HIE staff and family on Inverness Campus

About us / Mu ar deidhinn

We work with communities, enterprises and stakeholders to unlock our region’s potential for growth and progress, while driving fair work and net zero practices.

Who we are / Cò sinne

We work in a diverse region which extends from Shetland to Argyll, and from the Outer Hebrides to Moray, covering more than half of Scotland’s land mass. We have offices across the region helping communities and businesses to develop and grow.

Our purpose and priorities

We work with communities, enterprises and stakeholders to unlock our region’s potential for growth and progress, while driving fair work and net zero practices. Find out more about what we do.

How we work

We work with businesses and communities of all sizes to help them develop and grow.

Annual report and accounts

Our investments and impacts are recorded in our annual report and accounts each year. Find out more about our performance.

Our Board

Our Board has responsibility for ensuring we fulfil our statutory duties and meet the aims and objectives of our strategy. Find out more about our Board.


We publish our planned procurement activity in the HIE Procurement Forward Plan. Public sector contracts of more than £50,000 are advertised on the Public Contracts Scotland website. View our plan.

Contact us

Please get in touch if you need our help or would like to discuss working with us.

How we work / Mar a tha sinn ag obair

We support organisations throughout the region to help them with a number of challenges. From community groups to larger businesses, our support is open to all.

Cairngorm Glasses
Three workers walking outside HIE headquarters on sunny day

WORK FOR US / Obair dhuinne

Fancy joining our team? Have a look at our current vacancies. Learn more about what it's like to work for HIE and the benefits we offer as an employer.

Work for us

PROCUREMENT / Solarachadh

As a public sector agency, we must ensure public money is used efficiently and achieves value for money. Have a look at our current open contracts and recent awards.


Stuart Black HIE Chief Executive

OUR BOARD / Ar bòrd

Our Board has overall responsibility for making sure we fulfil our statutory duties and meet the objectives set out by the Scottish Government.

Find out about our Board

OUR LEADERSHIP TEAM / Ar Sgioba Stiùridh

Our leadership team is chaired by Stuart Black, chief executive, as well as seven directors.

Find out about our Leadership Team

Working together to sustain a successful region

We work continuously to ensure the Highlands and Islands is a highly successful and competitive region, where people chose to live, work, study and invest.

Cairngorm cyclists by river


We celebrated our 50 year anniversary in 2015 and took a look back at how our region has developed and changed, and what impact HIE has had. Have a look through our timeline website to see what a difference 50 years can make.

Visit our timeline website


Sign up for all the latest news, information on investments and development opportunities from across our region.