Community-owned centre in Drumnadrochit boosts cycling facilities
A community-owned visitor centre in Drumnadrochit is enhancing cycling facilities for visitors.
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The SLF is funded by the Scottish Government and delivered in partnership by Highlands and Islands Enterprise (HIE) and the National Lottery Community Fund.
Four projects in the Highlands and Islands are among ten totalling £1,975,563 across Scotland.
Oakbank Community Inn will purchase the Oakbank Inn in Sandbank, Dunoon with its award of £147,411. The group will reopen the pub and restaurant to create a warm, safe and inclusive community space.
In Orkney, Stromness Community development Trust will use their £138,054 award to purchase the community centre including the playpark from Orkney Islands Council. The group will develop the asset as a community facility, offering a range of services and space for hire.
Lamlash Community Hub in Arran will acquire Lamlash (Kilbride) Parish Church and Hall. The group will continue to offer a space for community activities, with an award of £121,500. Plans include refurbishing the buildings to create meeting rooms, exhibition and performance spaces, with the potential for a community lounge, café and commercial kitchen.
Plans include refurbishing the buildings to create meeting rooms, exhibition and performance spaces with the potential for a community lounge, café and commercial kitchen at a later date.
Balmacara Community Trust in has received £162,130 to acquire the former Balmacara Campsite in Lochalsh from Forestry and Land Scotland.
The site will remain natural woodland with paths and gathering spaces for recreation and community events. The group will also upgrade the derelict office building and will potentially reinstate the campsite.
Mike Shucksmith, Chair, Balmacara Community Trust, said: “Balmacara Community Trust is thrilled to be awarded a grant from the Scottish Land Fund to purchase Balmacara Campsite from Forestry and Land Scotland for the local community.
“This award through the Community Asset Transfer programme will enable the Trust to preserve and protect the site for generations to come. The land is regularly used for walking with linking trails to further afield, dog walking and other recreational pursuits - even sledging at this time of year. The award will also allow the Trust to have its first Development Officer too.
“Within the award is funding for further surveys of the woodland and of the building involved in the sale of the site, these surveys also have funding support from HIE.
“We are very grateful for the support and encouragement we have received for this project from the Scottish Land Fund, Forestry and Land Scotland, HIE, but also from the community that this woodland site means so much to.”
Mairi Gougeon, Cabinet Secretary, Rural Affairs, Land Reform and Islands, said:
“I think what is so incredible about those receiving Scottish Land Fund awards is that each is an example of people coming together to take really positive, practical action to create a place for others to come together and benefit the community - often securing the future of a beloved local landmark. I want to congratulate all of those who will be able to drive their projects forward with this support and wish them the very best.”
Cara Gillespie, Scottish Land Fund Committee Chair said: “By providing funding that is targeted directly at local needs, the Scottish Land Fund is helping both urban and rural communities to flourish. The groups involved have developed strategic goals and clear ambitions about how these assets will help their localities to thrive.”
Sandra Holmes, head of community assets at HIE, said:
"The successful projects announced today across Scotland are all fantastic examples of people taking control of local resources for the long-term benefit of their communities. These initiatives will not only enhance local amenities and services but also give local people a sense of ownership and pride. It will give communities greater control over important assets that will reap rewards for people now and for generations to come. We are excited to see the positive impacts these projects will bring and wish every group the very best in developing these excellent projects.”
The Scottish Land Fund is funded by the Scottish Government and delivered in partnership by the National Lottery Community Fund and Highlands and Islands Enterprise, both of which have extensive experience of helping communities to acquire and develop their assets for over a decade.
Buidhnean coimhearsnachd a’ faotainn maoineachadh bho SLF
Tha eaglais paraiste agus talla ann an Eilean Arainn, taigh-òsta ann an Dùn Omhain agus ionad coimhearsnachd ann an Stroiminis, am measg thogalaichean a tha gan ceannach le buidhnean coimhearsnachd air feadh na Gàidhealtachd ’s nan Eilean sa chuairt mu dheireadh de dh’aontaidhean bho Mhaoin Fearann na h-Alba (SLF).
Tha an SLF maoinichte le Riaghaltas na h-Alba agus air a lìbhrigeadh ann an com-pàirteachas le Iomairt na Gàidhealtachd ’s nan Eilean (HIE) agus Maoin Coimhearsnachd a’ Chrannchuir Nàiseanta.
