The agency is looking for school leavers and recent graduates who want to make a difference to the future of the region.
There are 12 posts available across the Highlands and Islands. They offer exciting opportunities to build a career locally in HIE’s key project areas, including net zero transition, space, Gaelic, business and community development.
There are also key support posts, in which applicants can develop highly sought-after professional skills - procurement, economic analysis and legal compliance.
Stuart Black, chief executive at HIE, said:
“Every day is different at HIE working with businesses, communities and investors on projects that make the most of our opportunities. Our underlying aim is to create a region where our communities have the best possible career and lifestyle opportunities. So, what better way to grow the skills and opportunities we need, than to offer great jobs to our young workforce so they can help shape the future.”
“HIE’s a great place to work, you’ll get strong support from committed colleagues, excellent terms and conditions, and you can develop a range of highly transferable skills. It could be the first step in a rewarding career where you can make a real difference - as part of our recruitment campaign we’ll be highlighting just a few of our previous MAs and graduates who’ve stayed with us. If you think this is for you, take a look at the opportunities and apply, we’d love to hear from you.”
Applications are open now until August 7.
There are three Modern Apprenticeships, suitable for school-leavers and those starting out in a new career. The graduate posts are open to those who have graduated in the past four years. Contracts are for a minimum of 18 months for MAs, with graduate posts available for a minimum of two years, with some permanent opportunities available. Salaries and terms of employment reflect our Fair Work approach and start from £19,658 for MAs and £24,553 for graduates. You’ll enjoy a generous leave entitlement, hybrid working options and a range of benefits such as a gym subsidy and access to our cycle to work scheme.
Full details on all the following posts are available at
- Modern Apprentice - Procurement assistant
- Modern Apprentice - Administration officer - Orkney
- Modern Apprentice - Administration officer - Innse Gall
- Graduate development manager – Lochaber, Skye, and Wester Ross (x 2)
- Graduate development manager – Moray
- Graduate development manager – Innse Gall (Gaelic focus)
- Graduate development manager – Argyll and the Islands
- Graduate Net Zero Transition officer
- Legal compliance officer
- Economic analyst
- Graduate project manager – including space
HIE a’ trusadh tàlant ùr mar thaic do shoirbheachas na roinne
Tha Iomairt na Gàidhealtachd ’s nan Eilean a’ cur iomairt às ùr an gnìomh gus an ath ghinealach de thàlant a thrusadh chun na sgioba.
Tha am buidheann leasachaidh shòisealta is eaconamach a’ sireadh luchd-fàgail na sgoile agus oileanaich air ùr-cheumnachadh a tha airson diofar a dhèanamh don roinn mu choinneamh an ama ri teachd.
Tha 12 dreuchdan rim faotainn air feadh na Gàidhealtachd agus nan Eilean. Tha iad a’ tabhann chothroman brosnachail air dreuchd a leasachadh gu h-ionadail anns na prìomh sgìrean pròiseict aig HIE, a’ gabhail a-steach eadar-ghluasad neoini lom, fànais, Gàidhlig, gnothachas agus leasachadh coimhearsnachd.
Tha prìomh dhreuchdan taic rim faotainn cuideachd, far am faod tagraichean sgilean proifeiseanta àrd-mhiannach a leasachadh – solar, anailis eaconamach agus gèilleadh laghail.
Thuirt Stuart Black, àrd-oifigear HIE:
“Tha a h-uile latha diofraichte aig HIE ag obair le gnothachasan, coimhearsnachdan agus luchd-tasgaidh air pròiseactan a tha a’ toirt an fheum as fheàrr às ar cothroman.
"Is e ar prìomh amas, roinn a chruthachadh far a bheil na cothroman dreuchdail agus an dòigh-beatha as fheàrr aig ar coimhearsnachdan. Mar sin, dè an dòigh as fheàrr air na sgilean agus na cothroman fhàs, air a bheil feum againn, na obraichean fìor mhath a thabhann do ar sgioba-obrach òg gus an cuidich iad le cumadh a thoirt air an àm ri teachd.”
“Is e àite obrach fìor mhath a th’ ann an HIE, gheibh thu taic làidir bho cho-obraichean dìcheallach, cumhaichean is cùmhnantan sàr-mhath agus faodaidh tu raon de sgilean gluasadach a leasachadh. Dh’fhaodadh e a bhith mar chiad cheum ann an dreuchd-beatha bhuannachdail far an urrainn dhut diofar mòr a dhèanamh – mar phàirt de ar n-iomairt trusaidh, bidh sinn a’ togail air dìreach beagan de ar MAan is ceumnaichean a dh’fhuirich còmhla rinn. Ma tha thu an dùil gu bheil seo dhutsa, thoir sùil air na cothroman agus cuir tagradh a-steach, chòrdadh e rinn cluinntinn bhuat.”
Tha tagraidhean fosgailte a-nis gu 7 Lùnastal.
Tha trì Nuadh-Phreantasachdan rim faotainn, a tha freagarrach dhaibhsan a tha a’ fàgail na sgoile agus iadsan a tha a’ tòiseachadh ann an dreuchd-beatha ùr. Tha na dreuchdan ceuma fosgailte dhaibhsan a tha air ceumnachadh thar nan ceithir bliadhna mu dheireadh. Tha cùmhnantan airson 18 mìosan aig a’ char as lugha do MAan, le dreuchdan ceuma rim faotainn airson dà bhliadhna aig a’ char as lugha, agus cuid de chothroman maireannach an làthair.
Tha tuarastalan agus cùmhnantan cosnaidh a’ nochdadh ar modh-obrach a thaobh Obair Chothromach agus a’ tòiseachadh bho £19,658 do MAan agus £24,553 do cheumnaichean. Bidh còir fòrlaidh fhialaidh agad, roghainnean obrach tar-chinealach agus raon de bhuannachdan leithid subsadaidh ionad-cleasachd agus cothrom air ar sgeama rothaireachd gu d’ obair.
Tha làn fhiosrachadh mu na dreuchdan a leanas ri fhaotainn aig
- Nuadh-Phreantasachd – Cuidiche Solair
- Nuadh-Phreantasachd – Oifigear Rianachd - Arcaibh
- Nuadh-Phreantasachd – Oifigear Rianachd - Innse Gall
- Manaidsear leasachaidh ceuma – Loch Abar, an t-Eilean Sgitheanach agus Taobh Siar Rois (x 2)
- Manaidsear leasachaidh ceuma – Moireibh
- Manaidsear leasachaidh ceuma – Innse Gall (fòcas air Gàidhlig)
- Manaidsear leasachaidh ceuma – Earra-Ghàidheal
- Oifigear Ceuma Eadar-ghluasad Neoini Lom
- Oifigear Gèillidh Laghail
- Mion-Sgrùdaire Eaconamach
- Manaidsear Pròiseict Ceuma – a’ gabhail a-steach Fànais
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