HIE has appointed a new director of area operations. Joanna Peteranna took up the new post on 1 July after being promoted from area manager for Innse Gall and will retain specific responsibility for Outer Hebrides.
Born and brought up in Paisley with a North Uist family, Joanna worked for Bank of Scotland in Edinburgh before settling in Benbecula in 2002.
She went on to work in the private and third sectors and joined HIE as a development manager for Uist and Barra in 2012, before becoming area manager in 2022, based in Benbecula.
Joanna has played a key role in a range of developments across the Outer Hebrides, working closely with public and private stakeholders. Joanna completed the Entrepreneurial Development Programme at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in Boston and is a strong supporter of Gaelic having steered HIE’s latest Gaelic Plan.
Joanna was also part of the Short Life Working Group on Economic and Social Opportunities for Gaelic which reported to the Scottish Government in 2023. She also sings with Còisir Ghàidhlig Bharraigh and was involved in establishing Còisir Òigridh Ghàidhlig Nàiseanta na h-Alba.
Joanna said: “I have thoroughly enjoyed the last two years as area manager and I am delighted to take up this new role, which focuses on supporting businesses and communities across the Highlands and Islands.
“I am a strong believer in collaboration with partners as the best way to deliver more for the region and continue to make the Highlands and Islands a great place to live, work study and invest.”
Stuart Black, Chief Executive at HIE, said: “I am delighted to welcome Joanna as a permanent member of our leadership team. Her experience, both with HIE and prior to joining the organisation, will continue to be a great asset to us.
“This appointment shows our commitment to ensuring that colleagues based in our most fragile areas can reach the reach the highest level in the organisation. We congratulate Joanna in her appointment and wish her every success in the new role.”
HIE a’ fastadh stiùiriche ùr
Tha Iomairt na Gàidhealtachd ’s nan Eilean (HIE) air Stiùiriche Obrachaidh Sgìreil fhastadh.
Chaidh Joanna Peteranna don dreuchd ùir air 1 Iuchar an dèidh àrdachadh bho mhanaidsear sgìreil Innse Gall aig HIE agus glèidhidh i uallach sònraichte airson na sgìre.
Rugadh agus thogadh Joanna ann am Pàislig do theaghlach à Uibhist a Tuath, an toiseach ag obair ann am Banca na h-Alba ann an Dùn Èideann mus deach i a dh’fhuireach ann am Beinn na Faoghla ann an 2002.
Chaidh i air adhart a dh’obair san roinn phrìobhaidich agus san treas roinne mus tàinig i gu HIE mar mhanaidsear air Uibhist is Barraigh ann an 2012, agus an uair sin na manaidsear sgìreil ann an 2022, stèidhichte ann am Beinn na Faoghla.
Tha prìomh àite air a bhith aig Joanna ann an raon de leasachaidhean air feadh Innse Gall, ag obair gu dlùth le luchd-ùidhe poblach is prìobhaideach, agus chuir i crìoch air a’ Phrògram Leasachaidh Thionnsgalach ann an Institiùd Teicneòlais Massachusetts (MIT) ann am Boston.
Tha i làidir na taic don Ghàidhlig, an dèidh a bhith na pàirt den Bhuidheann Obrach Geàrr-amail air Cothroman Eaconamach is Sòisealta don Ghàidhlig, a chuir aithisg an toraidhean gu Riaghaltas na h-Alba ann an 2023. Stiùir i cuideachd am Plana Gàidhlig as ùire aig HIE.
Taobh a-muigh a h-obrach, bidh Joanna a’ seinn ann an Còisir Ghàidhlig Bharraigh agus tha i an sàs ann an stèidheachadh Còisir Òigridh Ghàidhlig Nàiseanta na h-Alba.
A’ meòrachadh air a dreuchd ùir, thuirt i:
“Tha an dà bhliadhna mu dheireadh mar mhanaidsear sgìreil air còrdadh rium gu mòr agus tha mi air leth toilichte an dreuchd ùr seo a ghabhail, a tha a’ cuimseachadh air a bhith a’ cur taic ri gnothachasan agus coimhearsnachdan air feadh na Gàidhealtachd ’s nan Eilean.
“Tha mi a’ creidsinn gu làidir ann an co-obrachadh le com-pàirtichean mar an dòigh as fheàrr air barrachd a lìbhrigeadh don roinn agus leantainn air adhart a’ leasachadh na Gàidhealtachd ’s nan Eilean gu bhith na àite a tha math airson còmhnaidh, obair, ionnsachadh agus tasgadh ann.”
Thuirt Stuart Black, àrd-oifigear HIE:
“Tha mi air leth toilichte fàilte a chur air Joanna mar bhall maireannachadh de ar sgioba stiùiridh. Leanaidh a cuid eòlais, an dà chuid le HIE agus mus tàinig i don bhuidheann, air adhart le bhith na bhuannachd mhòr dhuinne.
“Tha an dreuchd seo a’ taisbeanadh ar dealais a thaobh dèanamh cinnteach gum faod co-obraichean a tha stèidhichte sna sgìrean as cugallaiche againn, an ìre as àirde a ruighinn sa bhuidheann. Tha sinn a’ cur mealadh naidheachd air Joanna agus a’ guidhe gach soirbheachadh dhi na dreuchd ùr.”
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