People walking through a field with wild flowers

Net zero heroes

Businesses and communities from across the Highlands and Islands are leading the way towards a sustainable future.

Looking for inspiring stories? Meet our net zero heroes.

Everyone can have a part in reducing emissions and protecting the future of the unique natural environment we enjoy in the Highlands and Islands. 

Every change, whether large or small helps. Meet just a few of our region's #netzeroheroes who are already leading change in sectors like energy, tourism and food & drink, who are protecting our natural resources, and who are improving efficiency and sustainability in businesses and communities. 

Large wind turbines on hillside of heather at Glen Orin

Net zero film showcase

We've gathered together some inspiring stories of net zero activity to showcase work already happening in our region. Browse our films here on transition, on energy, on green islands and more.

See showcase

Award winners

Congratulations to Nortenergy which is an Outstanding Achievement Award winner in the 2021 Vibes Awards.

Watch our short film to hear from Maree Hay about this fantastic Shetland community developed polytunnel which is being exported across the world.

See the Polycrub website

Net zero skills and careers

The race to net zero is opening up interesting opportunities and green jobs with innovation and sustainability at their core. Meet some young graduates working with enterprises across the the region.

Our Net Zero Heroes - Transition

Businesses and organisations across the region are exploring innovative solutions, creating jobs and developing new skills and expertise to address key climate challenge issues.

Renewable Parts 2

Renewable Parts

Renewable Parts is a supplier of new and refurbished turbine parts to the global wind energy sector, employing eight staff in Lochgilphead in Argyll.

They are passionate about the circular economy with a strong vision of how to make the industry greener.

NortEnergy, Shetland a polycrub being built


A lack of quality fruit and vegetables available locally inspired Nortenergy to develop Polycrub.

The social enterprise set up by the Northmavine Community Development Company operates in the northernmost peninsula of mainland Shetland. Polycrub enables fruit and vegetables to be grown undercover in extreme climates.

Selling Polycrub kits has become a key trading activity for Nortenergy.


Using food waste to tackle plastic pollution

CuanTec has developed a world-first method for biologically extracting a naturally occurring polymer, chitin, from waste langoustine shells and converting this to the base material for plastic-free food packaging.

Celtic Crustacean Collaboration
Green Islands energy device

Clean Islands

Seven of the region’s islands are working together on an international project to lower carbon emissions associated with heat, transport and electricity supplies for residents.

The islands of Eigg, Muck, Rum, Canna, Fair Isle, Foula and the peninsula of Knoydart were selected as ‘pioneering islands’ in the Clean Energy for EU Islands programme and have now developed decarbonisation pathways.

Pure Water - Team Indoors

Pure Water

Highlands-based Pure Water International is a start-up that works with large-scale industry and private suppliers to help them access clean water.

As part of our Technology Placement Programme two Aero-Mechanical Engineering graduates from Strathclyde University have designed a purification prototype to remove chemicals, medication, plastic fibres and polluted substances from water.

Sams Seaweed

Scottish Association for Marine Science

At SAMS, research work is taking place to increase knowledge around seaweed farming.

A better understanding of the production cycle will help create a vibrant industry which is actively helping to lower carbon levels and provide alternative food sources for people, animals and plants.

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Hear about the challenges and opportunities available in the Highlands and Islands whilst working towards a net zero Scotland by 2045.

We have a proven track record of world firsts in renewable energy and innovation

World’s first commercial scale tidal farm in Pentland Firth

Glenwyvis Distillery committed to net zero.

Nova Innovation create advanced tidal turbine

World first created by Orbital in Scotland for renewable energy source

Passivhaus energy efficiency for Outer Hebrides build

Island business's eco expansion

Amanda and Julian Saurin have developed the Temple Café in South Harris as a place to celebrate local island produce. Their wide range of products are made by hand, and an expansion supported by HIE for a new building will give them the space they need to launch a coffee roastery, smokery, for food preparation, and to expand their local drinks range.

Meet Amanda in our film to find out more about her efforts to support a circular economy.

See the news release here

Justin Gillen And Elliot Seguin Ampaire Test Pilots at demonstration of first hybrid electric aircraft in Scotland


In August a pioneering Orkney based project celebrated the first hybrid electric flight in Scotland across the Pentland Firth between Kirkwall and Wick John O’Groats airports. Aviation company Ampaire’s modified six-seat Cessna 337 runs on battery power and a conventional combustion engine.

The Sustainable Aviation Test Environment (SATE) is a £3.7m partnership project to develop a sustainable aviation programme which could transform short flight travel between remote communities.

The UK’s first operationally-based, low-carbon aviation test centre, the project is a partnership led by Highlands and Islands Airports Ltd, and including HIE, and is part funded by UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) through the Industrial Strategy Challenge Fund.

Find out more


Meet some of the projects greening our homes, businesses and community spaces

Sustainable growing

Businesses and organisations involved in food sourcing and production

Supporting transformation - skills and technology

New technologies are improving our capacity all the time to change how we live and work.


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