HIE Board welcomes shadow member
Mary Bowman is learning what it is like to serve on the Board of a public body
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Highlands and Islands Enterprise (HIE) has commissioned the study into the changing attitudes and aspirations of people aged 15 to 30 in relation to the Highlands and Islands, and wants to make sure Argyll’s voice is heard.
The online survey will build on a similar study carried out in 2015, which demonstrated an overwhelming sense of pride and confidence in the region among the 4,400 young people who took part.
This showed that young people in Moray have a strong attachment to their local area, although this was less prominent than in other parts of the region. Further and higher education offerings was well regarded and Moray’s digital connectivity was considered good. There were concerns around transport and housing, and an expressed need to further diversify the Moray economy.
The new study is exploring opportunities around education, training and employment for the age group, and how these can be maximised.
Those taking part can enter a prize draw, with prizes including tickets to Belladrum Tartan Heart Festival and Groove Loch Ness, as well as vouchers for Spotify and Netflix.
There have been more than a thousand responses to the survey so far, 83 of them from Moray.
Donna Chisholm, HIE’s area manager in Moray, said:
“Young people are absolutely key to the future of Moray’s economy and the Highlands and Islands generally. They are also crucial in the long-term sustainability of our communities.
“This is an important study and we want to make sure the views of Moray’s young people are properly represented, so we are asking everyone to get online and make a difference.
“The findings will be shared with all our partners and will help inform policy and activities in relation to both population growth and young talent attraction and retention across the region.”
Young people can access the online survey at www.hie.co.uk/yp-research . It takes around 15 minutes to complete and is running until the end of July.
Mary Bowman is learning what it is like to serve on the Board of a public body
Science Skills Academy (SSA) has teamed up with Equinor to extend the roll out of pop-up Newton Rooms to Shetland.
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Liam Orr is to focus on expanding the agency’s portfolio of business clients.
Highlands and Islands Enterprise has announced a new senior appointment to lead its Orkney based team.
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Food and Drink TechHUB will provide financial and advice support to help businesses, including social and community enterprises, with commercial growth and net zero transition activities.
The funding can help cover the costs of equipment, new technology or fixtures and fittings, or to construct, adapt or upgrade business premises or other infrastructure.