West coast sand mine steps up production
Lochaline Quartz Sand Limited is set to double its production and increase annual turnover by more than £2.6m.
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HIE’s outturns for 2023/24 were achieved through a combination of financial and non-financial interventions by the agency.
They included approved investment of more than £2.5m in more than 40 projects across Lochaber Skye and Wester Ross with a combined total cost of £7.9m. The organisation also helped to attract nearly £6m in external investment to the area.
As a result of HIE’s support, businesses in the area are forecast to see combined turnover rise by more than £31m and international sales by around £13m.
HIE’s support for social enterprises, meanwhile, is forecast to bring about a £155,000 uplift in the social economy annual turnover.
There was also support for businesses across the patch to innovate, diversify, grow and create new jobs.
They include a £51,400 approval to the Highland Soap Company in Fort William towards a £205,600 expansion project that will double its production capacity, significantly increase turnover and create new jobs.
Investment of £175,900 was approved towards the costs of improving the energy efficiency and reducing the carbon footprint of Glenfinnan House Hotel, helping the business to move to year-round operation.
A £113,300 project by the West Highland Tea Company (WHTC) to reduce its carbon footprint while increasing production and creating jobs secured a £56,600 investment from HIE.
Kishorn Port Limited was awarded £500,000 to help fund marine investigation works to inform a major upgrade.
In community support, HIE awarded £23,400 to Sleat Community Trust in Skye to improve operations of its woodfuel business. A project by Isle of Muck Power Ltd to replace and upgrade high voltage transformers and other associated equipment to enable a major upgrade of the island’s renewable energy supply was awarded £25,000 support. And Knoydart Bike Hub received £12,765 to improve cycling facilities for visitors and residents.
Alastair Nicolson, HIE area manager for Lochaber Skye and Wester Ross, said:
“It was great to be able to support so many projects across Lochaber Skye and Wester Ross last year that really sought to capitalise on the area’s strengths and natural advantages. We remain ambitious in the current year and continue to challenge ourselves to identify and pursue more economic opportunities as they arise. That’s what our five-year strategy, launched last year, is all about and we look forward to continuing to work with our partners, businesses and communities to secure further economic benefits for the area.”
The figures compiled by HIE are subject to review by Audit Scotland before publication of the agency’s annual report in December.
50 obair a’ faotainn taic bho HIE ann an Loch Abar, An t-Eilean Sgitheanach agus Taobh Siar Rois ann an 2023/24
Tha figearan air an cur ri chèile le Iomairt na Gàidhealtachd ’s nan Eilean (HIE) a’ sealltainn gu bheil gnothachasan agus coimhearsnachdan a fhuair taic bhon bhuidheann tarsainn Loch Abar, An t-Eilean Sgitheanach agus Taobh Siar Rois sa bhliadhna ionmhasail mu dheireadh, gu bhith a’ cruthachadh no a’ gleidheadh 50 obair, a’ gabhail a-steach ann an 15 sgìrean cugallach.
Chaidh toraidhean HIE don bhliadhna 2023/24 a choileanadh tro mheasgachadh de dh’eadar-theachdan ionmhasail agus neo-ionmhasail leis a’ bhuidheann.
Nam measg sin, bha tasgadh a chaidh aontachadh de £2.5m ann an còrr air 40 pròiseact tarsainn Loch Abar, An t-Eilean Sgitheanach agus Taobh Siar Rois, le cosgais iomlan amalaichte de £7.9m. Chuidich am buidheann cuideachd le faisg air £6m a tharraing don sgìre ann an tasgadh bhon taobh a-muigh.
Mar thoradh air taic HIE, tha gnothachasan san sgìre a’ sùileachadh ri tionndadh-airgid amalaichte fhaicinn ag èirigh còrr air £31m agus reic eadar-nàiseanta ag èirigh timcheall air £13m.
Tha taic HIE do dh’iomairtean sòisealta, air ro-innse san eadar-ama, gu bheil togail de mu £155,000 air a thoirt gu tionndadh-airgid bliadhnail an eaconamaidh shòisealta.
Chaidh taic a thoirt cuideachd do ghnothachasan tarsainn na sgìre gus obraichean ùra ùr-ghnàthachadh, iomadachadh, fhàs agus a chruthachadh.
