Tha na duaisean a’ comharrachadh dhaoine fa leth, gnothachasan agus buidhnean coimhearsnachd a tha air cur gu cudromach ri cànan agus cultar na Gàidhlig ann an Alba.
A-nis san deicheamh bliadhna, chaidh an tachartas a stiùireadh leis a’ chraoladair, Cathy NicDhòmhnaill rè Seachdain na Gàidhlig.
Chaidh Astar Media a stèidheachadh ann an 2021 le Murchadh MacSuain a rugadh ann an Leòdhas, an dèidh mothachadh dha beàrn sa mhargaid airson seirbheisean stiùiridh phròiseactan rin lìbhrigeadh le proifeisentaich Ghàidhlig do bhuidhnean Gàidhlig.
Tha an gnothachas a’ cleachdadh mheadhanan didseatach, dealbhadh grafaigeach agus riochdachadh bhidio gus conaltraidhean Gàidhlig cho-aimsireil a lìbhrigeadh, airson barrachd eadar-obrachaidh leis a’ chànan a bhrosnachadh, gu h-àraid le daoine òga.
Gus a’ chompanaidh a chur air a casan, chaidh maoineachadh a bhuileachadh air Murchadh bho Sgeama Taic Iomairt Òigridh Innse Gall (OHYESS) a tha a’ faotainn làn taic bho HIE agus lìbhrigte le Business Gateway. Tha am buidheann mar-thà a’ toirt cosnadh do chòignear luchd-obrach agus air grunn phròiseactan de àrd-luach fhaotainn, a’ gabhail a-steach lìbhrigeadh air FilmG, an fharpais fhad-amail de fhilmichean goirid.
Thuirt Màiri Bhochanan, àrd-mhanaidsear leasachaidh aig HIE Innse Gall: “Tha a leithid de bhuidhnean a’ gabhail chothroman ùr-ghnàthach gus tùs, ùghdarrachd agus tarraingeachd am bathar agus an seirbheisean a neartachadh, a’ cleachdadh Gàidhlig ann an diofar dhòighean.
“Tha sinn air leth toilichte sponsaireachd a thoirt do roinn ‘Gàidhlig mar sho-mhaoin eaconamach’ a-rithist am-bliadhna, agus bu mhath leinn mealadh naidheachd a chur air Astar Media mar thoradh air cho math ’s a rinn iad. Tha an duais a’ toirt aithne do luach eaconamach na Gàidhlig a dh’ionnsaigh eaconamaidh na h-Alba. Tha Murchadh agus a sgioba air dearbhadh a bhith airidh air an euchd. Is math a rinn iad fhèin agus na buannaichean eile uile agus na bha ainmichte ann an roinnean eile, a tha ag aithneachadh an dìoghrais agus an daingneachd ann an stiùireadh Gàidhlig air adhart.”
Tha barrachd fiosrachaidh mu na buannaichean air làrach-lìn Duaisean Gàidhlig na h-Alba aig
Astar Media wins HIE sponsored Gaelic Award
Astar Media won the Highlands and Islands Enterprise (HIE) sponsored ‘Gaelic as an Economic Asset’ award, which was presented at the annual Scottish Gaelic Awards 2023 in Glasgow last night (Tuesday 21 February).
The awards reward individuals, businesses and community groups that have made a significant contribution to Gaelic language and culture across Scotland.
Now in its tenth year, the event was hosted by Gaelic broadcaster Cathy MacDonald and took place during Seachdain na Gàidhlig (World Gaelic Week).
Astar Media was founded by Isle of Lewis-born Murdo MacSween in 2021 after he spotted a gap in the market for project management services to be delivered by Gaelic professionals for Gaelic organisations.
The business uses digital media, graphic design and video production to deliver contemporary Gaelic communications to encourage more interaction with the language, especially with young people.
To help the company start-up, Murdo was awarded funding from the Outer Hebrides Young Enterprise Support Scheme (OHYESS), which is fully funded by HIE and delivered by Business Gateway. The firm already employs five members of staff and has secured several high value projects including the delivery of the long-running Gaelic short-film competition, FilmG.
Mairi Buchanan, senior development manager at HIE’s Outer Hebrides team, said: “So many organisations are taking innovative opportunities to enhance the provenance, authenticity and attractiveness of their products and services using Gaelic in different ways.
“We’re really pleased to sponsor the ‘Gaelic as an Economic Asset’ category again this year and we’d like to congratulate Astar Media on its fantastic achievement. The award recognises the economic value of Gaelic towards Scotland’s economy. Murdo and his team have proven to be worthy winners. Well done to them and to all other winners and finalists in other categories on their passion and determination to drive Gaelic forward.”
More information about winners is on the Scottish Gaelic Awards website
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