
The awards, which took place at the SEC in Glasgow, were hosted by BBC Alba stars Lana Pheutan and Hannah McKirdy and winners were crowned across 16 categories.
The competition focuses on schools and young filmmakers and has helped uncover and develop new talent for the Gaelic media sector.
This year, HIE sponsored the over 18 Best Production Design category. The prize was won by FC Sonas for their ‘Blàr nan Gàidheal’ film that encourages young Gaels to keep up their Gàidhlig through football.
Calum Ferguson and Donnie Forbes, both from Inverness, who have Gaelic medium education, formed the FC Sonas in 2020, with the aim of encouraging the language, developing pathways within football for Gaels and supporting health and wellbeing within the Gaelic speaking community.
Joanna Peteranna, area manager of HIE’s Innse Gall area team, presented the award, along with Chief Executive of HIE, Stuart Black.
Joanna said: “FilmG is a shining exemplar of the invaluable impact of investing in Gaelic developments. The employment opportunities generated by initiatives like this help attract and retain local creative talent in the region and attract new ones. Congratulations to all the winners and those who were shortlisted.”
Other categories included the Community Award where Urras Oighreachd Ghabhsainn scooped the top prize for a film directed by a young Lewis filmmaker as part of a work experience programme. Their Gaelic film ‘Ar Coimhearsnachd, Ar Beachdan / Our Community, Our Views’ features members of the Galson Estate community sharing their thoughts and experiences of what community means to them.
A full list of FilmG films can be found at www.filmg.co.uk
The entire live stream of the event is available on YouTube BBC ALBA (external link).
Buannaichean gam foillseachadh aig Duaisean FilmG 2024
Chaidh buannaichean farpais nam filmichean goirid Gàidhlig aig FilmG, ainmeachadh air Dihaoine 23 Gearran rè Seachdain na Gàidhlig (World Gaelic Week).
Fhuair na duaisean a ghabh àite san SEC ann an Glaschu, aoigheachd bho rionnagan BBC Alba, Lana Pheutan is Hannah NicMhuircheartaidh, agus chaidh buannaichean a chrùnadh thairis air 16 sheòrsaichean de fharpaisean.
Tha an fharpais a’ cuimseachadh air sgoiltean agus filmeadairean òga agus air cuideachadh le tàlant ùr fhollaiseachadh agus a leasachadh do roinn nam meadhanan Gàidhlig.
Am-bliadhna, chuir HIE taic ri roinn Dealbhadh Riochdachaidh as Fheàrr. Chaidh an duais a bhuannachadh le FC Sonas leis an fhilm aca Blàr nan Gàidheal, a tha a’ brosnachadh Ghàidheil òga le an cuid Gàidhlig a chumail suas tro bhall-coise.
Chuir Calum Fearghasdan agus Donnie Foirbeis à Inbhir Nis, a chaidh tro Fhoghlam tro Mheadhan na Gàidhlig, FC Sonas ri chèile ann an 2020, agus iad ag amas air a’ chànan a bhrosnachadh, a’ leasachadh shlighean taobh a-staigh ball-coise do Ghàidheil agus a’ cur taic ri slàinte agus sunnd taobh a-staigh na coimhearsnachd Gàidhlig.
Bhuilich Joanna Peteranna, manaidsear sgìreil ann an sgioba sgìreil HIE, an duais còmhla ris an Àrd-Oifigear aig HIE, Stiùbhart MacIlleDhuibh.
Thuirt Joanna: “Tha FilmG na phrìomh eisimpleir den bhuaidh luachmhor a tha an lùib tasgadh ann an leasachaidhean Gàidhlig. Tha na cothroman cosnaidh a tha tionnsgainean mar seo a’ ginteadh, a’ cuideachadh le tàlant ionadail a ghleidheadh san sgìre agus a’ tarraing fheadhainn ùra. Mealadh naidheachd air na buannaichean uile agus orrasan a fhuair air a' gheàrr-liosta.”
Am measg nan roinnean eile, tha an Duais Coimhearsnachd far na thog Urras Oighreachd Ghabhsainn a’ phrìomh dhuais airson film a bha air a stiùireadh leis an fhilmeadair òg à Leòdhas, mar phàirt de a phrògram greis gnìomhachais. Tha am film Gàidhlig aca ‘Ar Coimhearsnachd, Ar Beachdan, Our Community, Our Views’ a’ nochdadh bhall de choimhearsnachd Oighreachd Ghabhsainn ’s iad a’ roinn an smuaintean agus an eòlasan a thaobh na tha coimhearsnachd a’ ciallachadh dhaibhsan.
Lorgar làn liosta de fhilmean FilmG aig www.filmg.co.uk
Tha an sruthadh beò air fad ri fhaotainn air YouTube BBC ALBA (external link).
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