Cruise Ship At Berth Looking North 14 04 221 (002)

Cruise Forum drop-in session in Stornoway

Published: 14/03/2024

Organisations in Lewis and Harris planning on making the most of the cruise market can attend a drop-in session in Stornoway on Wednesday 20 March.

It follows on from the successful cruise event at Lews Castle last week where 140 people attended. There has been a lot of interest from businesses and organisations who couldn’t make it along on the day and this session has been organised to help more businesses make the most of these new opportunities.

The Cruise Forum drop-in session will be held at Comhairle nan Eilean Siar (CnES), Sandwick Road 2-5pm.

Representatives from Highlands and Islands Enterprise (HIE), CnES, Stornoway Port Authority, Outer Hebrides Tourism, VisitScotland and Business Gateway will be available to speak to about support available to help businesses and communities benefit more from the anticipated increased numbers of cruise ship visitors.

Kathleen Stewart, head of enterprise support with HIE’s Innse Gall team, said:

“The development of the deep-water terminal in Stornoway is expected to be a major boost to the Outer Hebrides and will offer significant opportunities for businesses and communities.

“With the first cruise ship due to berth at the new terminal in a couple of weeks’ time, we want businesses and community enterprises in Lewis and Harris to make the most of commercial opportunities that are available.”

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