West coast sand mine steps up production
Lochaline Quartz Sand Limited is set to double its production and increase annual turnover by more than £2.6m.
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Known as ‘The Village’, the development by Highlands and Islands Enterprise will consist of roads and utilities for smaller plots capable of being developed by the private sector.
There has been increasing demand from organisations involved in the life science, innovation and technology sectors looking to expand or start-up on the Campus.
The plots will suit those who are interested in self-build opportunities that align with the Campus location criteria and design guidelines. Any firms looking for an opportunity to develop and grow on the Campus are encouraged to note their interest with HIE.
The plots will be available for sale to commercial organisations wishing to develop their own buildings, particularly those using innovative construction methods, including off-site and modular construction techniques.
Ruaraidh MacNeill, HIE’s director of business infrastructure, said:
“We are really pleased to award the contract to Pat Munro (Alness) Ltd. The smaller plots will see options for new and flexible types of commercial buildings on the campus, that closely align with our development strategy and with the quality building and environmental standards of Inverness Campus. The investment will result in the development of new products and services, create high-value careers and attract new talent to the area.
“When complete, it will offer flexibility to the growing organisations who are benefiting from the advantages of Inverness Campus as a business location. It’s great to see the dynamic range of projects being developed on the Campus, which will ultimately bring benefits to communities across the Highlands and Islands.”
Contractors are now on site and it is expected that the plots will be available to develop from summer 2023.
Mark Smith, contracts manager at Pat Munro said:
“We are delighted to be awarded this contract and very much look forward to working once again with HIE and their advisors on this important contract, which will have lasting community benefits for many years. This contract gives us the opportunity to provide site experience for our apprentice engineers, surveyors and operatives while we will also be looking to provide a work placement for an engineering student. We will also be engaging with UHI to organise site visits for engineering students.”
HIE is developing the 215-acre Inverness Campus to support the growth in the region’s life science and technology sectors, with an emphasis on collaboration between business, research and education.
To date, 15 businesses are now resident on the Campus in addition to several public sector organisations including HIE, UHI and SRUC. Most of these businesses are SME start-ups that are housed within the developments on Plot 8, namely Aurora and Solasta Houses.
Further information about The Village at Plot 14 is available at www.invernesscampus.co.uk/business-premises-and-land/the-village/
Lochaline Quartz Sand Limited is set to double its production and increase annual turnover by more than £2.6m.
HIE is planning a programme of public consultation and engagement to inform the planning application.
The funicular looks set to be back in action towards the end of December or early in the new year.
Fetcha Chocolates Limited is investing in new equipment to quadruple its capacity, increase turnover and create employment.
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Food and Drink TechHUB will provide financial and advice support to help businesses, including social and community enterprises, with commercial growth and net zero transition activities.
The funding can help cover the costs of equipment, new technology or fixtures and fittings, or to construct, adapt or upgrade business premises or other infrastructure.