Net zero film showcase

Working towards a net zero Scotland

28 October 2021

Marine energy in Scotland

Scotland’s renewables sector is now 3 times bigger than it was in 2009. Wave and tidal energy is still a small part of this but it’s growing as technology is developed and tested in Scotland’s water. In 2021 is has been estimated that energy generated by Scotland’s marine renewables could generate 20% of the UK’s electricity requirements. Watch our short film to learn more about the strengthening eco-system of our marine renewables sector.

28 October 2021

Wind and hydrogen power

Hear about the development of the 84 turbine Beatrice Wind Farm on the Caithness Coast and hydrogen development at the European Marine Energy Centre (EMEC) in Orkney. Our short film features BOWL, JGC Engineering, Wick Harbour Authority and EMEC.

28 October 2021

Green Islands

Rural and remote island communities are innovative by nature. Hear from those involved in Eigg Electric, Eigg Brewery, Climate Beacon, Isle of Harris Distillery, Cnoc Soilleir, and SHEAP in this short video. They talk about the steps taken to power their homes and businesses sustainably. 

28 October 2021

Benefits from Beatrice Wind Farm

Find out more what it means socially and economically to be part of development of a new industry and what Beatrice Wind Farm means to the people of Caithness and Sutherland. Hear from BOWL, JGC Engineering, Wick Harbour Authority, HIE and the Beatrice Fund.

28 October 2021

Beatrice community fund

The development of Beatrice Offshore Wind Farm has had a major impact on jobs and local infrastructure. The Beatrice community fund has funded 165 projects and supported three community trusts to be established. Find out a little about the impact of this community fund on local life.

28 October 2021

Business opportunities across our region

Action to address the factors in climate change opens global opportunities for businesses and communities supporting the transition to net zero. Hear from Highlands and Islands based Oceanium, Biomatrix and Polycrub who are having a global impact.

28 October 2021

Business transition to net zero

Enterprises across the Highlands and Islands are making changes to how they deliver products and services to become more sustainable. Hear from Temple Cafe, Eigg Electric, Beinn an Tuirc Distillers and Isle of Harris Distillery about their journey so far. 

28 October 2021

The whisky industry and net zero

How does a Scottish industry giant like whisky make the transition to net zero? Hear what's happening from the Scotch Whisky Association, Oban Distillery, and Adelphi Distillery at Ardnamurchan.

28 October 2021

Community-led transition

People are at the heart of sustainable change. Hear from Findhorn Eco Village, tsiMoray, Broadford and Strath Community Company Eigg Electric and Isle of Harris Distillery about their journey towards net zero.

About the showcase

The natural capital of the Highlands and Islands is amongst the most resourceful and plentiful in the world. The opportunities are far reaching - we're seeing enterprises responding to market demand for natural, local, sustainable products; businesses delivering change to reduce carbon emissions, and joint work with national and international investors and companies seeking off-setting and green investment opportunities.

Our film showcase provides a glimpse into the immense opportunities our region has to contribute towards a just transition to net zero. Hear about our renewable energy developments, particularly around the Beatrice Offshore Wind Farm, as well as how the whisky industry is adapting; business and community-led transition, and green island community projects.