Next phase of small business units for Wick Business Park
Project will help support economic growth and strengthen population retention in Caithness
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Chaidh tabhartas de £11,855 a bhuileachadh air Urras Oighreachd Chàrlabhaigh (UOC) gus cuideachadh leis an togalach ann am Brèascleit a cheannach, agus na cìsean laghail co-cheangailte ris agus càraidhean leasachail a phàigheadh.
Thèid an goireas ath-uidheamachadh leis a’ bhuidheann coimhearsnachd gus àrainneachd shàbhailte, nua-aimsireil a chur air bhonn airson a bhith a’ roinn sgilean dèanadach agus eòlas, a’ gabhail a-steach ath-uidheamachadh air innealradh àiteachais agus togail sgoth coimhearsnachd.
Bidh am fearann dlùth don togalach air a chleachdadh gus pròiseact fàis coimhearsnachd a stèidheachadh, far am bi buill den choimhearsnachd air am misneachadh gu measan is glasraich a chur agus fhàs. Bidh seo na phàirt de phròiseact nas fharsainge gus àiteach chroitean a bhrosnachadh, agus fearann eile sa choimhearsnachd nach eil ga ùisneachadh gu barrachd toraidh ionadail fhàs.
Gheibh daoine òga cothrom air obrachadh còmhla ri buill coimhearsnachd nas sine gus na sgilean sin ionnsachadh.
Chaidh a’ bhùth-obrach a thogail sna 1980an agus bhuineadh i roimhe do Chomhairle nan Eilean Siar (CnES).
On a chaidh a togail, thathar air a bhith ga chleachdadh airson measgachadh de dh’adhbharan a’ gabhail a-steach ruith chùrsaichean trèanaidh àiteachais do na coimhearsnachdan mun cuairt, agus air a chleachdadh mar àite airson innealradh àiteachais agus càraichean a chumail suas.
Chaidh Comann Coimhearsnachd Bhrèascleit agus a’ choimhearsnachd nas fharsainge tarsainn Oighreachd Chàrlabhaigh a chonaltradh ri UOC a thaobh a cheannach leis a’ choimhearsnachd, agus a’ leantainn choinneamhan le CnES mu chor an togalaich san àm ri teachd, chaidh aontachadh air prìs reic de £8,500. Thug co-chomhairleachadh farsaing coimhearsnachd fianais seachad air taic fharsaing don mholadh.
Chaidh Oighreachd Chàrlabhaigh a cheannach leis a’ choimhearsnachd ann an 2015 le taic bho HIE agus Maoin Fearainn Alba (SLF). Tha an oighreachd air a dèanamh suas à 11,500 acair fearainn air costa an iar-thuath Eilean Leòdhais, a tha a’ gabhail a-steach bailtean Chalanais, Brèascleit, Tolastadh a’ Chaolais, Dùn Chàrlabhaigh, Cirbhig agus Cnoc Chàrlabhaigh agus grunn eileanan air an iomall.
Tha ceannach air a’ bhùth-obrach mar aon de mhòran phròiseactan a tha air an dèanamh comasach tro cheannach na h-oighreachd. Tha a’ choimhearsnachd a’ coimhead cuideachd ri dòighean eile air pròiseactan fo stiùir na coimhearsnachd a leasachadh, a’ gabhail a-steach turasachd gus coimhearsnachd adhartach, chomasaichte agus làidir a chruthachadh.
Chuir SLF taic ri cosgaisean suirbhidh asbestos, agus suirbhidh luachaidh is structarach air an togalach. Rè a’ ghlasaidh, chuir UOC crìoch air sgrùdadh comasachd agus plana gnothachais.
Thuirt Liz Howard, manaidsear leasachaidh HIE: “Tha sinn air leth toilichte taic a chur ris a’ choimhearsnachd gus an togalach seo a cheannach, a chuidicheas iad le sgilean cur-seachad agus dèanadach a thoirt do mhuinntir na coimhearsnachd. Bheir an togalach seachad cothroman air sgilean ionnsachadh agus a roinn. ’S e eisimpleir sònraichte a tha seo de dh’uachdaran coimhearsnachd stèidhichte a’ gabhail smachd air so-mhaoin ionadail, aig am bi buaidh obann a thuilleadh air buannachd fad-amail don choimhearsnachd.”
