoine fhastadh agus tha seo an crochadh air togalach freagarrach a bhith ri fhaotainn. Tha a leithid sin de fhaotainneachd cuideachd deatamach ann an tarraing ghnothachasan ùra do na h-eileanan.
“Tha ùidh mhòr aig gnothachasan beaga ann an togalach sùbailte ùr ann am Beinn na Faoghla agus tha am pròiseact seo a’ cuideachadh le dèiligeadh ris an iarrtas sin. Tha an leasachadh cuideachd air a dhealbhadh gus ìrean nua-aimsireil de chòmhdach-bacaidh agus gnìomhadh cumhachd a choinneachadh, a’ gabhail ri ar n-àrd-mhiannan nas fharsainge de neodrachd càrboin don sgìre.
“Bu chòir do neach sam bith leis am bu mhath barrachd fhiosrachaidh fhaotainn, fios a chur gu ar n-àidseantan margaideachd gus an ùidh a chlàradh agus an comhairleachadh mu chinn-latha dùnaidh. Tha sinn a’ coimhead air adhart ri bhith a’ faicinn a’ phròiseict a’ leasachadh thar nam mìosan ri teachd.”
Tha tuilleadh fiosrachaidh ri fhaotainn bho àidseantan margaideachd HIE, Graham is Sibbald: no
Leugh tuilleadh fiosrachaidh mu leasachadh aonadan Bheinn na Faoghla
evaporation pond that will produce an additional 1,000 kg of salt a year
Investment by Forres-based Maclean’s Highland Bakery will create up to five new jobs
Highland Galvanizers, is upgrading buildings equipment and infrastructure at is premises in the town’s Pinefield Industrial Estate where it employs 34 people
Lochaline Quartz Sand Limited is set to double its production and increase annual turnover by more than £2.6m.
Fetcha Chocolates Limited is investing in new equipment to quadruple its capacity, increase turnover and create employment.
A £1.3m contract has been awarded for the refurbishment of a building on Enterprise Park Forres to create the new Manufacturing Innovation Centre Moray (MICM).
The funding can help cover the costs of equipment, new technology or fixtures and fittings, or to construct, adapt or upgrade business premises or other infrastructure.
People interested in developing and applying their ideas on the use of technology to start or grow a business can attend in person or online.
A 200-seater auditorium specifically designed for music and performance is to be built in South Uist.
The HIE funding will help meet the costs of plant and equipment and help lever in significant private sector investment to the project.
As a result of HIE’s support, businesses in the area are set to see combined turnover rise by £22.4m, while international sales will grow by £661,000.