Moray agriculture firm in £400k growth project
New state of the art automated plant and machinery, including artificial intelligence (AI), is being installed.
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A project to create a new high-end recording studio on the Isle of Mull in Argyll has been awarded up to £39,000 by Highlands and Islands Enterprise (HIE).
New start company Heb Aisle Limited is converting a former church building in the village of Bunessan on the southern end of the island.
The company plans to create a facility that gains national and international recognition as a music studio and record label, encouraging high-level clients and inspiring local talent.
The HIE funding will contribute towards the £133,000 total cost of construction and fit out works to convert the building, which will be as energy efficient as possible and will include client accommodation.
The project is forecast to generate more than £340,000 turnover in the next three years and create three jobs within five years.
Confirming the HIE funding, area manager for Argyll and the Islands Morag Goodfellow said:
“This is a welcome entrepreneurial initiative on Mull to create a vibrant and profitable business that will bring a disused building back into productive use and create jobs. It will also generate wider economic benefit locally.
“I’m delighted we’re able to provide support for this potentially high-growth start-up company and look forward to seeing the new facility take shape.”
Heb Aisle is a subsidiary of Tide Lines Music, which has worked in some of the best recording facilities in the country. Both companies were founded by director of Heb Aisle Limited Ross Wilson, a professional musician and an entrepreneur in music technologies and audio engineering.
He said:
“In my opinion, the music and creative industries in Scotland are more vibrant than ever. It’s my ambition to bring a portion of this sector to the Ross of Mull, with the added benefit of reviving a prominent local building.
“Returning to my home island to continue working, growing and creating new opportunities within the recorded music industry has been very dependent on HIE's invaluable support for this project.”
The IBIS World Industry Report estimated sound recording and music publishing to be worth more than £2.5bn to the UK economy.
Cuideachadh le maoineachadh do stiuidio clàraidh ùr Eilean Mhuile
Tha pròiseact airson stiuidio clàraidh nua-aimsireil ùr a chruthachadh air Eilean Mhuile ann an Earra-Ghàidheal air £39,000 fhaotainn bho Iomairt na Gàidhealtachd ’s nan Eilean (HIE).
Tha a’ chompanaidh Heb Aisle Earranta a tha air ùr-thòiseachadh ag atharrachadh togalach eaglais ann am baile Bhun Easain aig ceann a deas an eilein.
Tha a’ chompanaidh a’ planadh air goireas a chruthachadh a bhuannaicheas aithne nàiseanta agus eadar-nàiseanta mar stiuido ciùil agus leubail chlàraidhean, a’ brosnachadh luchd-dèiligidh aig àrd-ìre agus a’ brosnachadh tàlant ionadail.
Cuirear am maoineachadh bho HIE a dh’ionnsaigh cosgais togail iomlan de £133,000 agus coileanadh obrach airson an togalach iompachadh, a bhios cho èifeachdach ’s a ghabhas a thaobh cumhachd, a’ gabhail a-steach àite-fuirich luchd-dèiligidh.
Thathar a’ sùileachadh gun tog am pròiseact còrr air £340,000 de thionndadh-airgid san ath thrì bliadhna, a’ cruthachadh trì obraichean an taobh a-staigh còig bliadhna.
A’ daingneachadh a’ mhaoineachaidh bho HIE, thuirt Morag Goodfellow, manaidsear sgìreil Earra-Ghàidheal ’s nan Eilean:
“Tha fàilte ga chur ann am Muile air an iomairt thionnsgaineach seo airson gnothachas beòthail agus prothaideach a chruthachadh a bheir seann togalach falamh air ais gu cleachdadh tarbhach agus a’ cruthachadh obraichean. Togaidh e cuideachd buannachd eaconamach nas fharsainge sa choimhearsnachd.
“Tha mi air leth toilichte gu bheil sinn comasach air taic a thoirt don chompanaidh tòiseachaidh seo aig a bheil comas air àrd-fhàs agus tha sinn a’ coimhead air adhart ris a’ ghoireas ùr fhaicinn a’ tighinn gu bith.”
Tha Heb Aisle na bhuidheann-taic do Tide Lines Music, a tha air obrachadh ann an cuid de na goireasan clàraidh as fheàrr san dùthaich. Chaidh an dà chompanaidh a stèidheachadh le Ross Wilson, stiùiriche Heb Aisle Earranta, neach-ciùil proifeiseanta agus neach-tionnsgain ann an teicneòlasan ciùil is innleadaireachd claisneachd.
Thuirt e:
“Nam bheachd-sa, tha na gnìomhachasan ciùil is cruthachail ann an Alba nas beòthaile na bha iad a-riamh. Is e an àrd-amas agam pàirt den roinn seo a thoirt a-steach don Ros Mhuileach, leis a’ bhuannachd a bharrachd a bhith ag ath-bheothachadh togalach aithnichte ionadail.
“Tha tilleadh dom eilean dachaigheil gus cumail a’ dol ag obair, a’ fàs agus a’ cruthachadh chothroman ùra taobh a-staigh a’ ghnìomhachais clàraidh ciùil, air a bhith gu mòr an eisimeil na taic thar luaich a fhuair sinn bho HIE don phròiseact seo.”
Thug Aithisg Gnìomhachais Cruinneil IBIS tuairmse gu bheil clàradh fuaime agus foillseachadh ciùil de luach còrr air £2.5bn do dh’eaconamaidh na RA.
New state of the art automated plant and machinery, including artificial intelligence (AI), is being installed.
The Isle of Luing Community Trust owns and operates the Atlantic Islands Centre and is leading the £87,320 improvement project.
Argyll Coffee Roasters to attend the Producer Roaster Forum (PRF) in Honduras
The additional funding brings HIE’s total investment in the project to £2.863m.
Jack Alt Stays to develop three more high-end cabins
evaporation pond that will produce an additional 1,000 kg of salt a year
A community led project underway to create the new gym has secured up to £36,870 investment from HIE.
Wave and tidal energy could deliver up to £8bn to Scotland’s economy by 2050, and support more than 15,000 jobs, including high-value employment in coastal communities.
Wreckspeditions Dive Charters Limited offers scuba diving charters in the Firth of Clyde.
Investment by Forres-based Maclean’s Highland Bakery will create up to five new jobs
Liam Orr is to focus on expanding the agency’s portfolio of business clients.