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£1.9m investment approved by HIE in Argyll and Islands over six months

Published: 21/12/2022

HIE approved more than £1.9m investment across Argyll and the Islands in the first six months of the financial year.

Morag Goodfellow, HIE area manager for Argyll and the Islands (credit: Gillian Frampton)

Between 1 April and 30 September, Arran Aromatics was awarded up to £80,226 for the development of a new filling line. More than £38,000 was approved for the development of a new remote restaurant at Ballygown on Mull, and Bute Island Foods was awarded more than £43,000 for training support.

Investment of up to £147,618 was approved for the continued expansion of Midton Acrylics in Lochgilphead, while £180,000 was approved for the development of infrastructure and accommodation at Portavadie Marina in Loch Fyne.

Community support approvals included £43,902 for the South Cowal Community Enterprise and £19,980 for the Isle of Kerrera Development Trust. The Isle of Luing Community Trust was awarded up to £14,884 to support its masterplan delivery and the Mull and Iona Ferry Committee received £15,000 for its ferry services study.

HIE also approved a £1.3m investment in fit-out of additional space at Malin House on the European Marine Science Park near Oban.

Morag Goodfellow, HIE area manager for Argyll and the Islands, said her team is looking for other organisations across the patch who are keen to grow their operations. She said:

“Our role in providing pandemic related support over the past couple of years gave us the opportunity to build new relationships and extend our reach in a way that is already proving valuable.

“The shift towards online delivery meanwhile means we can enhance our support for smaller companies across the patch, in partnership with Business Gateway and others.

“We want to maintain that broader engagement and are reaching out to other businesses, social enterprises and community organisations looking to expand their activities, reach new markets and employ more people.”

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