Community-owned centre in Drumnadrochit boosts cycling facilities
A community-owned visitor centre in Drumnadrochit is enhancing cycling facilities for visitors.
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Awards for projects on Colonsay, Papay, and Harris, which will convert existing buildings into 10 affordable rental units, are among eight grants totalling £1,105,260 given to communities across the country by the SLF.
SLF is funded by the Scottish Government and delivered in partnership by the National Lottery Community Fund and Highlands and Islands Enterprise (HIE), both of which have extensive experience of helping communities to acquire and develop their assets for over a decade.
Mairi Gougeon, Cabinet Secretary, Rural Affairs, Land Reform and Islands, said: “The Scottish Land Fund is a crucial way that people can have a tangible say in the way that assets in their communities are run.
“It is particularly welcome to see projects supported in our rural and island communities. Their local knowledge is vital in helping us overcome local challenges such as affordable housing in rural areas.
“I’d like to congratulate all of the successful groups and I look forward to seeing the benefits these projects will bring.”
Darragh Keenaghan of Colonsay Community Development Company (CCDC), which has been awarded £395,000 to purchase a four-bedroom house and accompanying croft on the Isle of Colonsay to provide affordable rented accommodation and a working croft, said:
“We are delighted to have received this grant through the SLF. It will enable us to purchase a family-sized house and croft land which we will use to attract more young people to live and work on the island. This will help us to support the school which has dropped to critically low numbers in recent years, as well as ensuring a more balanced demographic and year-round population.
“This project, along with other initiatives in our community plan, will help ensure Colonsay is a thriving and sustainable place that current and future generations can call home. CCDC is grateful for the support provided by the SLF in helping us achieve our aims.
Sandra Holmes, head of community assets at HIE, said: “The groups receiving funding have all identified opportunities to help their local area to thrive. The projects are all great examples of people taking control of local resources for the long-term benefit of their communities. Ownership of these assets will give them greater control over important assets that will reap rewards for people now and for generations to come. We wish every successful organisation the very best in their new ventures.”
Cara Gillespie, Scottish Land Fund Committee Chair, said: “Once again the SLF is providing transformative funding that allows communities to meet local needs, helping them to accomplish a whole range of vital projects that will help to strengthen the resilience of their villages and neighbourhoods.
Other recipients include a group in Fife that is aiming to reopen its village pub and a project on Mull that is set to establish a native tree nursery and a community orchard.
The complete list of groups receiving funding is:
Glen Urquhart Rural Community Association SCIO - £53,894
Glen Urquhart Rural Community Association SCIO (GURCA) will acquire land with three buildings in Balnain, near Drumnadrochit. The entire site will be leased to Glen Urquhart Mens Shed (GUMS) to provide a permanent base for their activities. When not in use by the mens shed, GUMS will rent out a workshop building to local groups and the local school. The smallest building will be used as an office available for long-term rent.
Colonsay Community Development Company - £395,000
Colonsay Community Development Company will purchase a four bedroom house and accompanying croft on the Isle of Colonsay. The house will be used to provide affordable rented accommodation and a working croft.
Weigh CIC - £265,565
Weigh Community Interest Company, known locally as Weigh Ahead, will acquire two buildings in Dunblane town centre for the purpose of supporting local businesses, retaining two community shops and developing a community hub with exhibition and activity space. The larger of the two shops will sell refill household produce and the smaller is an outlet for local artists and makers.
Papay Development Trust - £143,423
Papay Development Trust will acquire a three-bedroom house with additional annex in need of renovation on the island of Papa Westray, Orkney. The house has the potential to be split into 2 units and will be used to provide affordable rented accommodation for the community.
Auchtertool Community Trust - £125,170
Auchtertool Community Trust will acquire the building, in the village of Auchterool. They will restore the building and re-open as a community pub, incorporating a community hub and small shop. This will benefit the community by providing a space where locals and visitors can meet, socialise, enjoy food and drink in comfortable surroundings. Re-establishing a small shop will enable people living in the village to buy essentials without travelling to nearby towns or villages.
Harris Development Ltd - £62,040
Harris Development Limited will purchase a former school and associated buildings in Scalpay, Harris. The group will develop the area into seven new affordable housing units, community space and business units. The apartments will be rented to the community to alleviate a shortage of housing on the island and provide new space for community and business use.
