Shetland pupils to be offered STEM insights
Science Skills Academy (SSA) has teamed up with Equinor to extend the roll out of pop-up Newton Rooms to Shetland.
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Bhuannaich Marissa NicDhomhaill Sgoil an Rubha an Duais Choimhearsnachd, Dualchais is Turasachd le taic bho Iomairt na Gàidhealtachd is nan Eilean (HIE) aig Duaisean na Gàidhlig an raoir (Dimàirt 19 An S-tamhain).
Tha na duaisean a’ toirt aithne do shàr oidhirpean is soirbheachadh ann an cultar, foghlam, agus saoghal na Gàidhlig san fharsaingeachd agus iad a’ dèanamh follaiseach an deagh obair a thathar a’ dèanamh gus dualchas a’ chànain a chumail suas is a thoirt air adhart.
Dh’obraich Marisa NicDhomhaill le sgoilearan à Sgoil an Rubha gus dealbh-chluich a chruthachadh stèidhte air mòr-thubaist an Iolaire anns an deach còrr air 200 seòladair a bhàthadh nuair a chaidh am bàta aca fodha faisg air Steòrnabhagh bho chionn ceud bliadhna air ais.
Chaidh sgriobt na deilbh-chluich a sgrìobhadh le Alasdair MacLeòid agus chaidh sgoilearan a bhrosnachadh gus sgrùdadh a dhèanamh air ceanglaichean an teaghlaichean fhèin ris an tubaist.
As dèidh dà thaisbeanadh aig an sgoil a reic a-mach, chaidh an treas thaisbeanadh a chumail aig An Lanntair, agus chaidh na tiocaidean a reic taobh a-staigh 20 mionaid. Ghabh clann an dà chuid ann am foghlam tro mheadhan na Gàidhlig agus tro mheadhan na Beurla pàirt anns an deilbh-chluich.
Thuirt Mairi Bochanan bho HIE: “Meal an naidheachd gu Sgoil an Rubha ann a bhith a’ buannachadh an duais seo airson dealbh-chluich sàr mhath. Tha sinn uabhasach toilichte gun deach iad aithneachadh mar bhuidheann a tha a’ dèanamh tòrr airson Gàidhlig anns a’ choimhearsnachd. Thug a’ phròiseict coimhearsnachd agus dualchas còmhla a’ cruthachadh gach cuid cuirmean agus a’ toirt nan sgeulachdan agus prìomh phìos de eachdraidh shòisealta airson ginealaichean ri thighinn. Tha sinn air leth toilichte taic agus brosnachadh a thoirt do phròiseactan a tha ag aithneachadh agus sgoiltean a tha air a’ mhòr-chuid a dhèanamh gus a chultar Gàidhlig agus turasachd a chomharrachadh thar na bliadhna a dh’fhalbh.
“Bu mhath leinn cuideachd meal a naidheachd a chuir air Urras Oighreachd Ghabhsainn airson an Duais Thachartais agus Acair a fhuair an duais airson tabhartas as fheàrr, agus Graficanna airson an duais So-mhaoin Eaconamach agus dhan a h-uile duine eile a fhuair duais air an oidhche.”
Tha Duaisean na h-Alba a’ faighinn taic bho HIE, an Daily Record, Foghlam Alba agus Alba Chruthacha
Sgoil an Rubha wins HIE sponsored Gaelic Award
Marissa Macdonald and Sgoil an Rubha won the Highlands and Islands Enterprise (HIE) sponsored ‘Community, Heritage and Tourism’ award which was presented at the annual Scottish Gaelic Awards at The Marriot Hotel in Glasgow last night (Tuesday 19 November).
The prestigious ceremony honours the best in learning, achievement and development across all sectors of society and celebrates the great work being done by and for Gaelic in every corner of Scotland, and internationally.
Pupils from Point primary school, Sgoil an Rubha, in the Isle of Lewis performed a play, An Oidhche mus do sheòl i, written by Alasdair Macleod and produced and directed by Marisa Macdonald with input from the Point community. The drama is based on the Iolaire disaster when more than 200 sailors returning home at the end of World War 1 died when the vessel struck rocks off the entrance to Stornoway Harbour, 100 years ago.
School pupils researched the links between the fifty Iolaire victims from Point and where possible played the part of their own relatives in the play. Gaelic was used extensively throughout the performances, reflecting the reality of life at that time.
Following two sell-out performances this year, the third show was held an An Lanntair when tickets were sold-out in 20 minutes.
Mairi Buchanan, senior development manager at HIE’s Outer Hebrides area team, said: “We congratulate Sgoil and Rubha on their fantastic achievement of winning the award for their spectacular production. It brought community and heritage together creating both performances and bringing the stories and a key piece of social history for generations to come. We are delighted to support and promote projects that recognise communities, organisations, groups and schools that have done the most to celebrate its Gaelic culture and tourism over the past year.
“We would also like to congratulate Galson Estate Trust for winning the Event Award and Acair, which won the Best Contribution Award, Graficanna for the Gaelic as an Economic Asset award as well as every other finalists and winners from other categories on the night
The event was hosted by Cathie Macdonald, Gaelic broadcaster and sponsored by HIE, the Daily Record, Bòrd na Gàidhlig, Education Scotland and Creative Scotland.
Science Skills Academy (SSA) has teamed up with Equinor to extend the roll out of pop-up Newton Rooms to Shetland.
A community led project underway to create the new gym has secured up to £36,870 investment from HIE.
A major project to create a new visitor hub on the island of Canna in Lochaber has secured a £20,000 contribution from HIE.
The transformation at John O’Groats has attracted millions of pounds in investment through private, public and community-led initiatives.
Study will help determine the best way to support development of places
£250k helped leverage a further £3.6m in national investment
Partnership supports childcare career development in Skye
Event in Portree on Saturday 27 April to encourage more people into the profession
HIE funding will support the element of the project that focuses specifically on reducing carbon emissions and energy costs.
Community trust to convert steading to create new distillery
Winners unveiled at FilmG Awards 2024