Next phase of small business units for Wick Business Park
Project will help support economic growth and strengthen population retention in Caithness
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Highlands and Islands Enterprise (HIE) is currently developing plans for Space Hub Sutherland, which is expected to begin vertical launches of small satellites from the A’Mhoine peninsula, near Tongue, early in the next decade.
The project has attracted support from the UK Space Agency, which is also funding two launch companies that plan to set up in Sutherland, Lockheed Martin Space Systems and Orbex.
Space Hub Sutherland is planned as a key component of Scotland’s growing space sector. The development agency expects 40 high quality jobs will be created locally, part of a total of more than 400 across the wider Highlands and Islands. Orbex has already opened a new manufacturing facility in Forres.
The potential launch site at A’Mhoine is next to the Caithness and Sutherland Peatlands Special Protection Area and Special Area of Conservation, and the Ben Hutig Site of Special Scientific Interest.
Understanding the environmental impacts of satellite launches, as well as the economic benefits, will be crucial factors in determining the outcome of a future planning application to the Highland Council for design and construction of the space hub.
That application is currently being prepared by HIE and will be accompanied by an extensive round of public consultation so that local people have opportunities to view the plans and put questions to the developer.
As a first step towards determining environmental impacts, HIE now seeking agreement on the scope of environmental issues that will need to be examined. The development agency is consulting the Highland Council, statutory consultees Scottish Natural Heritage, the Scottish Environment Protection Agency and Historic Environment Scotland, and a wide range of other interested parties.
In line with the EU’s environmental impact assessment directive, HIE is proposing to examine potential impacts on the local area, specific habitats and the marine environment.
Roy Kirk, Space Hub Sutherland Project Director with HIE, said:
“As our plans develop, it is absolutely vital that we gain a thorough understanding of the potential environmental impacts that a launch facility could have, including around the location of the site itself. We have been carrying out bird studies, for example, for well over a year now, so there is already a stock of robust data regarding that aspect.
“The new proposal will help us scope out the full range of environmental issues that we need to examine and that will inform the development of the project as we head towards a future planning application.
“Space Hub Sutherland is an evolving project and the plans need to be very forward-looking. For the purpose of the scoping exercise, we’ve used figures that range from current expectations to the absolute extreme end of any potential activity that could take place there. This will make sure that environmental assessments are as robust as possible, by being based on maximum possible impacts.”
Papers associated with the initial scoping exercise are available online at The Highland Council website
Project will help support economic growth and strengthen population retention in Caithness
evaporation pond that will produce an additional 1,000 kg of salt a year
Investment by Forres-based Maclean’s Highland Bakery will create up to five new jobs
Highland Galvanizers, is upgrading buildings equipment and infrastructure at is premises in the town’s Pinefield Industrial Estate where it employs 34 people
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