Kilfinan Community Forest Company - £45,000
Kilfinan Community Forest Company will purchase the access road to their community owned woodland. Purchasing the access road will provide security of access for the community woodland and the various projects (including woodland crofts) which are located at the site.
Mull and Iona Community Trust - £15,168
Mull and Iona Community Trust will purchase two areas of land near the village of Dervaig in North West Mull. The site will provide land for two local community projects – Mull Community Native Tree Nursery and Dervaig Community Orchard.
Read more in the SLF news release
Taigheadas dùthchail is pròiseactan coimhearsnachd a’ faighinn togail bho Mhaoin Fearann na h-Alba
Tha trì iomairtean taigheadais air feadh Arcaibh agus Innse Gall air taic fhaighinn sa chuairt as ùire de mhaoineachadh bho Mhaoin Fearann na h-Alba.
Tha duaisean do phròiseactan ann an Colbhasa, Pabaigh, agus na Hearadh, a dh’atharraicheas togalaichean làithreach gu 10 aonadan air màl reusanta, am measg ochd tabhartasan de luach £1,105,260 gu h-iomlan a thugadh do choimhearsnachdan air feadh na dùthcha le Maoin Fearann na h-Alba.
Dh’ath-fhosgail Maoin Fearann na h-Alba do thagraidhean sa Ghiblean 2021. Tha am prògram maoinichte le Riaghaltas na h-Alba agus air a lìbhrigeadh ann an com-pàirteachas le Maoin Coimhearsnachd a’ Chrannchuir Nàiseanta agus Iomairt na Gàidhealtachd ’s nan Eilean, aig a bheil eòlas farsaing le chèile ann an cuideachadh choimhearsnachdan gu am maoinean fhaotainn agus a leasachadh thar nan deich bliadhna mu dheireadh.
Thuirt Mairi Gougeon, Rùnaire Caibineit, Cùisean Dùthchail, Ath-leasachadh Fearainn agus Eileanan: “Is e slighe dheatamach a th’ ann am Maoin Fearann na h-Alba, do dhaoine air beachd bhuntainneach a thoirt seachad mun dòigh sa bheil maoinean nan coimhearsnachdan air an ruith.
“Tha e gu h-àraid di-beathte a bhith a’ faicinn phròiseactan a’ faotainn taic nar coimhearsnachdan dùthchail is eileanach. Tha an cuid eòlais ionadail riatanach ann a bhith gar cuideachadh le dèiligeadh ri dùbhlain ionadail mar thaigheadas air prìs reusanta ann an sgìrean dùthchail.
“Bu mhath leam mealadh naidheachd a chur air na buidhnean soirbheachail sin uile, agus tha mi a’ coimhead air adhart ri buannachdan nam pròiseactan sin fhaicinn.”
Thuirt Darragh Keenaghan bho Chompanaidh Leasachadh Coimhearsnachd Cholbhasa, air an deach £395,000 a bhuileachadh gus taigh le ceithir seòmraichean-cadail agus croit a cheannach air Eilean Cholbhasa airson àite-fuirich agus croit obrachail a sholarachadh air màl reusanta: “Tha sinn air leth toilichte an tabhartas seo fhaighinn tro Mhaoin Fearann na h-Alba. Nì e comasach dhuinn taigh air meud teaghlaich agus fearann croite a cheannach a chleachdas sinn airson barrachd dhaoine òga a thàladh gu bhith a’ fuireach agus ag obair air an eilean. Cuidichidh seo sinn le taic a thoirt don sgoil le àireamhan a tha air tuiteam glè ìosal sna bliadhnaichean a dh’fhalbh, a thuilleadh air dèanamh cinnteach à sluagh-thomhas nas cothromaiche agus àireamh-sluaigh fad na bliadhna.
“Cuidichidh am pròiseact seo, còmhla ri iomairtean eile nar Plana Coimhearsnachd, le dèanamh cinnteach gu bheil Colbhasa na àite soirbheachail agus seasmhach a dh’fhaodas a bhith na dhachaigh do na ginealaichean làithreach agus san àm ri teachd. Tha CCDC taingeil airson na taic a fhuaireadh bho SLF gar cuideachadh gu ar n-amasan a choileanadh.