Tha ceithir phròiseactan anns a’ Ghàidhealtachd ’s na h-Eileanan am measg deich phròiseactan air feadh Alba bho mhaoin iomlan de £1,975,563.
Ceannaichidh coimhearsnachd Oakbank taigh-òsta Oakbank san Oitir ann an Dùn Omhain le maoin de £147,411. Bidh am buidheann ag ath-fhosgladh an taigh-seinnse ’s an taigh-bìdh gus àite coimhearsnachd blàth, seasgair agus in-ghabhalach a chruthachadh.
Ann an Arcaibh, bidh Urras Leasachaidh Coimhearsnachd Stroiminis a’ cleachdadh a’ mhaoineachaidh de £138,054 airson an ionaid choimhearsnachd, a’ gabhail a-steach na pàirce cluiche, a cheannach bho Chomhairle Eileanan Arcaibh. Leasaichidh am buidheann an togalach seo mar ghoireas coimhearsnachd a bhios a’ tabhann raon de sheirbheisean còmhla ri làrach airson a leigeil air màl.
Gheibh Mòr-Ionad Coimhearsnachd Eilean MoLaise ann an Arainn seilbh air Eaglais Paraiste is Talla Eilean MoLaise (Cille Bhrìde). Leanaidh am buidheann air adhart a’ tabhann àite airson ghnìomhachdan coimhearsnachd le duais de £121,500. Tha planaichean a’ gabhail a-steach ath-ùrachadh air na togalaichean gus seòmraichean coinneachaidh, làraichean taisbeanaidh is gnìomachaidh a chruthachadh, le comas airson seòmar-suidhe coimhearsnachd, cafaidh agus cidsin coimearsalta.
Tha planaichean a’ gabhail a-steach ath-ùrachadh air na togalaichean gus seòmraichean coinneachaidh, làraichean taisbeanaidh is gnìomachaidh a chruthachadh, le comas airson seòmar-suidhe coimhearsnachd, cafaidh agus cidsin coimearsalta san àm ri teachd.
Fhuair Urras Coimhearsnachd Bhaile MhicAra sùim de £162,130 gus an làrach campachaidh a bha ann am Baile MacAra ann an Loch Aillse a cheannach bho Choilltearachd is Fearann Alba.
Fuirichidh an làrach mar àite coillteach nàdarra le frith-rathaidean is àiteachan cruinneachaidh airson thachartasan cur-seachad agus coimhearsnachd. Bidh am buidheann cuideachd ag ath-ùrachadh an togalaich oifis a tha fàsaichte agus tro àm ag ath-stèidheachadh an làraich champachaidh.
Thuirt Mike Shucksmith, Cathraiche, Urras Coimhearsnachd Bhaile MhicAra: “Tha Urras Bhaile MhicAra air leth toilichte a bhith a’ faotainn buileachadh duaise bho Mhaoin Fearann na h-Alba gus làrach campachaidh Bhaile Mhic Ara a cheannach don choimhearsnachd ionadail bho Choilltearachd is Fearann Alba.
“Bheir an duais seo a fhuaireadh tron phrògram Eadar-ghluasaid Mhaoin Coimhearsnachd, comas don Urras an làrach a ghlèidheadh agus a dhìon airson nan ginealaichean ri teachd. Tha am fearann ga chleachdadh gu cunbhalach airson coiseachd le slighean eile a’ ceangal ri àiteachan nas fhaide air falbh, coiseachd chon agus cleachdaidhean cur-seachad eile – fiù ’s sleidseadh aig an àm seo den bhliadhna. Ceadaichidh an duais cuideachd don Urras a’ chiad Oifigear Leasachaidh aca fhastadh.
“Taobh a-staigh na duaise, tha maoineachadh airson tuilleadh shuirbhidhean air an fhearann choillteach agus air an togalach a tha an lùib reic air an làraich, agus tha taic maoineachaidh aig na suirbhidhean sin bho HIE cuideachd.
Tha sinn glè thaingeil airson na taice agus a’ mhisneachaidh a fhuair sinn airson a’ phròiseict seo bho Mhaoin Fearann na h-Alba, Coilltearachd is Fearann Alba, HIE, ach cuideachd bhon choimhearsnachd do bheil an làrach choillteach seo a’ ciallachadh a leithid.”
