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New members join HIE Board

Published: 02/10/2018

Three new members have joined the board of HIE. The appointments of Angus Campbell, Freda Newton and Calum Ross were announced by Cabinet Secretary for the Rural Economy, Fergus Ewing MSP.

Angus Campbell is a Lewis businessman, employing 30 people. He has 18 years’ experience as a councillor, many as Leader of Comhairle nan Eilean Siar.

Angus has strong knowledge of socio economic issues across the Highlands and Islands and of experience of funding issues including European funding and enabling community ownership.

He has a strong commitment to Gaelic language and culture, and is chair of the CalMac Community Board.

Freda Newton is the owner and managing director of leading cruise/tour operator Loch Ness by Jacobite.  Her company is currently developing a £2.5 million café, retail and information hub on the banks of the Caledonian Canal at Dochgarroch.

Freda is an international advocate for the Highlands and Islands, driven to ensure visitors to the area enjoy the best possible experience.

Calum Ross bought the 4-star Loch Melfort Hotel, near Oban, with his wife Rachel in 2008.  He combines the challenges of small business ownership with consultancy, mentoring and advising SMEs across the Highlands and Islands.

Recently appointed non-executive Chairman of Midton Acrylics in Lochgilphead, Calum maintains several board positions.  He is chair of UK Hospitality Scotland; director of UK  Hospitality UK; director of Scottish Tourism Alliance and a member of the national Tourism Leadership Group.

Calum is also chairs Argyll & the Isles Tourism Co-operative and the Oban and Lorn Tourism Association.  Before returning to Scotland, he was Chief Operating Officer, Unilever Foodsolutions, Latin America.


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