Thuirt an Dr Pat Carragher, Cathraiche, Urras Coimhearsnachd Uachdar Thuathail, a fhuair £125,170 gus togalach an taigh-sheinnse sa bhaile seo ann am Fìobha a cheannach: “Tha an naidheachd mu thabhartas bho Mhaoin Fearann na h-Alba gus an Tiel a cheannach agus mòr-ionad a chruthachadh sa bhaile anns am bi cafaidh, bùth, taigh-seinnse agus taigh-bìdh, glè bhrosnachail agus tha comas aige a bhith na bhuannachd mhòr do choimhearsnachd Uachdar Thuathail air fad.
“Tha leasachadh air àite coimhearsnachd ann am meadhan a’ bhaile, fhad ’s a tha e na ghoireas fìor mhath do luchd-còmhnaidh Uachdar Thuathail, cuideachd gu bhith a’ misneachadh luchd-tadhail agus a’ dèanamh a’ bhaile mar cheann-uidhe do luchd-coiseachd, luchd-rothaireachd agus càch a tha a’ coimhead airson àiteigin taobh a-muigh nam bailtean ionadail.
Agus thuirt Sandra Holmes, ceannard mhaoinean coimhearsnachd aig HIE: “Tha na buidhnean a tha a’ faotainn maoineachaidh uile air cothroman a chomharrachadh gus cuideachadh le an sgìre a bhith soirbheachail. Tha na pròiseactan nan eisimpleirean matha de dhaoine a’ gabhail thairis smachd air goireasan ionadail gu buannachd fad-amail an coimhearsnachdan. Bheir sealbheachd air na maoinean sin barrachd smachd dhaibh thairis air maoinean cudromach a choisinneas duaisean do dhaoine a-nis agus fad ghinealaichean ri teachd. Tha sinn a’ guidhe gach soirbheachadh do na buidhnean le am pròiseactan ùra.”
Thuirt Cara Gillespie, Cathraiche Comataidh Maoin Fearann na h-Alba: “Uair eile tha Maoin Fearann na h-Alba a’ solarachadh maoineachadh a tha cruth-atharrachail agus a tha a’ ceadachadh do choimhearsnachdan am feumalachdan ionadail a choileanadh, gan cuideachadh gu raon farsaing de phròiseactan deatamach a choileanadh a chuidicheas le fulangas am bailtean agus an nàbaidheachdan a neartachadh.
Am measg luchd-faighinn eile, tha buidheann ann am Fìobha a tha ag amas air taigh-seinnse a’ bhaile ath-fhosgladh agus pròiseact ann am Muile a tha deiseil airson lios-àraich chraobhan dùthchail a stèidheachadh còmhla ri lios-mheasan coimhearsnachd.
Is e an liosta iomlan de bhuidhnean a’ faotainn maoineachadh:
Comann Coimhearsnachd Dhùthchail Ghleann Urchadain SCIO - £53,894
Gheibh Comann Coimhearsnachd Dhùthchail Ghleann Urchadain SCIO (GURCA) fearann le trì togalaichean ann am Baile an Àthain faisg air Drùim na Drochaid. Bidh an làrach air fad air a leigeil a-mach air aonta gu Seada Fir Ghleann Urchadain (GUMS) gus àite stèidhichte a thoirt dhaibh airson an gnìomhachdan. Nuair nach bi seada nam fear ga chleachdadh, leigidh GUMS togalach bùth-obrach a-mach air màl do bhuidhnean ionadail agus don sgoil ionadail. Bidh an togalach as lugha air a chleachdadh mar oifis ri faotainn air màl fad-amail.
Companaidh Leasachaidh Coimhearsnachd Cholbhasa - £395,000
Ceannaichidh Companaidh Leasachaidh Coimhearsnachd Cholbhasa taigh le ceithir seòmraichean-cadail agus croit leis air Eilean Cholbhasa. Thèid an taigh a chleachdadh gus àite-fuirich agus croit obrachail a sholarachadh air màl reusanta.
Weigh CIC - £265,565
Gheibh Companaidh Ùidh Coimhearsnachd Weigh, aithnichte gu h-ionadail mar Weigh Ahead, dà thogalach ann am meadhan baile Dhùn Bhlàthain airson taic a chur ri gnothachasan ionadail, a’ glèidheadh dà bhùth coimhearsnachd agus leasachadh mòr-ionad coimhearsnachd le farsaingeachd do thaisbeanaidhean is ghnìomhachdan. Bidh a’ bhùth as motha a’ reic toradh/bathar taighe agus a’ bhùth as lugha mar àite do luchd-ealain is luchd-dèanamh ionadail.
