Aerial image of Inverness Campus - looking south east to An Lochran

Planning application lodged for new modular village on Inverness Campus

Published: 14/08/2020

Highlands and Islands Enterprise (HIE) has submitted a planning application to the Highland Council for a new ‘modular village’ for business units on Inverness Campus.

Ruaraidh MacNeil, Director of Inverness Campus HIE

The development on plot 14 will consist of high-quality small buildings that can be developed relatively quickly and fabricated off-site.

They will be aimed at commercial organisations, such as those in the life science and technology sectors who are looking to collaborate with academic research bodies.

The buildings will suit those who are interested in self-build opportunities that align with the campus design guidelines.

Ruaraidh MacNeil, HIE’s Inverness Campus project director, said: “We are really pleased that this project has reached the planning stage.

“The modular village will see options for new and flexible types of commercial buildings on the site, that are in keeping with the quality building and environmental standards of Inverness Campus. When complete, it will offer flexibility to the growing organisations who are benefiting from the advantages of Inverness Campus as a business location.

“It’s great to see progress being made on developments at the campus that will ultimately bring benefits to communities across the Highlands and Islands. We are very pleased to be able to progress this project safely in light of the restrictions around COVID-19.”

Engineers, Will Rudd Davidson was appointed by HIE to design the infrastructure roads, utilities and landscaping for the plot at the south end of the campus.

HIE is developing the 215-acre Inverness Campus to support the growth in the region’s life science and technology sectors, with an emphasis on collaboration between education, research and business.

Photo credit: ROAVR/HIE

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