Skye salt firm expands production
evaporation pond that will produce an additional 1,000 kg of salt a year
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The Graduate Support Programme helps companies in the region by offering 12-month, well paid work experience placements in key sectors that span a wide variety of industries. It supports organisations to drive innovation and recovery following the pandemic and provides graduates with much-needed experience to advance their careers.
With the help of the programme, Calum Roden started a new role as recording studio assistant engineer at Black Bay Studio after relocating from Lanark to the Isle of Lewis.
Calum brings his skills and enthusiasm to the small team in Great Bernera and will be working on studio activity with owner Pete Fletcher, including setting up and operating studio equipment in recording sessions.
North Uist local, Cara Forbes recently took on the role of digital marketing graduate at North Uist Distillery. She graduated with an HND in Fine Art from the University of the Highlands and Islands in 2019.
Cara lives on a working croft on the island and is a professional photographer. As part of her role, she will be developing and implementing a digital marketing strategy for the next stage of growth at the distillery.
In the Isle of Barra, Mairi Voinot was appointed as a tourism development officer with Bùth Bharraigh - a community shop and hub in Castlebay. Originally from Lochgilphead, she moved to the island to take up the post where she will be looking at how tourism services provided by the business, can be developed. She will also be exploring other initiatives that can help make tourism work for the island community and visitors alike.
Eilidh Macdonald hails from Back in Lewis, has a first-class degree in International business management and language and was previously employed as a communications officer at Bòrd na Gàidhlig. In her new role as a project co-ordinator at Isle of Harris Distillers she will coordinate an exciting project to help the company prepare for the market introduction of its single malt whisky, The Hearach.
The project will involve working across all parts of the business, from operations to storytelling, to ensure the success of this long-awaited launch when the time comes.
Barnaby Ashton, originally from Cornwall, moved to Scotland when he was eight, spending much of his adult life in Shetland. He has always been passionate about the natural world and obtained a master’s degree in Ecology and Conservation with the aim of restarting his career to align with this interest. He settled in Lewis two years ago.
The goal in his new role as junior ecologist at Lewis-based WI Marine and Environment, which is in the process of changing its name to Atlantic58, is to expand and build upon his existing foundation of ecological knowledge. He is keen to learn and develop the full range of skills required for ecological consultancy. He works both in the office in Gress and from his home in Borve, where he lives with his wife, newborn son and many surfboards.
Joanna Peteranna, interim area manager for the Outer Hebrides area team, said: “This popular graduate programme is an excellent initiative, which offers financial support for businesses and social enterprises. The support enables businesses to bring new, eager graduates into the team, providing them with the opportunity to take on a specific project.
“We are delighted to bring more skilled local employment to the Outer Hebrides. We are really pleased that the positions filled quickly with graduates who are keen to be a part of our island communities.”
The scheme is closed for applications. Positions were available to all graduates that finished their studies in the last four years and there was no age restriction.
Other businesses that have recruited graduates through the programme in the Outer Hebdrides are Harris Tweed Scotland, Sandwick Bay Candles, Hebridean Spa, An Lanntair, Studio Vans, Ceòlas, Cala Hotels Ltd and Urras Oighreachd Ghabhsainn.
Tha ceithir cheumnaichean deug air am fastadh gu gnothachasan air feadh Innse Gall thar nam beagan sheachdainean a dh’fhalbh, tro phrògram air a mhaoineachadh ’s air a lìbhrigeadh le Iomairt na Gàidhealtachd ’s nan Eilean (HIE).
Tha am Prògram Taic Cheumnaichean a’ cuideachadh chompanaidhean san sgìre le bhith a’ tabhann ghreisean-gnìomhachais dhaibh air an deagh phàigheadh ann an eòlas obrach, airson 12 mìosan ann am prìomh roinnean a tha a’ còmhdach measgachadh farsaing de ghnìomhachasan.
Tha e a’ cur taic ri buidhnean ann a bhith a’ stiùireadh ùr-ghnàthachadh agus ath-shlànachadh a’ leantainn air a’ ghalar-sgaoilte, agus a’ toirt eòlas do cheumnaichean air a bheil mòr-fheum aca airson an dreuchdan adhartachadh.
Le cuideachadh bhon phrògram, thòisich Calum Roden air dreuchd ùr mar Innleadair Cuideachaidh ann an Clàradh Stiuidio aig Stiuidio Black Bay, an dèidh imrich à Lannraig gu Eilean Leòdhais.
Tha Calum a’ toirt a sgilean agus a dhìoghras gu sgioba bheag ann am Beàrnaraigh Mhòr agus bidh e ag obair air gnìomhachd stiuidio, a tha a’ gabhail a-steach stèidheachadh agus obrachadh uidheamachd stiuidio ann an seiseanan clàraidh, còmhla ris an t-sealbhadair, Pete Fletcher.
O chionn ghoirid, ghabh Cara Forbes à Uibhist a Tuath dreuchd mar Cheumnaiche Margaideachd Dhidseatach ann an Taigh-staile Uibhist a Tuath. Cheumnaich i le HND ann an Ealain Fhìnealta bho Oilthigh na Gàidhealtachd ’s nan Eilean ann an 2019.
Tha Cara a’ fuireach air croit a thathar ag obrachadh air an eilean agus tha i na neach-togail dhealbh proifeiseanta. Mar phàirt de a dreuchd, bidh i a’ leasachadh agus a’ buileachadh ro-innleachd margaideachd dhidseataich don ath ìre de fhàs aig an taigh-staile.