Thuirt Mairi Gougeon, Rùnaire Caibineit airson Cùisean Dùthchail, Ath-leasachadh Fearainn agus Eileanan:
“Tha mi den bheachd gur e a tha do-chreidsinneach mun deidhinnsa a tha a’ faotainn dhuaisean bho Mhaoin Fearann na h-Alba, gur e eisimpleir a th’ anns gach aon dhiubh de dhaoine a’ tighinn còmhla airson gnìomh fìor dhearbhach is dhèantach a chur an cèill airson àite a chruthachadh do chàch gu buannachd na coimhearsnachd – agus tèarainteachd fhaotainn do chomharra-tìre ionadail air a bheil mòr-mheas, mu choinneamh an ama ri teachd. Bu mhath leam mealadh naidheachd a chur orrasan uile aig am bi comas air am pròiseactan a stiùireadh air adhart leis an taic seo agus tha mi a’ guidhe gach soirbheachadh dhaibh.”
Thuirt Cara Nic’illeEasbaig, Cathraiche Comataidh Maoin Fearann na h-Alba: “Le bhith a’ solarachadh airgead a tha cuimsichte gu dìreach air feumalachdan ionadail, tha Maoin Fearann na h-Alba a’ cuideachadh an dà chuid coimhearsnachdan bailteil agus dùthchail gu bhith soirbheachail. Tha na buidhnean a tha na lùib air cinn-uidhe ro-innleachail agus àrd-amasan soilleir a leasachadh mu thimcheall mar a bhios na maoinean sin a’ cuideachadh an coimhearsnachdan gu bhith soirbheachail.”
Thuirt Sandra Holmes, ceannard mhaoinean coimhearsnachd aig HIE:
"Tha na pròiseactan soirbheachail a chaidh ainmeachadh an-diugh air feadh Alba, nan eisimpleirean mìorbhaileach de dhaoine a’ gabhail smachd air goireasan ionadail airson buannachd fad-amail an coimhearsnachdan. Cha bhi na h-iomairtean sin a’ neartachadh ghoireasan ionadail a-mhàin ach cuideachd a’ toirt faireachdainn de sheilbheachd is pròis do dhaoine na coimhearsnachd. Bheir iad smachd nas làidire do choimhearsnachdan thairis air maoinean cudromach a choisinneas duaisean do dhaoine a-nis agus airson nan ginealaichean ri teachd. Tha sinn air ar dòigh a bhith a’ faicinn nam buadhan dearbhach a tharraingeas na pròiseactan sin agus a’ guidhe gach soirbheachadh do na buidhnean uile ann an leasachadh nam pròiseactan sàr-mhath sin.”
Tha Maoin Fearann na h-Alba maoinichte le Riaghaltas na h-Alba agus air a lìbhrigeadh ann an com-pàirteachas le Maoin Coimhearsnachd a’ Chrannchuir Nàiseanta agus Iomairt na Gàidhealtachd ’s nan Eilean, aig a bheil eòlas fìor fharsaing le chèile air a bhith a’ cuideachadh choimhearsnachdan gu am maoinean fhaotainn agus a leasachadh, thar còrr air deich bliadhna.
A community-owned visitor centre in Drumnadrochit is enhancing cycling facilities for visitors.
Land in Drumnadrochit, a memorial hall in Fort Augustus and property in Orkney are among assets being purchased by community groups in the latest round of awards totalling £829,692 across Scotland.
A boating club in Unst, a kirk in Whalsay and a community hall in Fetlar are among projects supported by HIE to generate income, provide vital services and create jobs in Shetland’s outer isles.
A 200-seater auditorium specifically designed for music and performance is to be built in South Uist.
Three community housing projects in Orkney and the Hebrides have received funding from the Scottish Land Fund (SLF).
Isle of Lewis based Macaulay College is to expand following confirmation of funding from HIE and other organisations.
Figures compiled by HIE show that businesses and communities supported by the agency in Orkney during the last financial year are set to create 80 jobs.
A group of islands in Orkney has received £530,136 for two community purchase projects in the latest round of grants from the Scottish Land Fund (SLF).
An event in Portree on 19 March is expected to attract business leaders and policy makers from across the west coast and be a catalyst for shaping the area’s future.
A new building to house facilities for visitors and local residents of a growing rural community on a west coast island has been certified as a net zero carbon building.
Region’s community groups benefit from SLF awards