
IoT online demonstration for businesses

Published: 25/05/2020

Businesses in the Highlands and Islands looking to boost their productivity and competitiveness through Internet of Things (IoT) technology, are being offered the chance to hear from industry experts.

Internet of Things technology enables devices, such as everyday objects, machinery and systems to connect to the internet. The data gathered from their use can then then be used to develop new processes and plan future operations more efficiently.

A demonstration event on the subject, cancelled in March as part of the COVID-19 lockdown, has been resurrected as a virtual online demonstration. It will take place on Wednesday 3 June between 1pm and 3pm.

It is being organised by Highlands and Islands Enterprise (HIE) in partnership with CENSIS, Scotland’s innovation centre for sensors and imaging systems.

Attendees will hear from industry experts, network providers and businesses already using IoT as part of everyday business and operations.

The event will be introduced by Paul Winstanley, chief executive of CENSIS, followed by a virtual demonstration and network overview by Sue Kee of Boston Networks, Networks, M2M Cloud, NHS Highland and NHS Western Isles.

A session on IoT in remote and rural healthcare, will include a virtual demonstration of IoT2Go from Jim Cockram of CENSIS and a presentation from Jon Harris of NHS Western Isles.

Scottish Government will facilitate a 40-minute question and answer session at the end with support from HIE.

John Mackenzie, senior development manager with HIE, said:

“We are delighted to be able to offer this event as an online webinar. The use of Internet of Things technology is growing all the time in industry, as more and more firms discover the business benefits it can bring. This event is about helping businesses to explore how they might use the technology to become more productive, efficient and competitive.”

See here for more information on the IoT demo and discussion.

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