Fair Work Tourism 2

Fair work in tourism

Guidance and support for employers and employees on fair work principles in tourism.

People make Tourism

Tourism really is a ‘people business’ and tourism employment exists in every corner of the Highlands and Islands. People choosing to work in tourism here can acquire skills for life; skills that are in demand and transferable to many other locations, jobs and professions. 

Establishing the tourism sector as a career of choice for local people is critical to its success. Reputation is key for any business seeking to be an employer of choice in an increasingly competitive market. In a world where comments and feedback are just one click away, what one visitor says informs the next, and in the same way what one employee says can inform the next recruit. 

If you're a tourism employer: we've all the help here you need to make sure that your working practices inspire and support your workforce.

If you're already working in tourism, or you'd like to, then take part in our Fair Work in Tourism survey. Tell us what's most important to you so that together we can shape an industry we can all be proud of.

Fair Work Guide For Tourism Employers (1)

Your business and Fair Tourism

Attracting, developing and retaining great staff is central to any successful tourism and hospitality business. Your team is key to providing a high-quality service and maintaining an excellent reputation, both with customers and in your local community.

Are you focused on being a fair work employer, and ensuring your workers feel valued? We’ve been speaking to tourism and hospitality businesses from across the region to create this latest edition of the Fair Work Guide for Tourism Employers. It’s got a range of no-nonsense advice and tips from business leaders just like you. Open the door to great working relationships.

See the guide

If you’d like a printed copy please email tourism@hient.co.uk

Fairer workplaces fund

Applications are open for a Scottish Government fund to help businesses, charities and other organisations adopt fair work practices.

Grants of up to £50,000 are available per project. Funding is being prioritised for projects focused on adopting flexible working, and/or supporting recruitment, retention and progression of priority groups.

Applications are open until September 1.

Find out more and apply

Employee view of fair work

What makes a job in tourism the right one for you?
What makes you want to work in tourism in the Highlands and Islands?
What makes you feel valued in your tourism role?

These are the sort of things we are looking to get your views on. We want to hear from people who are working in tourism today, people who recognise what makes them feel valued, people who know what ‘fair’ looks like in the real world of work.

Take a look at our short film. Then, to tell us what you think, click on the link below. You can complete the short form anonymously if you prefer, but feel free to provide contact details if you like too.

OK let’s get started

Fair work includes truly listening to your team and creating an environment where everyone feels their input is welcome and important.
Audrey Maclennan , Senior Development Manager - Tourism, HIE
Fair Work Tourism 1


To help you identify where you are now, a Fair Work self assessment tool has been developed to help you understand and implement fair work practices in your organisation. Once you have familiarised yourself with our fair work guide for tourism, you can complete this assessment yourself or together with your team.

Find out more about Fair Work practices and access the self assessment tool

Fair work - Employer tips

Employers from across the Highlands and Islands share their own knowledge and experience of what they do to apply the principles of fair work in their organisations.

Changing the pay structure - Marina Huggett

Being transparent to empower your workforce - Ali Smith

Sociable opportunities for communication - Ian Wick

Involving staff in decision making - Michael Miele

Valuing cleaning staff - Ali Smith & Marina Huggett

Empowering staff in their roles - Craig Ewan & Marina Huggett

Practical ways to make staff feel valued - Lisa Sainsbury

Defining roles and expectations to create respect - Ellie Lamont

Appropriate use of zero hours contracts - Ali Smith

Understanding and appreciating what others do - Ian Leith

Recognising mistakes and learning from them - Martin Murray

Include staff in business growth & development - Michael Miele

Supporting staff & respecting work life balance - Simon Collier

Bonding as a team and offering benefits to staff - Jo De Sylva

Give staff a stake in the future of your business - Jo De Sylva

Making pay structure fair for all - Michael Miele

The challenges of seasonality - Ali Smith & Archie MacLellan

Supporting employees' lifestyles - Helen Dick & Jason Coles

The mutual benefits of modern apprenticeships - Ellie Lamont

Taking a holistic approach as an employer - Iain Jurgenson

Related Links

Have a look at some of our other support services and additional resources.

About fair work

Fair Work aims to balance the rights and responsibilities of employers and workers and generates mutual benefits for individuals, organisations and society.


The tourism industry makes a vital contribution to the economy and communities of our region

Browse all support services

We support businesses, communities and social enterprises through a range of support services, including advice, funding, events and property. Find out how we can help you.

Scottish Business Pledge

The Scottish Business Pledge is based on boosting productivity and competitiveness through fairness, equality and sustainable employment.


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