HIE approves further £863k for Inverness Castle project
The additional funding brings HIE’s total investment in the project to £2.863m.
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Cairngorm Estate owner, Highlands and Islands Enterprise (HIE), has responded positively to a request from stakeholders to extend the deadline, which was originally to be 31 August.
The agency’s ‘Cairngorm Mountain – Towards a vision and masterplan’ document was published on 24 July with an online questionnaire going live shortly afterwards.
The document was the result of widespread and detailed consultation carried out in February and March this year with statutory authorities, local community and stakeholder organisations across Scotland.
It’s available on the HIE website along with a link to the online survey.
The aim is to agree a consensus vision for the future of Cairngorm Estate, with strategies of varying scales that can be delivered in the short, medium and longer term.
The online survey enables people to comment on these areas, as a final stage in the masterplan’s development.
Dave Macleod, HIE’s head of property and infrastructure, said:
“We are extremely grateful to all those who have completed the survey so far. However, we also appreciate there has been a lot going on these past few weeks, with schools reopening and many people taking holidays. As a result, not everyone who wishes to do so has had the time to digest the document and complete the survey.
“Our aim is to develop a long-term way forward for Cairngorm that can achieve the strongest possible buy-in from the statutory authorities, operating company, local residents, businesses, sportspeople and visitors.
“We are very keen to get as much feedback as possible before finalising the masterplan and therefore have agreed to extend the consultation period by a further two weeks.”
The additional funding brings HIE’s total investment in the project to £2.863m.
The funicular railway at Cairngorm Mountain resort is set to return to service on Thursday 27 February.
Jack Alt Stays to develop three more high-end cabins
Wreckspeditions Dive Charters Limited offers scuba diving charters in the Firth of Clyde.
The much-anticipated return of the funicular railway at Cairngorm Mountain will not take place in December, as had been hoped.
HIE is planning a programme of public consultation and engagement to inform the planning application.
Wilderness Scotland has made significant progress in sustainability over the past two years by investing in e-bikes, e-vehicles and a carbon labelling system.