Local contractor, Macaulay Askernish Ltd has been appointed by project lead, Comhairle nan Eilean Siar to construct the enabling infrastructure at Scolpaig Farm in North Uist to prepare the Spaceport 1 site for an operator.
The Comhairle has secured £947k investment from Highlands and Islands Enterprise (HIE) towards the £2.6m cost of the enabling works project and is contributing £675k from the Comhairle’s 2023-28 Capital Programme. The work, which is due for completion by Spring 2025, will involve construction of new and upgraded access tracks, parking, culvert upgrades at Loch Scolpaig and fibre broadband installation. Also included, is a study into the potential for the future use and conservation of the cultural heritage assets on the site.
Councillor Paul Steele, Leader of Comhairle nan Eilean Siar said:
“Breaking ground at Scolpaig is a considerable milestone for the Comhairle and for Spaceport 1. As the UK’s only dedicated commercial sub-orbital launch site, Spaceport 1 will enable end-to-end science, technology and space systems development for the first time on British soil, closing a significant gap in the Space value chain.
“The awarding of the construction contract to a local firm is welcome and will ensure localised benefit throughout this stage of the project. On completion, the spaceport will create employment opportunities in Uist and contribute to the Comhairle’s wider strategic objectives for the islands.”
Planning consent for the spaceport was granted in 2023, with approval to host up to 10 sub-orbital launches a year. A private sector operator is being procured by the Comhairle to develop the second phase of the project and run the spaceport facility. First lift-off is possible by Autumn 2025.
The project is one of three vertical launch sites that are planned or underway in the Highlands and Islands, along with SaxaVord Spaceport on Unst in Shetland, and Sutherland Spaceport in Melness.
Kathleen Stewart, HIE’s Innse Gall area team leader, said:
“We’re pleased to be working with the Comhairle to progress the enabling works, which will support the establishment of a sub-orbital launch site. This is an innovative project that we expect to generate many social benefits and employment opportunities for the Outer Hebrides.
“This development in North Uist will play an important role in advancing the Scottish and UK space industries while creating high-quality jobs and helping to retain young people and attract more people to live on the islands.”
Spaceport 1 forms part of the Scottish and UK Government funded Islands Growth Deal Programme– a ten-year scheme jointly funded by the three Island Councils and their partners from the public, academic, community and business sectors.
Obair a’ tòiseachadh air Port-fànais 1 ann an Uibhist a Tuath
Ghabh planaichean fànais Innse Gall ceum air adhart nuair a chaidh tòiseachadh air a’ chiad chuid den obair air raon losgaidh fo-chuartachaidh Port Fànais 1 air Diluain 18 den t-Samhain.
Chaidh companaidh togail ionadail, MacAmhlaigh Ascernis Earranta, fhastadh le Comhairle nan Eilean Siar, a tha os cionn cùise, airson làrach Port-fànais 1 aig Tac Scolpaig, Uibhist a Tuath, a dheasachadh air choinneamh a’ chiad luchd-cleachdaidh.
Fhuair a’ Chomhairle £947k bho Iomairt na Gàidhealtachd ’s nan Eilean (HIE) airson a’ phròiseict leasachaidh a chosgas £2.6m, ’s tha iad fhèin a’ cur £675k ris bho Phrògram Calpa 2023-28. Tha an obair a thathar an dùil a chrìochnachadh ron Earrach 2025 a’ gabhail a-steach cruthachadh agus leasachadh air frith-rathaidean, àite-parcaidh, leasachadh shaidhbhearan aig Loch Scolpaig agus bann-leathann fibre a chur an sàs. Thathas cuideachd a’ dol a rannsachadh ciamar a ghabhas feum dèanamh dheth, agus dìon a chur air, na làraichean eachdraidheil a tha mun cuairt san àm ri teachd.
Thuirt Pòl Steele, Ceannard Comhairle nan Eilean Siar:
“Tha bhith a’ gearradh a’ chiad cheap ann an Scolpaig na chlach mhìle shònraichte don Chomhairle agus do Phort-fanais 1. Mar a’ chiad larach losgaidh fo-chuartachaidh coimearsalta, a dh’ aona bhàgh, san Rìoghachd Aonaichte, bheir Port-fànais 1 cothrom saidheans bho cheann-gu-ceann, teicneòlas agus siostaman fànais a leasachadh airson a’ chiad uair ann am Breatainn, a’ dùnadh beàrn shusbainteach ann an obair leantainneach agus luachmhòr Fànais.
“’S math gur ann gu companaidh ionadail a chaidh an cùmhnant oir thig buannachdan dhan sgìre ri lìnn na h-obrach. Nuair a thèid a chrìochdachadh, cruthaichidh am Port-fànais cothroman obrach ann an Uibhist agus cuiridh e taic ri planaichean seasmhachd nan eilean aig a’ Chomhairle.”
Chaidh cead dealbhachaidh don Phort-fànais aontachadh ann an 2023 le cothron suas ri deich rocaidean fo-chuartachaidh a losgadh dhan iarmailt gach bliadhna. Tha a’ Chomhairle a’ sìreadh buidheann cleachdaidh prìobhaideach gus an dara ìre den phlana a thoirt gu buil ’s am Port-fànais a ruith. Dh’fhaodadh gun tèid a’ chiad shaideal a chur dhan iarmailt san Fhoghar 2025.
Tha am pròiseact air aon de thrì làraichean bhon tèid rocaidean a’ losgadh dìreach an àirde a thathas a’ togail air a’ Ghàidhealtachd sna h-Eileanan, còmhla ri Port-fànais Saxaford air Unst, Sealtainn. Thathas a’ dealbh làrach losgaidh tarsainn airson Mhachaire Thànais ann an Earra Ghàidheal.
Thuirt Kathleen Stiùbhart, ceannard sgioba HIE Innse Gall: “Tha sinn toilichte a bhith ag obair còmhla ris a’ Chomhairle gus obair leasachaidh a chur air adhart a bheir taic do stèidheachadh a’ Phort-fànais fo-chuartachaidh. ’S e pròiseact ìnnleachdach a tha seo a tha sinn an dùil a bheir mòran bhuannachdan sòisealta agus obraichean do na h-Eileanan Siar.“
“Cuiridh an leasachadh seo ann an Uibhist a Tuath gu mòr ri gnìomhachas fànais Alba agus na Rìoghachd Aonaichte, a’ cruthachadh obraichean matha, a’ leigeil le daoine òga fuireach san sgìre agus daoine eile a thàladh chun nan eilean.”
Tha Port-fànais 1 mar phàirt de Prògram Fàis Aonta nan Eilean a th’ air a mhaoineachadh le Riaghaltasan Alba agus na Rìoghachd Aonaichte - sgeama deich bliadhna a th’ air a mhaoineachadh leis na trì Comhairlean Eileanach bhon na roinnean poblach, acadaimigeach, coimhearsnachd agus gnìomhachais.
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