Stornoway event to highlight cruise market opportunities
Businesses in Lewis and Harris are invited to a free event next week to explore new opportunities arising from the growing cruise tourism market.
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Highlands and Islands Enterprise (HIE) relocated the organisation’s administrative and financial functions to the Outer Hebrides in 2002, which helped to disperse public sector jobs to more rural areas.
HIE’s chief executive Stuart Black will be in Benbecula this week to mark the occasion and to meet with partner organisations, businesses and community groups in the area.
Stuart said:
“The success of the Taigh Cheann a’ Locha with its skilled workforce over the years, demonstrates that island communities are great places to locate public sector jobs. It’s an excellent example of how administrative functions can be relocated to more rural parts of the Highlands and Islands, helping to strengthen community resilience and boost population”.
“We are currently exploring ideas for creating more quality jobs across the Outer Hebrides including at our offices here in Benbecula. For example, with more of our staff working on a hybrid basis, there may well be scope to diversify the use of the space for use by other tenants.”
Taigh Cheann a’ Locha was officially opened on 22 April 2002 by former First Minister Jack McConnell, when it employed 19 people to provide administrative and financial support to the entire organisation.
Since then, it has been the workplace for around 60 people in high quality roles. Four of the original staff are still employed by HIE (3) and Skills Development Scotland (1). Four out of eight people in HIE’s current finance team came through the modern apprenticeship route and were all offered permanent contracts. Staff maternity leave over the years has also seen the arrival of 27 new babies into the community.
There are two vacancies for HIE presently being advertised in the Outer Hebrides - head of enterprise support at Benbecula or Stornoway and senior development manager in Benbecula. Two more vacancies will be coming up soon between the finance and the area teams.
Comharrachadh 20 bliadhna de dh’ionad HIE ann am Beinn na Faoghla
Bidh Dihaoine (22 Giblean) a’ comharrachadh an 20mh ceann-bliadhna bho fhosgladh oifigeil Taigh Cheann a’ Locha, (The Data Centre) ann an Lìonacleit, Beinn na Faoghla.
Ghluais Iomairt na Gàidhealtachd ’s nan Eilean (HIE) obrachaidhean rianachd is ionmhasail na buidhne gu Innse Gall ann an 2002, a chuidich le dreuchdan san roinn phoblaich a sgaoileadh gu sgìrean nas dùthchaile.
Bidh Stiùbhart Black, Àrd-Oifigear HIE, ann am Beinn na Faoghla an t-seachdain-sa gus an tachartas a chomharrachadh agus coinneachadh ri buidhnean com-pàirteachais, gnothachasan agus buidhnean coimhearsnachd san sgìre.
Thuirt Stiùbhart:
“Tha soirbheachadh Taigh Cheann a’ Locha agus an sgioba-obrach sgileil aca thar nam bliadhnaichean a dh’fhalbh, a’ taisbeanadh gur e àiteachan fìor-mhath a th’ ann an coimhearsnachdan nan eilean airson obraichean san roinn phoblaich a ghluasad. ’S e eisimpleir sàr-mhath a th’ ann de mar a dh’fhaodas obrachaidhean rianachd a bhith air an ath-ghluasad gu pàirtean nas dùthchaile den Ghàidhealtachd ’s na h-Eileanan, a’ cuideachadh le fulangas coimhearsnachd a neartachadh.
“Gu làithreach, tha sinn a’ rannsachadh bheachdan air obraichean nas àrd-chàileachd a chruthachadh air feadh Innse Gall, a’ gabhail a-steach aig ar n-oifisean an seo am Beinn na Faoghla. Mar eisimpleir, le barrachd de ar luchd-obrach ag obair air bhunait ioma-dhòigheach, dh’fhaodadh gum bi cothrom ann air farsaingeachd an togalaich a chleachdadh gus a chur gu feum le luchd-gabhail eile.”
Chaidh Taigh Cheann a’ Locha fhosgladh gu h-oifigeil air 22 Giblean 2002 leis a’ Chiad Mhinistear aig an àm, Jack McConnell, nuair a bha 19 neach a’ faotainn cosnadh ann gus taic rianachd is ionmhasail a sholarachadh don bhuidheann air fad.
On uair sin, tha e air a bhith na àite-obrach do mu 60 neach ann an dreuchdan àrd-chàileachdail. Tha ceathrar den luchd-obrach thùsail fhathast air am fastadh le HIE (3) agus Leasachadh Sgilean na h-Alba (1). Thàinig ceathrar den ochdnar dhaoine ann an sgioba ionmhais làithreach HIE tron t-slighe nuadh-phreantasachd agus chaidh cùmhnantan maireannach a thabhainn dhaibh uile. Tha fòrladh màthaireil luchd-obrach thar nam bliadhnaichean cuideachd air 27 leanabh ùr fhaicinn a’ tighinn don choimhearsnachd.
Tha dà dhreuchd bhàn aig HIE gan sanasachadh an-dràsta ann an Innse Gall – ceannard taic iomairt ann am Beinn na Faoghla no Steòrnabhagh agus àrd-mhanaidsear leasachaidh ann am Beinn na Faoghla. Bidh dà dhreuvchd eile a’ tighinn am bàrr a dh’aithghearr eadar na sgiobaidhean ionmhais is sgìreil.
Businesses in Lewis and Harris are invited to a free event next week to explore new opportunities arising from the growing cruise tourism market.
The deal is expected to secure 1,000 jobs across the UK, including those at the Arnish facilities in Stornoway.
The space ambitions of the Outer Hebrides have taken a step forward, with the launch of the initial phase of construction of the Spaceport 1 sub-orbital launch site.
Isle of Lewis based Macaulay College is to expand following confirmation of funding from HIE and other organisations.
Outer Hebrides featured in international energy transition research
Organisations in Lewis and Harris planning on making the most of the cruise market can attend a drop-in session in Stornoway on Wednesday 20 March.
A £2.3 million project to transform UHI North, West and Hebrides’ Stornoway Campus will get underway this week.