Thuirt Dòmhnall MacFhionghain, an t-Oifigear Leasachaidh Ionadail, UOC: “Tha sinn air a bhith ag obair thar na bliadhna a dh’fhalbh gus a’ bhùth-obrach coimhearsnachd a dhèanamh tèarainte don àm ri teachd. Bheir sealbh cead don choimhearsnachd an togalach agus am fearann mun cuairt a leasachadh gus a bhith freagarrach do dhiofar fheumalachdan an luchd-còmhnaidh ionadail agus a’ dìon a’ ghoireis do na ginealaichean ri teachd. Tha sinn fada an comain SLF airson taic a chur ris an tagradh Ìre 1 againn agus HIE airson taic a chur ris a’ cheannach agus na cosgaisean co-cheangailte.”
Community purchases Breasclete workshop
A community landowner in the Isle of Lewis has purchased a workshop and a small area of land with support from Highlands and Islands Enterprise (HIE).
Urras Oighreachd Chàrlabhaigh (UOC) has been awarded a grant of £11,855 to help purchase the building in Breasclete, associated legal fees and remedial repairs.
The community group will refurbish the facility to provide a safe, modern environment for sharing practical skills and knowledge including refurbishing agricultural machinery and building a community skiff.
Land adjacent to the building will be used to establish a community growing project where members of the community will be encouraged to grow fruit and vegetables. This will form part of a wider project to encourage the cultivation of crofts and other underutilised land in the community to grow more local produce.
Young people will get the opportunity to work with older members of the community to learn these skills.
The workshop was built in the 1980s and previously owned by Comhairle nan Eilean Siar (CnES).
Since its construction, it has been used for a variety of purposes including holding agricultural training courses for the surrounding communities and used as space to maintain agricultural machinery and cars.
Breasclete Community Association and wider community across the Carloway Estate approached UOC regarding community purchase and following meetings with CnES regarding the building’s future, a sale price of £8,500 was agreed. Extensive community consultation provided evidence of wide support for the proposal.
The Carloway Estate was purchased by the community in 2015 with support from HIE and Scottish Land Fund (SLF). The estate comprises 11,500 acres of land on the north-west coast of the Isle of Lewis including the villages of Callanish, Breasclete, Tolsta Chaolais, Doune Carloway, Kirivick and Knock Carloway and several outlying islands.
The purchase of the workshop is one of many projects, which have been made possible with the estate buyout. The community is also looking at other ways of developing community-led projects including tourism to create a forward looking, empowered and resilient community.
SLF supported the costs of an asbestos survey, valuation and structural survey of the building. During lockdown, UOC completed a feasibility study and business plan.
Liz Howard, development manager at HIE, said: “We are delighted to support the community to purchase this building, which will help them provide recreational and practical skills for local people. The building will provide opportunities to learn and share skills. This is a fantastic example of an established community landowner taking control of a local asset which will have immediate impact as well as longer-term benefit for the community.”
Donald MacKinnon, Local Development Officer, UOC added: “We have been working for the past year to secure the future of the community workshop. Ownership will allow the community to develop the building and surrounding land to suit the changing needs of local residents and safeguard the facility for future generations We are very grateful to SLF for supporting our Stage 1 application and to HIE for supporting the purchase and associated costs.”
Project will help support economic growth and strengthen population retention in Caithness
The additional funding brings HIE’s total investment in the project to £2.863m.
Jack Alt Stays to develop three more high-end cabins
evaporation pond that will produce an additional 1,000 kg of salt a year
Science Skills Academy (SSA) has teamed up with Equinor to extend the roll out of pop-up Newton Rooms to Shetland.
A community led project underway to create the new gym has secured up to £36,870 investment from HIE.
Wreckspeditions Dive Charters Limited offers scuba diving charters in the Firth of Clyde.
Investment by Forres-based Maclean’s Highland Bakery will create up to five new jobs
Highland Galvanizers, is upgrading buildings equipment and infrastructure at is premises in the town’s Pinefield Industrial Estate where it employs 34 people
The much-anticipated return of the funicular railway at Cairngorm Mountain will not take place in December, as had been hoped.