Ann an Eilean Bharraigh, chaidh Mairi Voinot fhastadh mar Oifigear Leasachaidh Turasachd aig Bùth Bharraigh – bùth coimhearsnachd is co-ionad ann am Bàgh a’ Chaisteil. À Ceann Loch Gilb bho thùs, ghluais i chun an eilein gus an dreuchd a ghabhail, far am bi i a’ coimhead ri mar as urrainn do sheirbheisean turasachd air an solarachadh leis a’ ghnothachas, a bhith air an leasachadh. Bidh i cuideachd a’ rannsachadh iomairtean a chuidicheas le turasachd a dhèanamh obrachail don dà chuid coimhearsnachd an eilein agus luchd-tadhail.
Tha Eilidh NicDhòmhnaill bhon Bhac ann an Leòdhas, agus tha ceum den chiad ìre aice ann an Stiùireadh Gnothachais agus Cànan Eadar-nàiseanta, agus bha i ag obair roimhe mar oifigear chonaltraidhean aig Bòrd na Gàidhlig. Na dreuchd ùr mar Cho-òrdanaiche Pròiseict aig Taigh-staile na Hearadh, bidh i a’ co-òrdanachadh pròiseact brosnachail gus a’ chompanaidh a chuideachadh le bhith ag ullachadh airson mac na braiche aca, An Hearach, a chur air a’ mhargaid airson a’ chiad turas.
Bidh am pròiseact an sàs ann a bhith ag obair tarsainn gach pàirt de ghnothachas, bho obrachaidhean gu innse sgeulachdan, gus a dhèanamh cinnteach gum bi an cuir-air-bhog seo ris a bheil fiughair mhòr, soirbheachail nuair a thig an t-àm.
Ghluais Barnaby Ashton a tha às a’ Chòrn bho thùs, a dh’Alba nuair a bha e ochd bliadhna a dh’aois, a’ cur seachad na mòr-chuid de a bheatha mar inbheach ann an Sealtainn. Tha e a-riamh air a bhith dìoghrasach mu shaoghal nàdair agus choisinn e ceum maighstireachd ann an Eag-eòlas agus Glèidhteachas, le amas air a chùrsa-beatha ath-thòiseachadh gu bhith co-thaobhach leis a’ chuspair seo. Thuinich e ann an Leòdhas o chionn dà bhliadhna.
Is e a cheann-uidhe na dhreuchd ùr, junior ecologist, aig Muir is Àrainneachd WI stèidhichte ann an Leòdhas, a tha gu làithreach an sàs ann am pròiseas atharrachaidh ainm gu Atlantic58, leudachadh agus togail air a bhunait a th’ aige de fhiosrachadh mu eag-eòlas. Tha e measail air an làn raon de sgilean ionnsachadh agus a leasachadh air a bheil feum airson seirbheis co-chomhairleachaidh eag-eòlais. Tha e ag obair an dà chuid san oifis ann an Griais agus bho a dhachaigh ann am Borgh, far a bheil e a’ fuireach còmhla ri a bhean, a mhac air ùr-bhreith agus mòran bhùird-surfaidh.
Thuirt Joanna Peteranna, manaidsear sgìreil eadar-amail do sgioba sgìre Innse Gall: “Is e iomairt sàr-mhath a th’ anns a’ phrògram cheumnaichean fhèillmhor seo, a tha a’ tabhann taic ionmhasail do ghnothachasan agus do iomairtean sòisealta. Tha an taic a’ comasachadh do ghnothachasan ceumnaichean ùra dìoghrasach a tharraing chun na sgioba, a’ toirt cothrom dhaibh pròiseact sònraichte a ghabhail os làimh.
“Tha sinn air leth toilichte barrachd cosnaidh ionadail sgileil a tharraing gu Innse Gall. Tha e a’ toirt tlachd mhòr dhuinn gun deach na dreuchdan a lìonadh gu luath le ceumnaichean a tha airson a bhith nam pàirt de coimhearsnachdan nan eilean againn.”
Tha a’ sgeama dùinte do thagraidhean a-nis. Bha na dreuchdan fosgailte do cheumnaichean uile a chuir crìoch air an cuid ionnsachaidh sna ceithir bliadhna a dh’fhalbh agus cha robh cuibhreachadh sam bith air aois.
Is iad na gnothachasan eile a tha air ceumnaichean fhastadh tron phrògram, Clò Hearach Alba, Coinnlean Bàgh Shanndabhaig, Spa Innse Gall, An Lanntair, Studio Vans, Ceòlas, Taighean-òsta Cala Earranta agus Urras Oighreachd Ghabhsainn.
evaporation pond that will produce an additional 1,000 kg of salt a year
Wave and tidal energy could deliver up to £8bn to Scotland’s economy by 2050, and support more than 15,000 jobs, including high-value employment in coastal communities.
Wreckspeditions Dive Charters Limited offers scuba diving charters in the Firth of Clyde.
Fetcha Chocolates Limited is investing in new equipment to quadruple its capacity, increase turnover and create employment.
Pop-Up Newton Room delivers hands-on learning thanks to partnership with Vattenfall
The project by Oban based Tritonia Scientific Limited will support four jobs and is forecast to increase the company’s turnover by more than £1m within three years.
HIE has appointed Benbecula company D Macdonald (Building Contractors) Ltd to create seven new units at Eabhal. Business Park
Gow’s Lybster Limited is installing Migatronic CoWelders that will significantly improve productivity and ensure consistent high-quality workmanship.
The project is forecast to generate more than £340,000 turnover in the next three years and create three jobs within five years.
The improvements will enable the company to continue its growth through increased capacity and efficiencies in production.
People interested in developing and applying their ideas on the use of technology to start or grow a business can attend in person or online.
A 200-seater auditorium specifically designed for music and performance is to be built in South Uist.