HIE published latest business survey results
There were 1,013 responses received from enterprises across the Highlands and Islands region operating in a wide range of sectors.
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Highlands and Islands Enterprise (HIE) has developed the strategy to capitalise on what it describes as several once-in-a-generation opportunities that could deliver hundreds of jobs and millions of pounds into the economy.
These opportunities, it says, are of a scale and potential to transform the region and make a lasting positive impact on Scotland's economy.
The strategy is guided by the National Strategy for Economic Transformation (NSET), which calls for a new approach to deliver a green recovery and wellbeing economy for Scotland and all its regions.
It takes account of the leading role the Highlands and Islands plays in developing sectors such as energy, life sciences, creative industries, tourism, food and drink, and space.
There’s emphasis on harnessing the natural capital of the region to drive growth across these sectors as well as the wider blue economy – all of which are vital to Scotland’s economic transformation.
HIE plans to deliver its strategy through investment in People, Place, Planet and Prosperity.
The People aspect focuses on entrepreneurship, leadership and management for both business and communities. It’s about skills in regional growth sectors, attracting and retaining fresh talent, and championing the principles of Fair Work.
Place stresses a strong focus on the region’s different geographies and predominantly rural communities, and the need to spread benefits and support community wealth building right across the region.
The Planet theme is about capitalising on the region’s natural resources in the most effective and sustainable way. There’s a particular focus on net zero including opportunities arising through the likes of offshore wind and green hydrogen and supporting businesses and communities to cut carbon.
Prosperity covers HIE’s role in helping businesses and community enterprises become more productive and innovative. This reflects the Scottish Government’s innovation strategy, aimed at making Scotland a fairer, more equal, wealthier and greener country.
The strategy also addresses the challenges affecting the region’s businesses and communities, with high cost of living, housing, transport, skills, population and digital connectivity, being some examples.
Stuart Black, HIE chief executive, said the organisation has unrivalled experience in delivering transformational projects and programmes to develop businesses and communities. He added:
“We’re shifting the dial from what has in some cases been a low-wage economy to a more productive and prosperous one.
“Projects in development from Shetland to Argyll, and the Outer Hebrides to Moray, could deliver hundreds of jobs and millions in GVA through opportunities in the likes of offshore wind, green hydrogen, marine energy, marine biotechnology and life sciences.
“Some of our region’s best qualities were really brought to light in its response to the challenges of recent years. Partnership, innovation and international collaboration were significantly enhanced, along with a strong entrepreneurial approach and community spirit. These qualities will stand the Highlands and Islands in good stead as we go forward.
“Our vision is of a leading net zero region with a dynamic wellbeing economy that benefits its growing population and makes a valued contribution to Scotland. This new strategy is all about achieving that vision.”
The Scottish Government Wellbeing Economy Secretary, Neil Gray said:
“This is a welcome step for the region and Scotland as a whole. The Scottish Government alongside HIE is fully committed to addressing the local challenges identified within the strategy and making the highlands and islands a greener, fairer and more resilient region.
“Having met with businesses and communities across the region and spoken with HIE’s Board and Directors, I am confident this strategy will help contribute towards a wellbeing economy. One that provides for the people of Scotland by creating high-quality jobs, grows the economy and helps us reach our climate targets.”
Read HIE's new five-year Strategy
Tha buidheann leasachaidh coimhearsnachd agus eaconamach na h-Alba a thaobh na Gàidhealtachd ’s nan Eilean air a ro-innleachd ùr chòig-bliadhna airson roinn nas cothromaiche, nas uaine agus nas fhulangaiche, fhoillseachadh.
Tha Iomairt na Gàidhealtachd ’s nan Eilean (HIE) air an ro-innleachd a leasachadh gus calpachadh air na tha iad a’ moladh mar chothroman a tha aon uair ann an ginealach, a dh’fhaodadh na ceudan de dh’obraichean a lìbhrigeadh a thuilleadh air na milleanan de notaichean don eaconamaidh.
Tha na cothroman sin, tha iad ag ràdh, de sgèile agus de chomas a chruth-atharraicheas an roinn agus a bheir buaidh mhaireannach air eaconamaidh na h-Alba.
Tha an ro-innleachd air a stiùireadh leis an Ro-Innleachd Nàiseanta airson Cruth-atharrachadh Eaconamach (NSET), a tha ag iarraidh modh-obrach ùr gus slànachadh uaine agus eaconamaidh sunnd a lìbhrigeadh do dh’Alba agus a roinnean air fad.
Tha e a’ gabhail cunntas air an dreuchd chudromach stiùiridh a tha aig a’ Ghàidhealtachd ’s na h-Eileanan ann an leasachadh earrannan leithid cumhachd, saidheansan beatha, gnìomhachasan cruthachail, turasachd, biadh is deoch, agus fànais.
Tha cuideam ga chur air calpa nàdarra na roinne a cheangal suas gus fàs a stiùireadh tarsainn nan earrannan sin a thuilleadh air an eaconamaidh ghorm nas fharsainge – iad uile deatamach do chruth-atharrachadh eaconamach na h-Alba.