Urras Leasachaidh Phabaigh - £143,423
Gheibh Urras Leasachaidh Phabaigh taigh le trì seòmraichean-cadail le fo-thaigh co-cheangailte air a bheil feum air ath-ùrachadh, air eilean Papa Westray ann an Arcaibh. Tha an taigh comasach a sgaradh ann an 2 aonad agus thèid a chleachdadh mar àite-fuirich air màl reusanta don choimhearsnachd.
Urras Coimhearsnachd Uachdar Thuathail - £125,170
Gheibh Urras Coimhearsnachd Uachdar Thuathail an togalach ann am baile Uachdar Thuathail. Thèid an togalach a dhèanamh suas agus bidh e air fhosgladh mar thaigh-seinnse coimhearsnachd, a’ gabhail a-steach mòr-ionad coimhearsnachd agus bùth bheag. Bidh seo na bhuannachd don choimhearsnachd le bhith a’ solarachadh àite far am faod muinntir na coimhearsnachd agus luchd-tadhail coinneachadh, a bhith sòisealta, tlachd a ghabhail à biadh agus deoch ann an suidheachadh cofhurtail. Bheir ath-stèidheachadh air bùth bheag comas do dhaoine a tha a’ fuireach sa bhaile air gnothaichean èiseil a cheannach gun a bhith a’ siubhal gu bailtean mun cuairt.
Leasachadh na Hearadh Earranta - £62,040
Ceannaichidh Harris Development Earranta an t-seann sgoil agus na togalaichean co-cheangailte ann an Sgalpaigh na Hearadh. Leasaichidh am buidheann an làrach gu seachd aonadan taigheadais ùra air prìs reusanta, àite coimhearsnachd agus aonadan gnothachais. Thèid na h-aonadan a leigeil a-mach air màl don choimhearsnachd gus gainnead taigheadais air an eilean a chuideachadh agus àite ùr a sholarachadh airson cleachdadh coimhearsnachd is gnothachais.
Companaidh Choilltean Coimhearsnachd Chill Fhìonain - £45,000
Ceannaichidh Companaidh Choilltean Coimhearsnachd Chill Fhìonain an rathad a-steach do na coilltean a tha ann an seilbh na coimhearsnachd agus na diofar phròiseactan (a’ gabhail a-steach croitean choilltean) a tha stèidhichte aig an làraich.
Urras Coimhearsnachd Mhuile agus Idhe - £15,168
Ceannaichidh Urras Coimhearsnachd Mhuile agus Idhe dà phìos fearainn ann am baile Dhearbhaig ann an Iar Thuath Mhuile. Bheir an làrach seachad fearann airson dà phròiseact coimhearsnachd ionadail – Lios-àrach Chraobhan Dùthchail Coimhearsnachd Mhuile agus Lios-mheasan Coimhearsnachd Dhearbhaig.
A community-owned visitor centre in Drumnadrochit is enhancing cycling facilities for visitors.
A parish church and hall in Arran, an inn in Dunoon and a campsite in Balmacara are among assets being purchased by community groups in the latest round of the Scottish Land Fund (SLF) approvals.
Land in Drumnadrochit, a memorial hall in Fort Augustus and property in Orkney are among assets being purchased by community groups in the latest round of awards totalling £829,692 across Scotland.
A boating club in Unst, a kirk in Whalsay and a community hall in Fetlar are among projects supported by HIE to generate income, provide vital services and create jobs in Shetland’s outer isles.
A 200-seater auditorium specifically designed for music and performance is to be built in South Uist.
Isle of Lewis based Macaulay College is to expand following confirmation of funding from HIE and other organisations.
Figures compiled by HIE show that businesses and communities supported by the agency in Orkney during the last financial year are set to create 80 jobs.
A group of islands in Orkney has received £530,136 for two community purchase projects in the latest round of grants from the Scottish Land Fund (SLF).
An event in Portree on 19 March is expected to attract business leaders and policy makers from across the west coast and be a catalyst for shaping the area’s future.
A new building to house facilities for visitors and local residents of a growing rural community on a west coast island has been certified as a net zero carbon building.
Region’s community groups benefit from SLF awards