Tha iad sin a’ gabhail a-steach aonta de £51,400 do Chompanaidh Siabainn na Gàidhealtachd sa Ghearastan a dh’ionnsaigh pròiseact leudachaidh £205,600, a dhùblaicheas a chomais tarbhachd, a’ meudachadh tionndadh-airgid gu mòr agus a’ cruthachadh obraichean ùra.
Chaidh tasgadh de £175,900 aontachadh a dh’ionnsaigh cosgaisean leasachaidh air èifeachdas cumhachd agus lùghdachadh air lorg càrboin aig Taigh-òsta Ghleann Fhionnain, a’ cuideachadh a’ ghnothachais gu gluasad gu obrachadh fad na bliadhna.
Fhuair pròiseact £113,300 le Companaidh Teatha Taobh Siar na Gàidhealtachd (WHTC) tasgadh de £56,600 bho HIE gus a lorg càrboin a lùghdachadh, agus aig an aon àm tarbhachd a mheudachadh agus obraichean a chruthachadh.
Bhuilicheadh £500,000 air Port Chiseorn Earranta gus cuideachadh le obraichean sgrùdaidh mara a mhaoineachadh airson prìomh ath-ùrachaidh fhiosrachadh.
A thaobh taic coimhearsnachd, bhuilich HIE sùim de £23,400 air Urras Coimhearsnachd Shlèite san Eilean Sgitheanach gus obair air an gnothachas connaidh-fhiodha a leasachadh. Fhuair pròiseact le Cumhachd Eilean nam Muc Earranta airson tar-chruthairean àrd-bholtachd ionadachadh is ath-ùrachadh còmhla ri uidheamachd eile co-cheangailte, taic de £25,000 gus prìomh leasachadh a chomasachadh air solar cumhachd ath-nuadhachail an eilein. Agus fhuair Ionad Rothairean Chnòideart £12,765 gus goireasan rothaireachd a leasachadh do luchd-tadhail agus luchd-còmhnaidh.
Thuirt Alasdair MacNeacail, manaidsear sgìreil HIE ann an Loch Abar, An t-Eilean Sgitheanach agus Taobh Siar Rois:
“Bha e anabarrach math a bhith comasach air taic a thoirt do a leithid de phròiseactan tarsainn Loch Abar, An t-Eilean Sgitheanach agus Taobh Siar Rois an-uiridh, a bha a’ coimhead ri calpachadh air neartan is buannachdan nàdarra na sgìre. Tha sinn a’ cumail àrd-amasail rè na bliadhna seo, agus a’ leantainn air adhart gar dùbhlanachadh fhìn gus barrachd chothroman eaconamach a chomharrachadh agus a shireadh mar a bhios iad a’ tighinn am bàrr. Is ann mu dheidhinn sin a tha ar ro-innleachd còig-bliadhna, a dh’fhoillsicheadh an-uiridh, agus tha sinn a’ dèanamh fiughair ri leantainn ag obair le ar com-pàirtichean, gnothachasan agus coimhearsnachdan gus tuilleadh bhuannachdan eaconamach a chosnadh don sgìre.”
Tha na figearan a tha air an cur ri chèile le HIE buailteach do ath-sgrùdadh le Sgrùdadh Alba ron fhoillseachadh air aithisg bhliadhnail a’ bhuidhinn san Dùbhlachd.
Lochaline Quartz Sand Limited is set to double its production and increase annual turnover by more than £2.6m.
A major project to create a new visitor hub on the island of Canna in Lochaber has secured a £20,000 contribution from HIE.
Food and Drink TechHUB will provide financial and advice support to help businesses, including social and community enterprises, with commercial growth and net zero transition activities.
The improvements will enable the company to continue its growth through increased capacity and efficiencies in production.
Event in Portree on Saturday 27 April to encourage more people into the profession
An event in Portree on 19 March is expected to attract business leaders and policy makers from across the west coast and be a catalyst for shaping the area’s future.
The owners have secured up to £175,900 investment from HIE towards the works, which will help boost annual turnover and support local jobs.
A community project is under way in Knoydart to improve cycling facilities for visitors and residents.
Love Lochaber community campaign launched
West Highland Tea Company is improving the energy efficiency and footprint of its newly leased premises in Mallaig