Tha HIE a’ planadh air an ro-innleachd aca a lìbhrigeadh tro thasgadh ann an Daoine, Àite, Planaidh agus Soirbheas.
Tha taobh Dhaoine a’ cuimseachadh air tionnsgaineachd, ceannardas agus stiùireadh don dà chuid gnothachas agus coimhearsnachdan. Tha e mu dheidhinn sgilean ann an earrannan fàis roinneil, a’ tàladh agus a’ gleidheadh tàlant ùr, agus ag adhartachadh prionnsapalan Obair Chothromach.
Tha Àite a’ cur cuideam air cuimse làidir air cruinn-eòlasan diofraichte na roinne agus sa mhòr-chuid coimhearsnachdan dùthchail, agus an fheum air buannachdan a sgaoileadh agus taic a chur ri togail air saidhbhreas coimhearsnachd tarsainn na roinne air fad.
Tha Planaid mu dheidhinn a bhith a’ calpachadh air goireasan nàdarra na roinne anns an dòigh as èifeachdaiche agus as seasmhaiche. Tha cuimse shònraichte air neoini iomlan a’ gabhail a-steach chothroman ag èirigh tro nithean mar haidreadsan gaoithe far-tìre agus uaine, agus cur taic ri gnothachasan agus coimhearsnachdan gus càrbon a ghearradh.
Tha soirbheas a’ còmhdach àite HIE ann an cuideachadh ghnothachasan agus iomairtean coimhearsnachd gu bhith nas tarbhaiche agus nas ùr-ghnàthaiche. Tha seo a’ nochdadh ro-innleachd ùr-ghnathachais Riaghaltas na h-Alba, a tha ag amas air Alba a dhèanamh na dùthaich nas cothromaiche, nas co-ionann, nas beartaiche agus nas uaine.
Tha an ro-innleachd cuideachd a’ dèiligeadh ris na dùbhlain a tha a’ toirt buaidh air gnothachasan agus coimhearsnachdan na roinne, le cosgais bith-beò àrd, taigheadas, còmhdhail, sgilean, àireamh-sluaigh agus co-cheangailteachd dhidseatach, am measg cuid de na h-eisimpleirean.
Thuirt Stuart Black, àrd-oifigear HIE, gu bheil eòlas gun choimeas aig a’ bhuidheann ann an lìbhrigeadh phròiseactan agus phrògraman cruth-atharrachail gus gnothachasan agus coimhearsnachdan a leasachadh. Thuirt e cuideachd:
“Tha sinn a’ gluasad bho nì a bha ann an cuid de shuidheachaidhean na eaconamaidh de thuarastal ìosal gu fear nas tarbhaiche agus nas soirbheachail.
“Dh’fhaodadh pròiseactan ann an leasachadh bho Shealtainn gu Earra-Ghàidheal agus bho Innse Gall gu Moireibh, na ceudan de dh’obraichean agus milleanan ann an GVA a lìbhrigeadh tro chothroman ann an iomairtean leithid gaoth far-tìre, haidreadsan uaine, cumhachd mara, bith-theicneòlas mara agus saidheansan beatha.
“Chaidh cuid de na càileachdan as fheàrr den roinn againn a thoirt am follais ann an da-rìribh na freagairt do dhùbhlain nam bliadhnaichean mu dheireadh. Chaidh com-pàirteachas, ùr-ghnàthachadh agus co-obrachadh eadar-nàiseanta àrdachadh gu mòr, còmhla ri modh-obrach thionnsgaineach làidir agus spiorad coimhearsnachd. Bidh na càileachdan sin glè bhuannachdail don Ghàidhealtachd ’s na h-Eileanan, a’ dol air adhart.
“Is e ar lèirsinn, roinn de neoini iomlan le eaconamaidh sunnd innsgineach, a tha na bhuannachd don mheudachadh san àireamh-sluaigh agus a’ cur brìgh luachmhor ri dùthaich na h-Alba. Tha an ro-innleachd ùr seo mu dheidhinn a bhith a’ coileanadh na lèirsinn sin.”
Thuirt Niall Gray, Rùnaire Eaconamaidh Sunnd Riaghaltas na h-Alba :
“Is e ceum bhuannachdail a tha seo don roinn agus do dh’Alba air fad. Tha Riaghaltas na h-Alba còmhla ri HIE gu h-iomlan dealasach a thaobh dèiligeadh ris na dùbhlain ionadail a tha comharraichte san ro-innleachd seo agus a’ Ghàidhealtachd ’s na h-Eileanan a dhèanamh na roinn nas uaine, nas cothromaiche agus nas fhulangaiche.
“An dèidh coinneachadh ri gnothachasan agus coimhearsnachdan air feadh na roinne agus an dèidh bruidhinn ri Bòrd agus Stiùirichean HIE, tha mi glè mhisneachail gun cuidich an ro-innleachd seo le cur ri eaconamaidh sunnd. Aon a bhios a’ solarachadh do shluagh na h-Alba le bhith a’ cruthachadh obraichean àrd-chìleachdail, a chuireas fàs air an eaconamaidh agus a chuidicheas sinn le ar targaidean a choileanadh.”
There were 1,013 responses received from enterprises across the Highlands and Islands region operating in a wide range of sectors.
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