Stornoway event to highlight cruise market opportunities
Businesses in Lewis and Harris are invited to a free event next week to explore new opportunities arising from the growing cruise tourism market.
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Highlands and Islands Enterprise (HIE) invested £1.8m to create a new warehouse at BASF Pharma (Callanish) Ltd in Breasclete to enable the firm to grow its operations. The site is BASF's largest production facility in the UK.
The 550m2 facility was built by Lewis Builders at the site in Breasclete, which is owned by HIE.
Around eighty people are employed at the factory including a team of skilled experts producing highly purified omega 3 extracts as active pharmaceutical ingredients. Using patented processing technology and sustainable fish oil supplies, the products are used in pharmaceutical and dietary supplements, most of which are exported around the world.
As the company expands its operations over the coming years, it is expected to create more high skilled jobs.
Joanna Peteranna, area manager for HIE’s Outer Hebrides team visited BASF during the opening in September, along with HIE's deputy chief executive, Carroll Buxton.
Joanna said: “We’re really pleased to see this warehouse open. The company has already achieved a great deal in Lewis, developing a highly successful scientific business providing well paid employment and trading internationally from an island location.
“We’re delighted to have played a key role in enabling this latest investment to strengthen the business further and secure jobs on the west side of Lewis. It's great that BASF have an operation in Lewis and we are pleased that this in turn gives them the opportunity to contribute to the island’s economy and communities.
Angus Morrison, site manager for BASF Pharma (Callanish) Ltd, said: “The opening marked another significant milestone in the development of our site here in Callanish. We are highly appreciative of the support HIE have provided us over the years. The addition of this new warehouse will enable us to meet increasing market demand and continue to provide opportunities for the local community.”
Taigh-bathair ùr £1.8m air fhosgladh fhads a tha BASF a’ leudachadh
Tha taigh-bathair ùr aig a’ chompanaidh saidheans beatha BASF Pharma (Callanish), Eilean Leòdhais, a' toirt seachad comas stòraidh air a bheil cruaidh fheum gus taic a chur ri planaichean leasachaidh fàis a' chompanaidh, bho chaidh fhosgladh gu h-oifigeil air a' mhìos a chaidh.
Chuir Iomairt na Gàidhealtachd ’s nan Eilean (HIE) suas ri £1.8 an seilbh gus taigh-bathair ùr a chruthachadh aig BASF Pharma (Callanish) Ltd ann am Brèascleit gus leigeil leis a’ chompanaidh leudachadh agus dìon obraichean. Is e an làrach an goireas cinneasachaidh as motha aig BASF san RA.
Chaidh an goireas 550m2 de mheud a thogail le Lewis Builders aig an làraich far a bheil an fhactaraidh, a tha ann an seilbh HIE.
Tha timcheall air ochdad neach air am fastadh gu làithreach san fhactaraidh, a’ gabhail a-steach sgioba de dh’eòlaichean sgileil a tha a’ toradh omega 3 àrd-ghlainte mar ghrìtheidean chungaidhean-leigheis ghnìomhach. A’ cleachdadh teicneòlas giullachd peutanta agus solaran ola seasmhach, tha toraidhean gan cleachdadh ann an co-leasachaidhean bìdh agus cungaidhean-leigheis, leis a’ mhòr-chuid gan às-mhalairt air feadh an t-saoghail.
Mar a bhios a’ chompanaidh a’ leudachadh, thathar an dùil barrachd dhreuchdan a chruthachadh thar nam bliadhnaichean ri teachd.
Thadhail Joanna Peteranna, manaidsear sgìreil sgioba HIE Innse Gall, air BASF an t-seachdain-sa còmhla ri àrd-oifigear an gnìomh aig HIE, Caroll Buxton.
Thuirt Joanna:
“Tha sinn gi math toilichte faicinn gu bheil an taigh-bathair a’ fosgladh. Tha saidheansan beatha na phrìomh roinn sna h-eileanan, a tha a’ tabhann àiteanan dùthchail luachmhòr agus a’ cur ri neart coimhearsnachd. Tha a’ chompanaidh air mòran a choileanadh mar-thà ann an Leòdhas, a’ leasachadh gnothachas saidheansail àrd-shoirbheachail a tha a’ solarachadh cosnadh air a dheagh phàigheadh agus malairt eadar-nàiseanta bho làrach eileanach.
“Tha sinn air leth toilichte gu bheil prìomh àite air a bhith againn ann a bhith a’ toirt cothrom don tasgadh as ùire seo an gnìomhachas a neartachadh a bharrachd agus obraichean fhaighinn air taobh siar Leòdhais. Tha e anabarrach math gu bheil gnìomhachd aig BASF ann an Eilean Leòdhais, agus tha sinn toilichte gu bheil seo an uair sin a’ toirt cothrom dhaibh cur ri eaconamaidh an Eilein agus nan coimhearsnachdan.”
Thuirt Aonghas Moireasdan, manaidsear làraich aig BASF Pharma (Calanais) Earranta: “Is e clach-mhìle chudromach eile a tha seo ann an leasachadh agus fàs air a’ ghnothachas ann an seo ann an Calanais. Tha sinn a sinn an comain HIE airson an cuid taic agus inbheistidh, ga dhèanamh comasach dhuinn obraichean àrd-sgileil agus àrd-chàileachdail fhaotainn don choimhearsnachd ionadail againn.”
Businesses in Lewis and Harris are invited to a free event next week to explore new opportunities arising from the growing cruise tourism market.
The deal is expected to secure 1,000 jobs across the UK, including those at the Arnish facilities in Stornoway.
The space ambitions of the Outer Hebrides have taken a step forward, with the launch of the initial phase of construction of the Spaceport 1 sub-orbital launch site.
Isle of Lewis based Macaulay College is to expand following confirmation of funding from HIE and other organisations.
A major drive to combat global challenges in the animal health, agritech and aquaculture sectors using digital technology will be revealed at A3 Scotland this September.
The five-year agreement between Scotland’s Rural College (SRUC) and HIE will also play a major role in contributing to regional economic growth.
Outer Hebrides featured in international energy transition research
Organisations in Lewis and Harris planning on making the most of the cruise market can attend a drop-in session in Stornoway on Wednesday 20 March.